Your Feedback

CPB seeks to make public broadcasting more accessible to the public it serves. To do so CPB maintains a toll-free, 24-hour telephone line (1-800-272-2190), an online contact form, and accepts letters sent directly to CPB.

All comments are available on this website to be viewed by the general public. Each year, by statute, CPB transmits this public link to the White House for its report to Congress. Additionally, comments pertaining to programming are shared with the CPB Board of Directors and relevant public media staff.


Taxtation unlawful collection's & foreclosures


I hope you post this it's about taxs, red flags and incent people Losing everything rode them to death I the one to make it right I promised my mother on her death bed one 1⃣ should haft to indure the abuse and aemuleation that she went thought I would like to talk to someone as iong as they say they are who they are the document are safe and I have enough to prove my case I couldn't get an attorney I have no money they took my mother and father life insurance plus there social security mine to work all my life and end up disabled and then no work record so I get ssi well it's taken me a long time to get it together but I need alittle help the problem I see most is the innocent get treated like there the bad person this is going to be one for the people to decide I not said anything that not true please I will call you or email me at d******* or c********* but I need someone to listen. No better way then though you. Thank you and God bless. Dale.

Daniel Tiger’s Neighborhood


My toddler loves DTN and I just wanted to let you know that the Captioning is incorrect many times on the episode with Jodi having asthma.

Note from CPB: Thank you for contacting the Corporation for Public Broadcasting (CPB). Although CPB does not produce or distribute programming, we welcome all comments about public media’s content and services. CPB does not produce Daniel Tiger's Neighborhood. Please contact the Fred Rogers Productions directly:

All radio, online, and television communications produced by NPR


I wish more Fox, Newsmax, and other media outlets’ viewers would watch truthful and useful news as presented by your well-balanced and professional staff. But it will take Trump’s jailing along with his henchmen, and their acolytes dismissed from power, to truly open their minds. Too much to hope for?

Note from CPB: Thank you for contacting the Corporation for Public Broadcasting (CPB). CPB and NPR are two separate organizations. To contact NPR, please visit

All radio, online, and television communications produced by NPR


I wish more Fox, Newsmax, and other media outlets’ viewers would watch truthful and useful news as presented by your well-balanced and professional staff. But it will take Trump’s jailing along with his henchmen, and their acolytes dismissed from power, to truly open their minds. Too much to hope for?

Note from CPB: Thank you for contacting the Corporation for Public Broadcasting (CPB). CPB and NPR are two separate organizations. To contact NPR, please visit .



hello, can pbs please stop segregating the tv shows. if your~ funded by the united states you must have all races involved or lose your~ funding.

Note from CPB: Thank you for contacting the Corporation for Public Broadcasting. We welcome all comments about public media’s content and services. However, CPB and PBS are separate organizations. CPB is prohibited from interfering with editorial decisions related to programming on PBS, NPR or local public television and radio stations.

Keeping Up Appearances.


Please bring back Keeping Up Appearances on MPB; not showing on Direct Tv!!

Note from CPB: Thank you for contacting the Corporation for Public Broadcasting (CPB). CPB does not broadcast programming. Please contact MPB at

Keeping Up Appearances.


Please bring back Keeping Up Appearances on MPB; not showing on Direct Tv!!

Note from CPB: Thank you for contacting the Corporation for Public Broadcasting (CPB). CPB is a grant making organization and does not have any authority over stations. Please contact MPB directly with your concern.



I am a supporter of public broadcast!! What is the price for " free voices and free press? The price cannot be compared! Many have lost their lives, getting the news to the people. WHAT type of democracy is there, without free press!!! This Nation and World would cease to exist!! NEWS is vital to all concerned, irregardless, country, and it inhabitants!

LET US STOP, this ANARCHY!!! We, are a "Free People and Nation!" Many, a news correspondent have died getting, the Nations news. Let, those you believe in the " FREEDOM of the PRESS" whatever the media, "TAKE A STAND " for free press.

