Your Feedback

CPB seeks to make public broadcasting more accessible to the public it serves. To do so CPB maintains a toll-free, 24-hour telephone line (1-800-272-2190), an online contact form, and accepts letters sent directly to CPB.

All comments are available on this website to be viewed by the general public. Each year, by statute, CPB transmits this public link to the White House for its report to Congress. Additionally, comments pertaining to programming are shared with the CPB Board of Directors and relevant public media staff.


Dish tv


How can I get wtiu on dish TV in Clinton iN? Two pbs channels now available are out most of the time.

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Buil Back Better


The second largest cost of BBB is the DALT provision. PBS Newshour appears to intentionally avoid talking about SALT to sell the bill to the public. PBS can’t use public money to advance socialist agenda. There are to many critical thinkers and please stop insulting our intelligence.

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PBS Newshour

New Jersey

We’re really not enjoying Gary Abernathy as the excellent Jonathan Capehart’s commentary partner. For example, using Democrat Party instead of Democratic is both childish and provocative, as his is smirking. Surely you can do better.

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High cost of PBS


When I was young, shows on PBS were free. Now, in order to watch most of your programming, I must pay a couple hundred dollars per year to become a member. So in effect, you have become a very expensive pay channel. Why the change in policy?

Note from CPB: Thank you for contacting us with your concern about funding public media and its content. Public media is a public-private partnership relying on multiple sources of funding in addition to the federal investment. PBS stations have always relied on donations from individuals to provide content to local communities and contributions from members to local stations are the largest single source of support for public television. In 2011, Congress asked CPB to produce a report on alternatives to federal funding for public media (PUBLIC LAW 112–74—DEC. 23, 2011). A link to that report can be found below. PBS Passport, which offers extended access to national and local content, is an added benefit of station membership. It cannot be purchased separately and is not a subscription service. This member benefit is a complement to the fundamental service PBS and PBS stations provide -- access to outstanding programming via over-the-air broadcast and through free streaming for a significant time. Every program available via Passport was previously available for streaming to non-Passport Members after the broadcast. Public media continues to offer the broadest access to freely available TV content – over-the-air on local member stations, through digital platforms and in communities across the U.S. Both local and national content is available without charge from stations around the country through a variety of platforms.

Amna Nawaz


Nawaz is a terrible wanna-be-anchor whose staccato, machine gun delivery is at least off-putting and disrupts the kind of calm insight Woodruff has brought for years. If Nawaz takes Judy's seat you have lost my viewership and membership as well as those of my circle of friends who share my dislike. I am amazed that someone hasn't taken her aside and retrained her from her network supercharged delivery--she bounces in her seat!!. I would appreciate a response as I have written you all several times and have received NADA.

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Cancellation of Eastenders in the US ,on December 11,2021


Why is EASTENDERS being cancelled, on December 11,2021,in the United States.?

Note from CPB: Thank you for contacting the Corporation for Public Broadcasting (CPB). Although CPB does not produce or distribute programming, we welcome all comments about public media’s content and services. Each local public broadcasting station makes its own programming choices, as CPB is prohibited from interfering with editorial decisions related to programming on local public television and radio stations. Your comments will have more weight if you contact your local station.

Molly of Denali Racism


For the first time, I saw an episode of Molly of Denali the other night with my 7 year old. I was absolutely appalled at the blatant racism in that episode. An episode meant to "teach" children not to stereotype and make condescending comments toward a race did exactly that. If the way we teach children to be less racist is to teach stereotyping, then I'm confused as to how you think this kind of programming is working.

So let me explain what I saw. Two ultra white guys come in, known as "the Tourists" and suddenly they're making comments to the kids about not looking very native, suggesting that they should have native clothing on and in a round about way questioning whether the mom as a woman is capable of flying them around on a touring trip. At the end of the show, the white guys apologize. Now anyone with half an understanding of racism sees that this is the narrative constantly being painted by the media. Get the white guy to apologize. They're ignorant.

But let me ask a question, what happens to kids who have a native mom and a white dad? Are they to be ashamed of their white dad? I mean he must not be so racist to have married a native women? Have you thought about the psychology around this in terms of how confusing this can be to a mixed race child? Are they supposed to pick a side? This is wrong on so many levels.

Secondly, could two black Americans not have walked in and been equally as "ignorant" as these white guys? Are you assuming that every other race besides white guys would be more "aware" and less "racist". You kid yourselves to think that all races don't stereotype. I've seen black Americans insult first generations Africans. Let's not put other races on a more racially aware pedestal.

I saw right through this episode. I explained to my children how racist this episode was and that it was the wrong way to teach appreciation for other cultures. Thank you for showing children exactly the fact that this is an agenda not laced in real concern for cultural appreciation. Thank you for making my kids feel like their daddy who has been many places in the world and has worked with many different cultures is a white male full of racist tendencies and uncertain of how to respect other cultures.

