R&D: CPB Civic Content and Engagement Initiative


Open to all applicants.


July 12, 2024

Request for Proposals

As part of public media’s participation leading up to America’s 250th Anniversary in 2026, the Corporation for Public Broadcasting (“CPB”) seeks to engage a public media station (“Lead Station”) to research and develop a civic content and engagement initiative (“Initiative”) that will amplify stories of individual Americans from all walks of life contributing to their communities and acting on their “civic spark” – the defining moment or experience that made them realize they could make a difference through volunteering, community engagement, or public service.

This initiative is expected to unfold over two phases: an initial research and development phase, followed by a second phase comprising of a larger cohort of public radio and television stations that will produce and distribute short-form multimedia content to their local communities.

The initial phase is expected to begin no later than September 13, 2024, with an initial 8-month term through May 31, 2025 (“Phase I”), which will include:
• Researching and developing a strategic plan and framework for this Initiative’s lifecycle in collaboration with an external research
firm (“Evaluation Partner”), identified by the Lead Station.
• Providing sub-grants to a small pilot cohort of public radio and television stations to produce short-form station-generated
content prototypes that leverage multimedia platforms and expand audience reach.

The Evaluation Partner identified in the Lead Station’s proposal will:
• Conduct an Environmental Scan to identify how the Initiative fits into the national context of civic engagement-related initiatives
external to CPB and public media, and to clarify the differentiating characteristics.
• Participate in the strategic planning process and meetings.
• Gather and summarize feedback on prototype content.
• Identify a framework for measurement, data collection and analysis.

The Lead Station will provide regular updates to CPB and its Board of Directors throughout the project lifecycle regarding research activities. During Phase I, at least 4 in-person or virtual meetings are expected between the Lead Station and the CPB Executive Office and the Office of External Affairs, including one at the start of the project; one in which the Evaluation Partner presents interim findings; one to discuss the content prototyping; and one at the end of the project to present and discuss the overall findings included in a final report.

Please download the Request for Proposals below for detailed information, including application requirements.
PDF icon Request for Proposals230.09 KB

Application Procedure and General Questions:

Applicants must submit their proposals through CPB’s electronic grants management system (“GMS”).

To gain access to GMS, please send an email request to Camille Morgan, director of External Affairs and Engagement (cmorgan@cpb.org) no later than Monday, July 1, 2024. Include “GMS Access Request: RFP for R and D: Civic Content and Engagement Initiative” in the subject line. In your request, please provide your name, title, phone number, organization name, address, and organization web address. CPB will provide access to eligible applicants within two business days. Please note that even if your organization has an existing account with CPB’s electronic GMS, you must still contact Camille Morgan to request access to this specific RFP. Technical proposals must be in PDF format. Cost proposals must be in Excel format. Each uploaded file must be less than 10Mb in size and file names may not contain any of the following special characters: ~ “ # % & * : < > ? / \ { } |.

Any questions concerning this RFP must be submitted in writing to Camille Morgan by Monday, July 1, 2024. The questions and CPB’s responses will be posted on CPB’s website (www.cpb.org), without attribution on Wednesday, July 3, 2024.

CPB may request applicants with the top scores to meet with CPB senior management via video conferencing. If so, CPB will notify the selected applicants of the time and date.

Proposals must be submitted through GMS no later than Friday, July 12, 2024, at 12:00 p.m. ET. CPB will not consider applications submitted after this time.