
How to defund NPR ?

You guys deserve to be fired!! That’s all and of course you guys know why! Ty, dumb f**ks


I used to listen all the time, now impossible as it has turned into a propaganda machine for progressives. What ever happened to presenting both sides of a discussion for the listener to decide. No more public funds fo deliberate bias.

funding for NPR

I believe CPB has failed in it's financial obligations by providing funding for NPR, since you do not meet your obligation to serve THE PUBLIC. In this way CPB is misusing public funds. I would like to see this change, since I believe NPR has a legacy of support for democracy, which has now eroded. I do not want to see funding for CPB /NPR be reduced by Congress, but I think this will be a required step unless things dramatically change. CPB objectives include:

Liberal bias

Sirs. The recent editorial regarding the liberal leaning nature of NPR equally applies to PBS. We are regular viewers on the News Hour at dinner and are repeatedly struck by the slanted reporting and bias viewpoints of the “experts”. Not subtle. I would suggest getting commentary from someone other academics. Real word working people often have equally valuable ideas. Respectfully. David T******n. Monterey California


You need to cut off the funding for NPR! If they are going to be so one sided and believe Adam Schiff, they don't deserve any public funding!


Wondering why any of my hard earned tax dollars would go to NPR when it has now been shown to be a fraud.

Defunding NPR

After the story regarding NPR covering up the truth concerning stories related to the covering up the Hunter Biden laptop as well as pushing the Trump collusion fake news via Adam Shiff myself and many people like myself, I shall be pushing to stop all funding for NPR. NPR is a communist shill. Only 30 percent of current and former listeners have any faith in your reporting.

DW news

Brent Goff is cool. He is the only reason I watch DW news. The prior calumny about Mr. Goff's ability from some viewer who is obviously struggling to achieve his G.E.D. requirement is understandable, due to his insatiable penchant for whining. DW is a class act

Ayesha Rascoe need a speech therapist

We no longer listen on Sundays and decided to stop support for NPR. Would NPR hire an on-air personality whose presentation is 'white trash'?

Weekend Edition

I no longer can listen to Weekend Edition because of Ayesha Rascoe's voice. I think she has the worst sounding voice on radio and she should be moved to a research position. Get her off the air!