Good job on furthering the racist divide.

I would love to hear from someone on this because this is very damaging psychology laced in a cutesy children's program.

Heather L.

Note from CPB: Thank you for contacting the Corporation for Public Broadcasting (CPB) with your concerns about a recent episode of Molly of Denali. We greatly appreciate your feedback. Because CPB does not produce or distribute programming and is prohibited from interfering with editorial decisions related to programming, we forwarded your input to the producers of Molly of Denali. We also submitted your comment to PBS Audience Services, which reviews and responds to public feedback about PBS content, and which can also be reached via Thank you again for taking the time to share your thoughts



November 2021 To whom it may concern, I am so sad that Eastenders will no longer be airing on PBS/TPT Channel 2. I stared watching in 1985 and have been ever since. I was 17 at the time and helped to fill a void in my life, that was 36 years ago. As I got older I supported Eastenders monetarily when I was able to do so. I know it is just a TV show, but the characters and re-ocurring cast members have been like 'family' and in a sense some of them I have grown up with, mourned the death of characters both on the show in real life ....and been joyful with their accpmlishments too. All good things come to end I guess, and this is just another one of those things in life that is ending. I will truly miss the story....and to all the actors and characters of Eastenders that have been so much a part of my life for so long, I wish you all well in the rest of your journeys, sadly I will not be able to follow yours....... Sincerely Lynn (Blomster) Schultz

Note from CPB: Thank you for contacting the Corporation for Public Broadcasting (CPB). Although CPB does not produce or distribute programming, we welcome all comments about public media’s content and services. Each local public broadcasting station makes its own programming choices, as CPB is prohibited from interfering with editorial decisions related to programming on local public television and radio stations. Your comments will have more weight if you contact your local station, TPT.

Pledge Drive Host Names


I'd like to know the names of the two pledge drive hosts during "Broadway: Beyond the Golden Age" on WTTW in Chicago.

Note from CPB: Thank you for contacting the Corporation for Public Broadcasting (CPB). CPB does not produce, distribute, or broadcast programming. Please contact your local station with your question.


I love the CPB jobline. I use it all the time. I have a full-time job that I love and don't plan on leaving soon, but it's interesting to see what's out there. But I hate that most companies don't list actual salaries. It's a big waste of time to apply for jobs that you end up not being able to take because of the low salary. It's also about transparency. Please start requiring companies to at least list a salary range.

Program feedback

I want to have some Privacy


I've been a listener of KPBS since the late 90's. I've appreciated the programming and even agreed with the 'liberal bias,' and when I didn't, I thought that at least KPBS tried to present both sides. I'm no longer of that opinion. After the Trump presidency something happened to the reporting, it started becoming more partisan. To a degree, I think it was a natural reaction to Trump's presidency. But then the George Floyd murder came and KPBS broke. It's reporting fully adopted what Wesley Yang dubbed the "successor ideology." In other words, KPBS went full "woke" and started incessantly analysing everything through identity. At this point, when it comes to any topics related to identity politics, I consider KPBS a biased promoter of this ideology. While even a few years ago I would have been a fierce defender of this news station, I would now support eliminating public funding for it alltogether, as it no longer tries to provide unbiased news. A public news station should be providing facts not pushing an ideological agenda, by selectively reporting only certain view points. It should especially not be pushing an agenda that pits different groups of Americans against one another or vilifies large groups of people based on this skin color, sex or EVEN political affiliation. I don't think I can ever forgive you. Nothing short of multiple apologies to the American people would suffice. And a return to reporting that respects all groups of the American people. And I will save you the trouble: Note from CPB: Thank you for contacting the Corporation for Public Broadcasting (CPB). CPB and PBS are separate and independent organizations.CPB is prohibited from interfering with editorial or programming decisions. Please contact PBS directly at

you are helping globalists take our freedom with our own money

congratulations: bigger liars, fools, lazy crowdthinkers, and useful idiots cannot be found.

Henry Louis Gates


He’s a Race bater! He only tells half of the truth! Conveniently leaves out facts about Black Slave owners?? His guests are all one sided! Pretty much all of your programming is very one sided! I no longer watch PBS Programming. unbelievably biased!

Note from CPB: Thank you for contacting the Corporation for Public Broadcasting. We welcome all comments about public media’s content and services. However, CPB is prohibited from interfering with editorial decisions related to programming on PBS or local public television and radio stations. Your comments will have more weight if you contact PBS directly.



I’m 49 , life long listener Middle class white American. I’m a news hound. Multiple sources. Its become completely obvious that WSHU is very bios and completely blue. I’m neither red nor blue. Shame on WSHU in particular. I still trust NPR.

