While Katherine Maher is a bonafide Marxist/Communist/Socialist-Democrat Party who has turned NPR into a cesspool of progressive, liberal activism, your are forgetting that her predecessor John Lansing was the CEO of NPR for many years prior to her March 2024 start date. Lansing is toxic. He has been a cancer everywhere that he was employed. From his tenure at Scripps to the US Agency for Global Media, he has backstabbed his way through many corporations. He was fired from Scripps for his toxicity. He spread LIES about Russiagate and UNTRUTHS about the Trump Administration around the world during his time at USAGM. Now he has poisoned NPR and left if to rot with his Marxist/Communist/Socialist-Democrat Party colleague Katherine Maher. And let's not forget Jarl Mohn -- the jackass behind the curtain who has been the catalyst of this NPR movement to the far left. All three traitors who have skirted the edges of decency for the almighty dollar that the Marxist/Socialist/Communist-Democrat Party is willing to pay.
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April, 2024