
Ready To Learn Community Partnership Planning Applications

The Corporation for Public Broadcasting (CPB), as part of the 2015-20 Ready To Learn initiative (RTL) intends to provide funding for up to 30 public television stations in phase one, from which up to 14 stations will be selected for funding in phase two. In phase one (October 1, 2017 through April 30, 2018), applicants must demonstrate that the station has sufficient staff available to support the project with experience in early learning, station leadership support for this project, and the capacity to develop a community engagement collaborative to support early learning in STEM and literacy. In phase two (October 1, 2018 – September 30, 2020), CPB expects to fund approximately 14 of these stations to implement a two-year Community Collaborative for Early Learning & Media (CC-ELM). The objective of the CC-ELM is to give children ages two to eight from low-income households (the "Target Audience") a stronger foundation in early science and literacy learning by engaging them, their families, and their caregivers with Ready To Learn’s high-quality digital and hands-on educational content.

Business and Media Strategy Consultant

The Corporation for Public Broadcasting (“CPB”), System Development and Media Strategy (MSTRA) is seeking a consultant to provide counsel and assistance on the issues facing the public television system, including the impact of the spectrum auction on system composition and public policy, changes in consumer behavior and content delivery technology, and evolving business strategies in a digital environment.

Digital Infrastructure Assessment

CPB is seeking the services of a consultant to assess the current state of public media’s digital infrastructure, including its capacity, adaptability and flexibility to meet future needs, and to recommend ways of creating more effective and efficient uses of digital platforms, services and tools.

Digital Culture Accelerator

The Corporation for Public Broadcasting (CPB) seeks the services of a consultant(s) (Consultant) to work with three public media chief executive officers and assist them in accelerating their efforts to transform their organizations from traditional linear broadcast operations to multiplatform organizations prepared to thrive in the digital era.

The Consultant must have strong knowledge and experience in digital and broadcast media and in the digital transformation of legacy media organizations and/or building digital media organizations.

Digital Culture Accelerator

The Corporation for Public Broadcasting (CPB) seeks the services of a consultant(s) (Consultant) to work with public media chief executive officers from three organizations and assist them in accelerating their efforts to diversify their traditional linear broadcast operating model by taking advantage of digital platforms and technologies. The Consultant will work with CPB to develop the criteria to select these leaders.

The Consultant must have extensive knowledge in the transmedia space (broadcast & digital) and direct expertise in building large scale digital media organizations including being responsible for content development and distribution, revenue optimization, and business operations.

Rural Station Digital Equipment Emergency Recovery Grants

CPB has set aside $500,000 of the remaining Digital appropriation funds to provide emergency financial assistance to rural, economically-challenged public TV and radio stations to purchase and install digital master control room and/or transmission equipment that has been damaged or destroyed as a result of a natural or man-made disaster or act of terrorism.