Your Feedback

CPB seeks to make public broadcasting more accessible to the public it serves. To do so CPB maintains a toll-free, 24-hour telephone line (1-800-272-2190), an online contact form, and accepts letters sent directly to CPB.

All comments are available on this website to be viewed by the general public. Each year, by statute, CPB transmits this public link to the White House for its report to Congress. Additionally, comments pertaining to programming are shared with the CPB Board of Directors and relevant public media staff.


Broken link


I am trying to reach the Accounting Principles pdf and the link appears to be broken:

Note from CPB: Thank you for contacting the Corporation for Public Broadcasting. The link has been fixed. Thank you for bringing this to our attention.

PBS Newshour

I am shocked at how much coverage is dedicated to the Israeli struggle 3 wks after the Hamas heinous attack. Americans are being censored during the War on Gaza and I have resorted to AlJazeera for unbiased reporting on this terror by the Israeli Occupation. I don't need to list the extensive atrocities Palestinians have endured as a result of the illegal occupation, since you know, you're educated, worldly but this, this GENOCIDE will mark your journalistic integrity forever. NOT supporting PBS anymore, along with many family members. We're not anti or pro - we fight for HUMAN RIGHTS. SHAME ON YOU.

Native America series

Perhaps it would best be included in a separate series, but did you consider including all the indigenous peoples from Latin America who have migrated to the United States since the Central American wars started in the 1970's and 1980's? The invasion of the Americas into indigenous lands to take resources, like happened here, continues in the Amazon, Central America, and in the Andes. Example: illegal gold miners in Brazil have used automatic weapons to attack, kill, and drive indigenous peoples from their lands--that happened this year. Climate change, terrible education systems that don't teach in their languages, poverty, and the caste systems in Latin America that put indigenous people, especially women, at the bottom rung, and treat indigenous peoples as though they aren't really citizens with rights in their countries of origin--these social forces have driven many indigenous people to migrate to the U.S., often illegally. But they are largely invisible here--unless one is paying attention. My wife is from one of these indigenous groups, so I've been observing this phenomenon firsthand for many years. I think a show about them would be a great opportunity for our societies to look in the mirror now.

Civic Pride

Please do not be dismissive of my story. I have been a loyal contributor to the “Public Broadcasting System” since its creation by congress. How did we get to where we are? As a child, I can remember waiting with excitement to watch the next installment of “The Adams Chronicles” with my FATHER. It was something that helped instill in me a strong sense of Civic Pride. I remember seeing my father's eyes fill with tears from time to time during the course of the series. He was proud to be an inheritor of this country. He was the first generation born in “The United States of America.” He ended his life by saying, “I guess I didn't do so bad. I put 2 boys through college.” I have seen the progression from early public broadcasting in the NY metropolitan area through to Northern California, Southern California and now in Tucson, Arizona. The local AZPM has become nothing more than an advertising company. They proudly solicit, on air, their ability to put a company on their broadcasting service. I will not divert into programming questions. What has motivated this correspondence is the deterioration of the nightly news broadcast. How could we have sunk this low. I do not blame the selection of the 2 people hosting the broadcast. I do not know how material is selected and who slants the material, but it is not “The MacNeil, Lehrer News Hour” any longer. Do they not have the ability to show anything but victims of the Hamas war with on Israel? The war must be reported on, but it is a war. It is not something to keep score on like a ball game. I will not watch one more tearful victim on either side. There was hope this kind of programming could have been avoided when Gwen was alive, but Judy alone was not a capable Journalist, to say nothing of her overt sexism. How she stayed on for as long as she did I will never know. I only occasionally watch the news hour any longer, but when I do, I end up turning it off quickly and turn to internet sources for my news. This is not just a PBS issue, but I had to take a moment to let you know how far down you have gone. I no longer pledge my support to PBS.

Linda Carducci

Please encourage Ms. Carducci to do more explanations of musical terms as she did with etudes this morning.

WTVP Peoria Financial Fraud

Are you paying attention to the financial disaster at WTVP in Peoria, IL? The entire Board of Directors needs to be dissolved & replaced - IMMEDIATELY!

Ayesha Rascoe

As long as Ayesha Rascoe is the host for Sunday edition I will NOT contribute to NPR. Her voice is so grating and annoying I can’t listen anymore. Surely there are other women who would be better as the host.

sunday morning

Ayesha Roscoe has singlehandedly ruined Sunday morning for us. it was once our favorite morning line up to listen to, not anymore. Her voice is the most ANNOYING voice we have ever heard and her screeching is earsplitting. Take her off the radio or send her to a vocal coach to do some voice training. What are you thinking? we are considering dropping our support.


NewHour coverage of the Israel/Hamas conflict is inarguably unbalanced presenting primarily Gaza victim side with no context and scant mention of how this started in the current conflict, virtually no mention of extraordinary and illegal attack on innocent Israelis. We have contacted our federal representatives on the question of public funding.

Ayesha Rascoe

I find Rascoe's voice -- the subject of some controversy -- refreshing. I look forward to her program on Sun. mornings, and I appreciate the questions she asks. She always seems to be well prepared and interested in exploring her subject in some depth. I really appreciate today's interview in which we got some context and background on yesterday's Hamas attack on Israel. The news I heard yesterday did not mention the settlers' incursions into Al Aqsa mosque, which Hamas claims provoked this attack. Whether or not this is the case, we need to hear both sides of the story & frequently we get only the perspective of the Israeli government, supported by the US State Dept. [my demographic -- I am a 79 y.o. "white", non-Jewish female, US-born]

Aisha Rascoe

New York
Probably murdered her name, but I’m responding to the (probably White) person who claims she should be removed because she doesn’t “have a voice for radio “. I am a white person in her 70s - her voice enchants me and lifts my spirits every time I hear her. Thank you for bringing diversity to the airwaves.

