Judy Woodruff

My tax dollars are paying the salary of one of your PBS correspondents, Judy Woodruff, who abused her platform by lying about former President Trump during a live on-air broadcast on Monday, August 19, 2024. Judy Woodruff has been quoted as saying, “our democracy is as strong as it is because we have a free press, because we have a press that is dedicated to getting answers and getting facts and ultimately the truth” and “When you use the word ‘lie’ you’re saying someone said whatever they said with intention to mislead, to misrepresent.” As managing editor of PBS News Hour, Judy Woodruff either intentionally was not dedicated to doing her job of “getting facts and the truth” and made her statements with intent to mislead, or she is completely incompetent as an editor, anchor, and journalist, or both. Both of the above are highly likely, given her also being quoted as saying “her remarks had not been based on any original reporting on her part.” I am calling out fraud, waste, abuse or mismanagement within the programs and operations of public broadcasting if Judy Woodruff is not fired immediately.
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Month and Year: 
August, 2024