Your Feedback

CPB seeks to make public broadcasting more accessible to the public it serves. To do so CPB maintains a toll-free, 24-hour telephone line (1-800-272-2190), an online contact form, and accepts letters sent directly to CPB.

All comments are available on this website to be viewed by the general public. Each year, by statute, CPB transmits this public link to the White House for its report to Congress. Additionally, comments pertaining to programming are shared with the CPB Board of Directors and relevant public media staff.


Politics Monday

This is the third time I have asked this question: why was Politics Monday (evidently) dropped from the PBS NewsHour, and why was nothing whatsoever said about it?

PBS New Hour’s Politics Monday

South Dakota
We have noticed Politics Monday has been absent since the beginning of 2023. Will this be permanent? We miss this segment and hope it will return.

Pbs news hour 2023

I think Jeff and Amna are doing a great job. But where is Politics Monday with Amy Walters and Tamara Keith? A bunch of us are hoping they have just been on a 2 week hiatus. We've missed them! their comments are always a favorite way to start the week.

Israeli-Palestinian conflict

I have watched the News hour with Judy Woodruff for many years. I am appalled and surprised by the lack of coverage on what is currently happening in Israel/Palestine. The UN Security Council is preparing to hold an emergency meeting to discuss the recent visit by Israel’s new national security minister, Itamar Ben-Gvir, to the Al-Aqsa Mosque in occupied East Jerusalem. His visit was condemned across the Middle East. Ben-Gvir’s actions could lead to more conflict. Jordan’s Foreign Ministry decrying it as “scandalous and [an] unacceptable violation of international law.” Al-Aqsa Mosque is one of the holiest sites in Islam and Judaism. Why isn't this important story being reported in the News Hour?

Donald Trump

Why give to a know dangerous individual who has shown that his intent is to influence large numbers of people for his personal gain. Does a man who loves his country not pay taxes?

fundraising from local to you


As KQED is the local part of CPB, I am addressing my comments to you as well. Margaret G*** G*****e.

KQED 2601 Mariposa St. San Francisco, CA 94110

January 2, 2023


I have supported KQED to the tune of $20 monthly and an extra $200 in donations this past year. This totals $440.00. My income is less than $60,000 annually. I am a renter.

I give what I do to KQED because I watch the PBS NewsHour 4 or 5 times a week and 5 or 6 other shows on channels 9 and 54 each week. That’s less than12 hours maximum KQED time a week, though it is less during your multiple 2 week long periods of fundraising. I mute all your long fundraising spiels if I happen to be tuned into KQED. I mostly avoid KQED apart from the NewsHour when you are fundraising. The filler shows are old, repetitious and of no interest to me and possibly others, .

During regular programming can’t you find a better way to bridge from 50-60 minutes? I wonder why you don’t have more corporate sponsors? The endless replaying of sponsors’ appeals in not encouraging of support. I mute these as well.

If other people are like me, I can understand if you don’t achieve the level of personal donations you wish.

I find it disrespectful to me as a consumer that you never tell us, the public, how much money you are seeking to raise as you beg for money, Likewise, you never tell us how you use your funds. I can’t go out of my way to support an organization so irresponsible to the public it at least somewhat depends on.

With my limited income I support a small number of aid organizations, e.g. Doctors without Borders, UNHCR, Immigrants Rising, for example. They tend to be much more forthcoming regarding the why’s of their appeals , $ goals, and often their progress in reaching those goals. Why aren’t you?

I would be most grateful for and interested in receiving a response.

Two final comments: I’m copying this to the Corporation for Public Broadcasting; I rarely listen to KQED radio.


Margaret (G*** G*****e **** O** S****** Dr. San Anselmo, CA 94960 415-***-**86

Note from CPB: Thank you for contacting the Corporation for Public Broadcasting (CPB). CPB is a grant making organization and does not have any authority over stations. Please contact the station directly with your concern. You may also take your complaint directly to the FCC.



I was in Co. Springs a few weeks in October, 2022. I listened to NPR online via KRCC. I returned to my home in Guatemala and KRCC came with me! It interrupts my NPR programming with its Colorado station. How can I remove KRCC from my laptop?

Note from CPB: Thank you for contacting the Corporation for Public Broadcasting (CPB). CPB and NPR are two separate organizations. To contact NPR, please visit

Obtaining copies of programs that I have seen on PBS and would like to own


In years past, you could go to the PBS website and purchase videos of programs you had watched (or missed) on your PBS channel. I see nothing like that service on this website. I'd truly like to have copies of several of the American Experience episodes -- if I can afford them! Is such a service still provided? And, if so, how do I access it?

