

Why don’t you get some real reporters. No wonder nobody watches. Federal funds should be removed.

Yamiche Alcindor

The quality of the reporters appearing on the Newshour is outstanding, with one exception. Yamiche Alcindor speaks so fast that her entire report is seemingly one very long sentence. Also, although I am no fan of this president, I object to her manner and tone when she asks the president questions. Frequently she interrupts and speaks over him while he is trying to answer. I find that rude and unprofessional.

America’s Heartland

Makes me sick! Watching AH program today airing a Colorado elk/bison commercial ranch for profit. Theses animals are not intended for commercial farming. They’re for wild environment ! Remember, it was commercial farming in Canada that started “Chronic Wasting Disease” by pure negligence maybe not intentional. But the risk is very high and therefore should not be allowed! CWD has now spread throughout about half of all states in the wild animal populations especially deer and elk with devastating effects. There’s no mention of in the AH programming.

Fiscal 2020 450 Million, Corona "Stimulis" 75 million

Over a half billion dollars, yes Virginia, that's with a "b." The amount the US taxpayer will subsidize CPB to demean, criticize, and discredit the Trump Administration and its supporters. Have you no shame? To add insult to injury, one of your Seattle NPR stations, will no longer broadcast the much needed and demanded, daily Corona updates from the White House. How ironic, one of the nation's plague -ridden hotspots, and the half-wits in charge will deny valuable and timely information to its paying members!

Honorable Charitable Action

I believe the CPB could create more good will and set an excellent example for other large arts & publicly funded organizations by contributing the $75 million coming to you from the stimulus bill toward hospitals, supplies and medications related to the care for and curing the sick of the current corona virus here in the U.S.

using taxpayer money

do the patriotic thing and give the money to those that need it.

Yamiche Alcindor

Please stop her from fumbling through another broadcast. I commend her for being an intelligent educated woman. However, she has a difficult on screen delivery. I tense up at her message delivery as it is stumbles though sentences and imparts information with breathless speed. I do not mean any harm to her but some of us have gifts. Hers may be in other areas.

Subtitles/picture descriptions

I find the fairly recent addition of adding a voice description of the video during any brief silence in the audio of the program to be very distracting, confusing, and annoying. I question how much value this adds to a visually impaired person. I find it so distracting that I find myself turning off any program utilizing this, even if I have an overwhelming Interest in the subject matter. Please review its usefulness and consider repealing this practice. Thank you, Richard Hanusch

Stimulus Bill funding of CPB

I'm appalled at funding for CPB was included in the coronavirus stimulus bill. I'm asking you to refuse to accept the money. You should be striving to be fully funded by those that choose to listen to you.