Note from CPB: Thank you for contacting the Corporation for Public Broadcasting (CPB). Public media is a public-private partnership in the best tradition of America’s free enterprise system. To learn more about CPB’s grant making process go to



What happened to KUEN? I live in St. George, across from Webb Hill, and watch TV over the air. I have scanned my TV, but channel 9 KUEN has disappeared. It has not aired in almost 1 week. Is this a problem that will be resolved, or have I lost this station forever? Janie G****n



Very very sad what CPB has become very leftist and no regard’s to conservative folks that are not leftist.

Note from CPB: Thank you for contacting the Corporation for Public Broadcasting (CPB). By law, CPB is prohibited from producing or broadcasting programming. CPB is also prohibited by law from controlling or influencing the editorial or other content of local public television and radio programs. To learn more about the Corporation for Public Broadcasting, please visit:

Pbs newshour audio


The audio for PBS Newshour is poor. The frequency range is similar to the narrow smothered sound of A.M radio. Why not EQ and improve the sound quality?

Note from CPB: Thank you for contacting the Corporation for Public Broadcasting (CPB). CPB does not broadcast programming. Your comments about PBS NewsHour will have more weight if you contact NewsHour directly:

Excluding a Recognized Candidate in a PBS Forum



It is unfortunate that I am forced to write this correspondence today because I usually tell anyone who would listen to me that, PBS literally changed my life as a child.

However, being that I am legally on the ballot and also a publicly touted candidate for the Illinois Secretary of State, and was excluded from the WTTW Chicago candidate forum last week, has changed my life and not in the way it did when I was younger.

WTTW Chicago television station is partially funded by government monies and also from public funds, from honorable people like myself. Your Producers, picking and choosing which candidates will appear on a forum and which ones won't is not in the spirit of being a "open, transparent company" that is supposed to serve the public interest. Clearly, last nights candidate forum you served no one except the two party system.

I have contacted my attorney and we are now in the process pf exploring any legal options we have in response to your stations purposeful oversight.

I hope you and WTTW responds to this email in a way that satisfies my party, the public at large and convinces me to drop legal action.

Respectfully submitted,

Jon Stewart Libertarian Candidate for the Illinois Secretary of State

Cc: IL Libertarian Party, Matteo Rago, Esquire

Note from CPB: Thank you for contacting the Corporation for Public Broadcasting (CPB). By law, CPB is prohibited from producing or broadcasting programming. Local public broadcasting stations are independent of CPB. They are responsible for their own programming choices, and CPB is prohibited by law from controlling or influencing the editorial or other content of local public television and radio programs. Your comments will have more weight if you direct them to WTTW.

Pinkalicious "The New Girl"

My daughter is four years old and loves to watch Pinkalicious. This morning she was watching "The New Girl" episode. A new family moves to town and its two men and a little girl. The man introduces his "husband" to Pinkalicious' family. I am so upset that this lifestyle was introduced to my preschooler with no parental warning or rating etc. I would not have let her watch the episode if I had of known that material was in there. It is not the job of APT or PBS to decide when my child gets introduced to homosexuality. And frankly in my opinion it should not be in preschoolers programming. They are very impressionable at this age and a certain agenda or lifestyle should not be made to seem okay thru a familiar children's program they love to watch. Something should be done about this! I see your organization helps fund the programming. Could there at least if nothing else parental warnings be put in place so parents wont be caught off guard that dont want their children watching episodes containing this subject matter? Thank you

America and the Holocat

Per the expected from Mr Burns et al, this is a superb production. Sadly many of the people who should see it won’t. This is compounded by the six hour length of the series which disengages the marginally interested. A 90 minute version promoted as an introduction to the Holocaust might generate greater viewership particularly among those with little familiarity with the subject.

