Your Feedback

CPB seeks to make public broadcasting more accessible to the public it serves. To do so CPB maintains a toll-free, 24-hour telephone line (1-800-272-2190), an online contact form, and accepts letters sent directly to CPB.

All comments are available on this website to be viewed by the general public. Each year, by statute, CPB transmits this public link to the White House for its report to Congress. Additionally, comments pertaining to programming are shared with the CPB Board of Directors and relevant public media staff.


RFK Jr. Candidacy

Please provide regular updates of RFK Jr.'s polling reports. The American public has the right to know about all the candidates. Thank you!

Unfair and biased coverage

You have purposely NOT been covering RFKjr. As a presidential candidate. He is polling 10-15% and has a serious chance of getting in the White House. You are supposed to be non-partisan in your coverage. Why not cover RFKjr.? He just named his VP Shanahan. There is a lot to report on the. The silence on this issue is deafening!

Robert F Kennedy, Junior

New York
I am appalled at the lack of coverage of this man’s campaign. He is in the lead with voters under 35 and in swing states in voters under age 49. He is doing well with Hispanics, people who have never voted and extremely well within Independents. Where is the coverage? You’re supposed to be non-partisan? Where is the outrage about his lack of Secret Service protection? Where is the coverage of his vice presidential pic? What is going on here?

Robert F Kennedy jr

North Carolina
As an American citizen, I request equal and fair coverage of all presidential candidates- including Robert F Kennedy Jr. Covering his amazing wins for the environment


Why is there no honest coverage on Robert F. Kennedy Jr’s campaign and poll numbers? This is incredibly disappointing and we deserve to make an informed choice in this election. Please do better.

Media Blackout

I am very concerned about your media blackout of the RFKjr campaign. My belief when I have listened to NPR and contributed in the past is that it would be nonpartisan or political. The RFKjr campaign has been completely ignored in most of it’s reporting on the 2024 election. When it has been mentioned, it has been slandered as “anti-vax” or “conspiracy theorist” with no explanation. This is clearly skewed for political and partisan reasons.

Where is Robert F Kennedy Jr for President Coverage??

Read content here: 70% of all US voters do not eant a Biden vs. Trump rematch and 52% of US voters are declaring independence from party affiliation. This should be covered by NPR.

The sidelining of Robert Kennedy Jr.

I am writing to convey my disappointment at the obvious censuring of the presidential campaign of Robert Kennedy Jr. While CPB is required to maintain a strict nonpartisan and nonpolitical stance in all its activities, it seems odd that NPR continues to ignore the increasing popular campaign of Mr. Kennedy, who, in some states is polling upwards of 25%. This can only be due to a concerted and coordinated effort to censure Mr. Kennedy from your programming. As a longtime listener of NPR, I encourage CPB to stick to its own principles and support the democratic process by covering Mr. Kennedy's campaign.

RKFJr coverage

New York
I’ve been a supporter of NPR for many years and an enthusiastic listener. Your lack of coverage of RFKJr is very upsetting. When you do mention him - every time I’ve heard it mentioned like this “ conspiracy theorist Robert Kennedy”. It’s shameful that you are so blatantly being biased. I will no longer be donating and will encourage others to stop as well. Sadly- Christine Pepe

Ayesha Rascoe

When are you going to replace this woman with a grating voice and poor grammar? Don’t listen to Sunday morning NPR any longer. Miss it but can’t stand her voice. Has nothing to do with her race but the tenor of her voice.

ayesha roscoe

I'm a longterm NPR listener and bonafide anti-rascist, but I absolutely cannot bear Ayesha Roscoe's voice, please!

Amna Naval

New York
I totally agree with the comment I just read on your web site, written a while back. Ms Nawaz is a terrible anchor, very unprofessional and off-putting. I have mostly stopped watching the program unless I become aware that she will be away. Her off site interviews at the border are ok, altho her boasting reference to speaking Urdu and Spanish was an unnecessary comment when I watched her last evening. It was none the less delightful to realize she was at the border and her presence would be limited. I do believe PBS can and should do better.

Amna Nawaz

Having recently watched her interview with Robert Kennedy Jr. She was unprepared and accusatory. She refused to provide evidence to RFK regarding his views on certain subjects, yet claimed she had proof and would show him. She did not show him on air, so what's the point? She shouldn't be allowed to just railroad over a guest, spewing her poison and nonfactual claims. She clearly had no real evidence, and just hear-say from other media. I commend PBS for having the decency to at least have RFK on. I'm not American, but I grew up when his father and uncle were in politics, trying to make a better world, just as he is. It's a shame that Amna Nawaz was so clearly biased and unfair in accusing him of things he said, when he insisted he was being misrepresented. Next time one of your hosts makes a claim, they should have their so called "proof" on hand to show the guest and the audience. Thank you.

Weekend Edition Sunday

I can't listen to Ayesha Rascoe anymore. Her voice is grating. What finally broke me, however, was when she told a caller on Sunday "you did good. You did good." She should have meant "well." Fortunately, I like the CBC's Sunday morning program.

Amna Nawaz

Did someone highjack your site. It says that Amna is terrible, which she is not. Tonight she is at or near the Guatemalan border for an excellent report. What she does not say or emphasize is that those who want to come to the US "legally" must have money and means. Someone who just wants a "better life" will not get an immigrant visa. Period. There is no way for such a person to immigrate "legally." She should know that and emphasize that!!!

Ayesha Rascoe

I too find the voice and delivery of Ms. Rascoe on air, grating, immature, annoying and distracting to the wonderful content she covers. And disagree with the defensiveness of the statement "this is my voice". Perhaps consider there isn't a host, a singer, speaker or narrator alive that doesn't care about how they reach their audience. Like most mature adults they do; they listen to themselves and take lessons just as singers do on how to use their mouths, and vocal cords to modulate and deliver either the sung or spoken word.

Ayesha Rascoe (sp?)

Is there a way that I can tell Ayesha that I enjoy her content, without sounding sexiest?

News summary changes


I always listen to the 5 minute news summary in the morning. It is the only verbal report in our home. This year you made the news feed into other programming (especially annoying on weekends where the host has a shrill grating voice) so I have to dig the phone out to shut it off. NOW you lead into 5 minutes of news with THREE commercials!!! You’ve lost me. I do not listen to commercials or watch them on TV. I pay extra to Amazon Prime & Pandora to avoid them. Unfortunately there is no such option on your service. Paul S****l S******a C**********

Note from CPB: Thank you for contacting the Corporation for Public Broadcasting (CPB). CPB and NPR are separate organizations. Please contact NPR directly at

Washington Week

Since the Atlantic took over leadership of the Washinton Week program, the program is never as diverse in choosing its guests as it was previously. Tonight’s program is a good example. The moderator and all of the guests are Caucasian. I watch the program almost every week to learn from the best in journalism. That designation not only includes those who represent the best news outlets, but it also means that a diverse set of voices are heard. Jeffrey Goldberg does not seem to place real value on diverse voices. Is he the problem?


William Brangham has been filling in as PBS anchor for Amna Nawaz & Geoff Bennett since Monday 2/19/2024 (3 nights straight so far). I am not complaining, William has done a great job as anchor. I do find it concerning that viewers are not getting any explanation as to why. I do not think that keeping we regular PBS viewers in the dark about the situation is normal PBS news behavior. I expect PBS to be transparent in reporting, even about itself!