Please explain why the BBC Studios Suddenly Decided to No Longer Make Eastenders available to the US

Why is PBS (or CPB) not negotiating for the continued airing of the British Series, “Eastenders” on WLIW PBS TV, as it has done so for at least 20 + years? Don’t you owe a bit more of an explanation to your loyal views/donors? This program has aired for decades in American and at least 12 or more years longer in England - as the British are way ahead of us in taping and the airing of the Eastenders series.

We are shocked that WLIW PBS TV suddenly notified us (on Oct. 12, 2021) at the end of this past week’s Eastenders that they are dropping the program and the last episode will be airing on Nov 18, 2021. This was WLIW’s written statement, which was snuck in at the end of the program: “Unfortunately, BBC Studios, the show's distributor, can no longer make EastEnders available in the U.S. TPT's last available episode will air on Thursday, Nov. 18, 2021. Thank you to the many TPT Members who have specifically helped make this program possible to so many fans in our community.”

That was shocking! Why can’t BBC Studios suddenly make EastEnders available in the US? There is no explanation as to why BBC Studios has done this? Is it a money issue? If so, why not share the reason with the viewers? There are many loyal fans of the show in the US that have watched Eastenders for decades and it is like the rug has been pulled out from underneath us. Why have they not even given their viewers/donors a better understanding as to the reasons they can not negotiate a deal with BBC Studios? Isn’t there anything WLIW loyal viewers / donors can do, as a group – if PBS asks for our help?

In the past, EastEnders was almost pulled the show, but they were straight with their viewers, so the viewers donated the needed money and the programing continued. What can we do to stop this from happening once again? It’s not like the creators of Eastenders discontinued creating the show, they are way ahead of us with previously created episodes in the UK. We have friends in England who watch EastEnders several times a week and there is no talk there about pulling the show. This seems very unfair to us in the USA. My husband and I have been watching Eastenders for over 20 years. I realize it is only a soap opera, but we are rather “addicted” to the show, the characters, and the exciting story lines. It seems rather mean spirited and thoughtless to do this to your viewers/donors when we have been long time viewers and supporters of Eastenders and PBS.

What can we do to reverse this decision?? Please be straight with us as to why suddenly the BBC Studies (the show’s distributor) can no longer make Eastenders available to the US. Is it a political discrepancy or financial, are they understaffed and can not do it any longer? Surely with some diplomacy or money, the issue may be resolved. Please give us more than a thank you and goodbye!


Patricia Mattone and Frank Pedagno

New York
Workbench Page Type: 
Month and Year: 
October, 2021
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