WW2 Obsession for Fundraising

If it's not bad enough for all the other main broadcasting networks/channel's stations to do all episodes, even changing which shows, so they are all WWII &/or nazi based/mentioning episodes for 5 months straight UNTIL something else (like a certain celebrity dies or certain holiday that locals that run the station give a or too much fabout) happens... then right back to same theme for the past year (year or 2 before it was all religious &/or all christian story/based episodes of all those shows). Now PBS is showing 4 or 5 hours straight of holocaust ALL WEEK?! Whotf would want to fund because they're watching that kind of c***? Before it was 10 or even 15 year old things likely everyone that had seen any of the fund raising knew/remembered seeing that before or even donating some to help in past decades but why would watching more of WW2 make them think "people will pay us/donate if we show them MORE of the holocaust/deaths/nazi-themed shows they've been "watching" for the past year or 2"? Only thing worst would be if they thought everyone wants to become christian (or another religion) again & only watch that themed shows on it (again).... oh &/or if it was all voting commercials like on the other broadcast channels. Yeah people see/read the news not everyone wants to see more of it all day/night to the point they would pay PBS to see it (there are other cable/satellite channels that would/do show that instead that could cost them less). Does PBS/OPB have no clue how long OTHER wars in OTHER countries/areas of the world have been going on &/or still happening? LOL Just as bad as the basic public school system. If "you" are going to show 1 themed thing for weeks/months at least show DIFFERENT shows/episodes & different angles of it like the nature-themed and some music-themed fund raising was. Last time I watched or saw a World war 1 &/or 2 show on was when it was actually near ONE holiday that was about it not EVERY holiday that was war/military(or christian) based. It's like a medical news story becomes trending then instead of showing shows & episodes viewers would want to see they replace them with barely related medical or medical mentioning episodes. Why not have episodes of smoke/ashes & fires for 10 years? LOL Those also human caused events have been happening for a long time too(I'm surprised the other broadcast networks/channels don't show fire/smoke, NOT cig or drug/substance smoking which they have instead in the past, based shows all the time). Nice to not see the same 2 or 3 book &/or DVD 5 or10 or 15 year old based themes, but replacing them with depressing WW2 based theme/s? Really?

Linda Carducci

She is wonderful! We love waking up to her voice on weekdays & always look forward to her Classical Sunrise. She plays a wide range of classical pieces and educates at the same time. Very rewarding to listen. No “same old chestnuts”. Deeply appreciated. When there’s a substitute we definitely miss her. Wish she wasn’t away so often but can imagine getting up at o’dark thirty every day must be exhausting. Thank you, WETA for bringing Linda Carducci to your station & giving her the early weekday morning time slot.


I once trusted you to deliver unbiased and truthful news but that is no longer the case. This type of journalism is taking America in a direction of doom. While each of you may think you are right, when this mission of yours and elitists is complete you will be able to understand the error if your ways, but it will be too late. God save us.

Cult comparisons - MagaRepublicans & People's Temple - similarities are there, let's side by side compare them

Jim Jones & Donald Trump have such similarities (from the documentary film on Jim Jones) if that documentary had any truth at all. It isn't hard to recognize the pattern. Approaching the MAGA Republicans with that exposure is only fair and required to reveal the mindset of cult figures milk their sycophants, and fans. That is exactly how the religious group worked against their own self interest and drank that kool-aid. It is kind for media to identify the peril as real, and recurring under the leaders thrilled to be followed! It's an illness. Exposure is patriotism!

Absence of Covering President Biden Address on September 1, 2022

I am a long term supporter of PBS. I was shocked that public broadcasting did not show President Biden address to the nation yesterday. The decision not to show the President's remarks was a disservice to many people who don't have cable and to the nation as well. I don't contribute to PBS to be uninformed.

Pledge drive


Donated during a pledge drive many many many months ago. The pledge gift of a glass bowl never showed up, despite my two follow up phone calls. It was to be a birthday gift from my husband to me. I’m older, no bowl. Not a good way to run a railroad! Very disappointed. Not planning to donate again.

Note from CPB: Thank you for contacting the Corporation for Public Broadcasting (CPB). CPB is a grant making organization and does not have any authority over stations. Please contact the station directly with your concern.