
PBS News

I have been watching the Lehrer report/PBS News with Judy Woodruff for many year years. She is a great reporter and an elegant lady.

Impeachment notice during nova

Impeachment notice during nova You’re running of a subtitle message to view Impeachment procedures during are you daughter da Vinci nova Copperside is disgusting. I find it insulting when watching a non-political program to be subjected to liberal attacks on our president. I quickly change the channel and will re-examine my donations to PBS in the future.

Impeachment Hearings

Thank you so very much for providing live coverage of the hearing today. It's vital that Americans get to see such events in real time without the filter of reporters / pundits, and only CPB was willing to do this on air and not just streaming. We live in rural SC without cable and with only limited bandwidth. Without your service, this important event would have been unavailable to us.

We are grateful for CPB, PBS, and WETV-Greenville, SC.

The criminal Jamie Diamond

Gee seeing on your program allowing g him to speak about his helping Detroit is such bullshit. Why didn’t you ask him about his Rico charges or his gold fixing schemes. When did pbs become a PR puppet for Jamie Diamond?

Upcoming Hearings on Impeachment

PBS rebroadcasting the hearings in prime time evening hours would allow working persons unable to see the morning broadcasts ( keeping commentary to a minimum) would be a service to our nation. Just do it!

Reception in my area

As of Friday, I have been unable to pick up your stations. Wonder if it's just me or problem in my area. Thank you!

Impeachment hearings

I agree with the call for pbs to broadcast these hearings in the evening, just like you did the Nixon hearings. Serve the public by allowing the majority of working Americans to watch these hearings for themselves! Please! Regular programming won’t forward democracy; these hearings will. Judy Johnson

Broadcast the Impeachment Hearing

As a “viewer like you” and a contributor not only to our local PBS station but to three public radio stations, I encourage PBS to broadcast gavel-to-gavel coverage of the upcoming impeachment hearing for the reasons as cogently expressed in the full-page ad published in today’s New York Times (and I presume in other newspapers as well). Regardless of one’s position on the matter, access to the information to be developed serves the very purpose for which public broadcasting was established and which is presented absent bias and spin.


I watch Pinkalicious with my biracial granddaughter. One particular episode featured the little girl going to the hair dresser. After getting her hair done, Pinkalicious thanks the hairdresser by her first name. It may be coincidental that Pinkalicious is white and the hair dresser is black, but it made me very uncomfortable that this little girl would refer to the adult by her first name, without a title. Does Pinkalicious call all adults by their first name? I don't know but it seemed odd that she would refer to her African American elder by her first name.

Questions on bequests

Please have someone call us (or give us their telephone number). We would like to make a bequest or a trust for your company in our wills and wonder also if you do estate administration. Thanks, Susan Gouger, 973 328 8551