Ayesha Rascoe

New York
I have been a listener and contributor to three public radio stations for decades: WSHU,WNYC &WFUV and more recently WQXR , and I have never sent negative feedback I must express my disappointed in Ayesha Rascoe hosting Sunday Morning. I am a Dominican born New Yorker who has served in public office and have actually had white men remark after my presentation of a proclamation or some other type of speech , “ You speak so intelligently, I didn’t think you were Dominican”. Not everyone was as direct as the man who made that comment, but the point of view is clearly demonstrated in many forms. “Brown and Black women aren’t too smart and are in their positions because of “ anti white man” bigotry” is a cruel and hurtful perspective Ms Rascoe’s unpleasant voice, mispronunciation of words and names and cringe causing giggles at her inability to come up with answers during the puzzle is far beneath the standards I’ve come to expect on NPR. But more importantly( to me) is that there not be a presumption that the bar is set lower for women of color. Lourdes ( Lulu) Garcia Navarro made me feel very proud. I would suggest that all our hosts make all of us proud, particularly those who identify with them.

Deborah Procotor GM

New York
Please remove funding from The Classical Station out of Wakefield NC for censorship of arts on the grounds of “not family friendly “. Works like Malcolm X and The Hours have been judged and censored by a few narrow minded individuals. Public funds should not support this.

Sunday Morning Edition

Aaaarghhh another Sunday morning and I have to turn off the radio. Ayesha Roscoe's voice is like nails on a chalkboard please move her to a different slot.

Amna Nawaz on PBS October 24


Ms. Nawaz could not control her comments when talking with the gentleman at PBS. Never seen such a PBS comment.

Note from CPB: Thank you for contacting the Corporation for Public Broadcasting. CPB does not produce programming or employ journalists. CPB is prohibited by law from controlling or influencing the editorial or other content of PBS NewsHour. Your comments will have more weight if you contact PBS NewsHour directly:

Ayesha Rascoe

To whom it may concern ; I’m a regular listener of public radio especially on Sundays. Lately I’ve no longer listening to public radio on Sundays. Ayesha Rascoe is unfortunately gifted with the most annoying voice I’ve ever listened to! Even if she is medically impaired, I strongly feel that image of npr is not properly represented! I’m stopping to listen to the Sunday edition because of that annoying voice!

Amna Nawaz


Please, please remove her from the nightly broadcast. I am hanging in there, but I am close to no longer watching. She reads her cue cards like a freshman in High School. And the constant earnest sadness in her eyes is so glaringly inappropriate! Judy Woodruff was the best. Note: All the other present-day announcers are fantastic! Please, please move her off the top slot, otherwise you risk losing more and more watchers. A*****y S******l

Note from CPB: Thank you for contacting the Corporation for Public Broadcasting. CPB does not produce programming or employ journalists. CPB is prohibited by law from controlling or influencing the editorial or other content of PBS NewsHour. Your comments will have more weight if you contact PBS NewsHour directly:

Ayesha Roscoe


Horrible grating voice. Can't stand it.

Washington Week, Host-Jeffery Goldberg

New Jersey

Please, enough of Jeffery Goldberg of The Host of Washington Week. This fellow comes across completely unprepared each week to function as the host. When I watch Washington Week each week I want to hear in depth analysis of the goings on in our national’s Capitol, not friendly chit chat in any way with the guests each week. Also, toward the end of the show of October 27, Mr. Goldberg made a big production of the last question he was going to ask his guests, only in the end to ask his guests if they thought it was a sure thing that Mr. Trump would be The GOP candidate for President in 2024? Excuse me, but where has been Mr. Goldberg been? Presently, is there another Presidential Republican candidate anywhere close to Mr. Trump in the polls? NO! Please PBS, show your viewers some respect by replacing Mr. Goldberg as the host of Washington Week, with someone who can do that function with the proper preparedness, pose, and intelligence that should be a prerequisite to have, to be The Host of Washington Week. Thank you. E**a B******d

Note from CPB: Thank you for contacting the Corporation for Public Broadcasting. CPB does not produce programming or employ journalists. CPB is prohibited by law from controlling or influencing the editorial or other content of Washington Week with The Atlantic. Your comments will have more weight if you contact Washington Week with The Atlantic directly:

I would like the name and number of the person who can provide guidance on how WVST can become a member of CPB.


Hello Sir or Ma'am: My name is Will Harris, Station Manager, WVST 91.3 FM. I would like the name and number of the person who can provide guidance on how WVST can become a member of CPB. Thanks in advance!!! Willie Harris, III, M.Ed Assistant Professor Mass Communication Virginia State University

Note from CPB: Thank you for contacting the Corporation for Public Broadcasting (CPB). I apologize for the delay in our response. CPB provides funding to public broadcasting stations who meet the following requirements: the substantial majority of each station’s daily total programming hours broadcast on all of its channels, including its primary and additional multicast channels, must be devoted to CPB-Qualified Programming. The station must broadcast on a schedule of seven (7) days per week, fifty-two (52) weeks per year, for a total of at least 3,000 hours or fifty-eight (58) hours per week. The following types of stations are not Eligible Grantees: (a) stations that are closed-circuit; (b) stations that are managed and operated by and for students; (c) stations that primarily provide training programming to licensee employees, clients, and/or representatives; and/or (d) stations licensed to political organizations. To learn more about CPB’s station requirements please visit . To learn more about CPB’s grant making process go to .