Note from CPB: Thank you for contacting the Corporation for Public Broadcasting. We welcome all comments about public media’s content and services. However, CPB is prohibited from interfering with editorial decisions related to programming on PBS, NPR, or local public television and radio stations. Your comments will have more weight if you contact your local station directly.

Washington week


Each Friday some panelists refer to Dj trump as President trump and mike pence as VP. THEY NO LONGER HAVE THOSE TITLES. PLEASE refer to them correctly going forward.

Note from CPB: Thank you for contacting the Corporation for Public Broadcasting. We welcome all comments about public media’s content and services. However, CPB is prohibited from interfering with editorial decisions related to programming on PBS or local public television and radio stations. Your comments will have more weight if you contact Washington Week directly:

Please explain why the BBC Studios Suddenly Decided to No Longer Make Eastenders available to the US

New York

Why is PBS (or CPB) not negotiating for the continued airing of the British Series, “Eastenders” on WLIW PBS TV, as it has done so for at least 20 + years? Don’t you owe a bit more of an explanation to your loyal views/donors? This program has aired for decades in American and at least 12 or more years longer in England - as the British are way ahead of us in taping and the airing of the Eastenders series.

We are shocked that WLIW PBS TV suddenly notified us (on Oct. 12, 2021) at the end of this past week’s Eastenders that they are dropping the program and the last episode will be airing on Nov 18, 2021. This was WLIW’s written statement, which was snuck in at the end of the program: “Unfortunately, BBC Studios, the show's distributor, can no longer make EastEnders available in the U.S. TPT's last available episode will air on Thursday, Nov. 18, 2021. Thank you to the many TPT Members who have specifically helped make this program possible to so many fans in our community.”

That was shocking! Why can’t BBC Studios suddenly make EastEnders available in the US? There is no explanation as to why BBC Studios has done this? Is it a money issue? If so, why not share the reason with the viewers? There are many loyal fans of the show in the US that have watched Eastenders for decades and it is like the rug has been pulled out from underneath us. Why have they not even given their viewers/donors a better understanding as to the reasons they can not negotiate a deal with BBC Studios? Isn’t there anything WLIW loyal viewers / donors can do, as a group – if PBS asks for our help?

In the past, EastEnders was almost pulled the show, but they were straight with their viewers, so the viewers donated the needed money and the programing continued. What can we do to stop this from happening once again? It’s not like the creators of Eastenders discontinued creating the show, they are way ahead of us with previously created episodes in the UK. We have friends in England who watch EastEnders several times a week and there is no talk there about pulling the show. This seems very unfair to us in the USA. My husband and I have been watching Eastenders for over 20 years. I realize it is only a soap opera, but we are rather “addicted” to the show, the characters, and the exciting story lines. It seems rather mean spirited and thoughtless to do this to your viewers/donors when we have been long time viewers and supporters of Eastenders and PBS.

What can we do to reverse this decision?? Please be straight with us as to why suddenly the BBC Studies (the show’s distributor) can no longer make Eastenders available to the US. Is it a political discrepancy or financial, are they understaffed and can not do it any longer? Surely with some diplomacy or money, the issue may be resolved. Please give us more than a thank you and goodbye!


Patricia Mattone and Frank Pedagno

Note from CPB: Thank you for contacting the Corporation for Public Broadcasting (CPB). CPB and PBS are separate organizations. Although CPB does not produce, distribute, or broadcast programming, we welcome all comments about public media’s content and services. Each local public broadcasting station makes its own programming choices, as CPB is prohibited from interfering with editorial decisions related to programming on local public television and radio stations. You may wish to contact PBS or BBC studios directly.



I live to see the British shows at 9 to 11 Sat. nights , and I turn on your station , and there's a football game on , when As time Goes By and Doc Martin are scheduled. Very disappointed to miss what you have on your announced schedule.

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Note from CPB: Thank you for contacting the Corporation for Public Broadcasting. We welcome all comments about public media's content and services. However, CPB does not produce or distribute content, and CPB is prohibited from interfering with editorial decisions related to programming on public television and radio stations. Please contact PBS NewsHour with you concerns:

Too much partisan politics coming from PBS Newshour


In just a few words: Judy Woodruff and Yamich Alcindor have to go. Let them move to liberal talk radio, just not a legitimate news source like the Newshour has always been until now. I’m nauseated every time I see them. I have moved to ABC Nightly News and am considering stopping my automatic donations to my local station.

Note from CPB: Thank you for contacting the Corporation for Public Broadcasting. We welcome all comments about public media's content and services. However, CPB does not produce or distribute content, and CPB is prohibited from interfering with editorial decisions related to programming on public television and radio stations. Please contact PBS NewsHour with you concerns: