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CPB seeks to make public broadcasting more accessible to the public it serves. To do so CPB maintains a toll-free, 24-hour telephone line (1-800-272-2190), an online contact form, and accepts letters sent directly to CPB.

All comments are available on this website to be viewed by the general public. Each year, by statute, CPB transmits this public link to the White House for its report to Congress. Additionally, comments pertaining to programming are shared with the CPB Board of Directors and relevant public media staff.


Weekend Edition

I no longer can listen to Weekend Edition because of Ayesha Rascoe's voice. I think she has the worst sounding voice on radio and she should be moved to a research position. Get her off the air!

Lack of Coverage of 3rd Party Candidate Robert Kennedy Jr.

As a public broadcasting network, you are compelled to maintain a strict nonpartisan and nonpolitical stance in all its activities. Fulfill your charter please.

Honest coverage of RFK Jr. Campaign

New York
As the 2024 election cycle ramps up it is important to have a well informed public and honest coverage of those running. RFK Jr. Is a serious candidate in this race, however, mainstream coverage by outlets such as NPR tend to hyper fixate on out of context clips or other dishonest takes. Journalists need to realize what he is taking on - corporate capture of our government and government agencies. Instead of writing about pharmaceutical industries corruption, the media calls him anti-vax. The argument he makes is much deeper than what’s covered. I can say much more but will keep this brief Please have him on NPR or ensure a wider spectrum of journalists covering this extremely important matter. Our democracy depends on it.


Stop ignoring Bobby Kennedy, you corrupt bastards

Lack of nonpartisan reporting- excluding RFK Jr

You are leaving out coverage of RFK Jr and you are supposed to be nonpartisan and getting funding to be so. Shame on you. I use to be an everyday listener but no more. By the way, he has many good and solid things to say about gov't, policy, the Constitution, as well as, health, chronic disease, food, and the environment. For supposedly being a more "intellectual" thought org, I would think you would intensely interested to hear what he has to say.

Please report fairly

I do not feel like when I listen to NPR I'm getting all the facts. The tone is so ridiculous these days. Also, who haven't we heard from RFK? Or Trump? I get it, you don't like them, so what! This is public funded. We All deserve to hear it all. When you were on the first cares bill I know you were going to go way way off the mark. Could you please come back to normal, you were the best of the best at once point. Thank you DLM

Partisan programming

I listened to NPR for 25 years and donated $ every year, but the last four or five years have seen a dramatic change. They were always left leaning, but now they are just as left as MSNBC. They proved it during Covid and then now with their blatant ignoring of RFK Jr. The last straw for me came when Jenn White on 1A started referring to expectant mothers as 'pregnant people'. Enough is enough. No more money and no more listening to your propaganda.

Pres Election

New Mexico

We want to hear more of. RFKjr. You have been ignoring a large movement.

Note from CPB: Thank you for contacting the Corporation for Public Broadcasting (CPB). CPB does not broadcast programming. Please contact your local station with your concerns.

How to defund NPR ?


You guys deserve to be fired!! That’s all and of course you guys know why! Ty, dumb f**ks

Presidential candidate Robert F Kennedy Jr

I am a big fan of my local PBS station in San Diego. However I have yet to see any coverage of Mr Kennedy and his campaign messages that resonate with people nationwide and NPR seems to be ignoring him. The CPB is supposed to be non partisan in its funding. As an American I'd appreciate seeing and hearing from all my choices for president. Thank you, Erin

Ayesha Rascoe's Voice


I agree with all of the comments about Ayesha Rascoe's voice: it doesn't belong on radio, especially alongside the amazing Michel Martin. Why not just make her a producer or an editor? She seems like a fine reporter. But to punish listeners with Ayesha Rascoe's terrible voice is just not fair. I've stopped listening to NPR's Weekend Edition, and may not donate to my local station this year.

NPR RFK Jr. Blackout

RFK JR. Is polling in the double digits nationally yet NPR appears to be solely focused on the two major party candidates. Public broadcasting is supposed to be politically non-biased….


North Carolina

IT'S COME to my attention and several others that you are a biased news organization.With about 80 some people whom are all democrats so in broad analysis yo only cover one side of the playing field.How can you say your NPR is bios when in actuality it only gives 1 aspect of the view

Note from CPB: Thank you for contacting the Corporation for Public Broadcasting (CPB). CPB and NPR are two separate organizations. To contact NPR, please visit

Election coverage

North Carolina
Please provide more coverage of 3rd party candidates esp. RFK Jr.



Where is NPR's coverage of the 3rd viable candidate in the presidential race, Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.? No polling information, no updates on his ballot access, etc.

Note from CPB: Thank you for contacting the Corporation for Public Broadcasting (CPB). CPB and NPR are two separate organizations. To contact NPR, please visit

RFK Jr. Candidacy

Please provide regular updates of RFK Jr.'s polling reports. The American public has the right to know about all the candidates. Thank you!

Unfair and biased coverage

You have purposely NOT been covering RFKjr. As a presidential candidate. He is polling 10-15% and has a serious chance of getting in the White House. You are supposed to be non-partisan in your coverage. Why not cover RFKjr.? He just named his VP Shanahan. There is a lot to report on the. The silence on this issue is deafening!

Robert F Kennedy, Junior

New York
I am appalled at the lack of coverage of this man’s campaign. He is in the lead with voters under 35 and in swing states in voters under age 49. He is doing well with Hispanics, people who have never voted and extremely well within Independents. Where is the coverage? You’re supposed to be non-partisan? Where is the outrage about his lack of Secret Service protection? Where is the coverage of his vice presidential pic? What is going on here?

Robert F Kennedy jr

North Carolina
As an American citizen, I request equal and fair coverage of all presidential candidates- including Robert F Kennedy Jr. Covering his amazing wins for the environment

Katherine Maher, NPR's new CEO.


I am appalled at your choice for NPR's new CEO. This woman should be investigated immediately for her blatant biased leadership. Therefore I'm sure it won't take long after the investigation to realize that she needs to be fired immediately on the spot.

Note from CPB: Thank you for contacting the Corporation for Public Broadcasting (CPB). CPB is not responsible for any aspect of the hiring process for non-CPB positions. Please contact NPR directly at