Technical Complaints

We are long time subscribers of public radio and public broadcasting starting when we were in graduate school in 1969. We are sitting here in Florida and unable to access public broadcasting because our station, WUCF, has been off the air since last Thursday. We are on an antenna. We will not support Spectrum. It's a crooked horrible company. We give our money to public broadcasting, not to places like Spectrum, but we have no service. There are all kinds of things happening in the world from impeachment trial to the coronavirus and we can't get any television news. I am absolutely fed up. You probably need to fire the General Manager. He doesn't seem to be able to manage the system. I'm extremely dissatisfied and very disappointed. 

January 22, 2020
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February, 2020
Thank you for contacting the Corporation for Public Broadcasting (CPB). Although CPB does not broadcast, produce or distribute programming, we welcome all comments about public media’s content and services. CPB neither owns, operates or controls broadcast stations. We have forwarded your concern about the technical broadcast issues at WUCF to your local station.