Note from CPB: Thank you for contacting the Corporation for Public Broadcasting (CPB). PBS has an online store. You may view their American Experience collection here:



Why won’t Channel 20 reward their staff rather than bring people in from elsewhere. You have several women doing a great job in the field, etc., and you ignore their service. Jaffnie Gray is a great example of bringing someone in and ignoring current staff. Even Brittany Spears who fills in when the morning staff and does a great job (and there were others there longer than her) was ignored. If she’s good enough to fill in why was she ignored. Also, if you choose to ignore current staff to bring others in, the least you could have someone choose her outfits. It’s sad to see her on air in such horrible outfits and it seems someone could help her!

Note from CPB: Thank you for contacting the Corporation for Public Broadcasting (CPB). CPB does not fund projects unrelated to public broadcasting. CPB also does not produce programming or employ journalists. To find your local public media station, please visit

Programming on pbs

New Mexico

I would neverdonate money to pbs.I watch the series but as far as the rest,nothing much I agree with .All of the hosts and guests are liberal,not a pretty picture of democracy !

Note from CPB: Thank you for contacting the Corporation for Public Broadcasting (CPB). CPB and PBS are separate organizations. CPB is prohibited by law from controlling or influencing the editorial or other content of local public television and radio programs. Please contact PBS directly at



Enjoy many programs on PBS. Today I was watching and again, in between shows you were promoting the Global Weirding series. Now I admit that I have not seen an actual episode, but I imagine many viewers do not watch the series but see the “ads” in between other shows. These ads promote a single, decidedly left leaning view and I would suggest you provide other views that present the fact that there are indeed two sides to the issue.

Note from CPB: Thank you for contacting the Corporation for Public Broadcasting (CPB). By law CPB is prohibited from producing or broadcasting programming. Please contact PBS with your suggestion at

Startup money for noncommercial educational community radio station


We are in rural eastern Oregon (Ontario) and have been working toward starting a community radio station. We have a tower and building and are in the process of making applications. However, we need startup money. We have a few community supporters and sponsors but we need more. Do you have suggestions? Thank you.

Note from CPB: Thank you for contacting the Corporation for Public Broadcasting (CPB). CPB accepts proposals based on open grants. All information about our grant process, including a list of open grants can be found on our website at To qualify for a grant from CPB, a station must be operating under a noncommercial educational license granted by the FCC and meet several criteria including: operating under a valid renewable broadcast license issued by the United States Federal government, must have a minimum operating schedule of 18 consecutive hours per day, seven days per week, and 52 weeks per year. More information about eligibility requirements for radio stations is available here: and

PBS NewsHour


The MacNeil-Lehrer Report was a shiny city on the hill of the TV news wasteland. They would devote each show to a single topic, with opposing advocates being interviewed together. Robert MacNeil and Jim Lehrer did not tell us what to think. They trusted the viewers to listen to both sides of the issue and make up their own minds.

When Judy Woodruff took over the show, renamed as the PBS NewsHour, she destroyed the show. On virtually every issue, only one side is presented, the left-wing side. For the Friday weekly roundtable, they hired fake-conservative Jonathan Capehart as the counterpart to liberal David Brooks. Instead of offering conservative rebuttals to Brooks, Capehart seems to always agree with Brooks.

Note from CPB: Thank you for contacting the Corporation for Public Broadcasting. Although CPB does not produce programming or employ journalists, we welcome all comments about public media’s content and services. PBS NewsHour chief correspondent Amna Nawaz and chief Washington correspondent and PBS News Weekend anchor Geoff Bennett have succeeded Judy Woodruff as co-anchors on PBS Newshour on Monday, January 2, 2023. Your feedback will have more weight if you contact PBS NewsHour directly:

January 9 2023 misinformation on the current measles outbreak

South Carolina

Not ALL of the measles outbreak is due to not being vaccinated. You can also still get measles if you are fully vaccinated. Please stop spreading misinformation on just about EVERY topic!!!!

Note from CPB: Thank you for contacting the Corporation for Public Broadcasting (CPB). By law, CPB is prohibited from producing or broadcasting programming.

Finished with PBS

South Carolina

For years I have watched the PBS Newshour, I will no longer donate nor will I support CPB or PBS in any manner whatsoever. Your views are very misleading and one sided. Few people agree with you and your biased opinions. We are both red and blue in the USA and many of us are purple. We do not uphold your one sided values nor the misinformation that "you" are spreading. There are always 2 sides to a coin and 2 views surrounding each subject. This is what is wrong with the media nowadays. It is no longer fact based. Bad reporting. goodbye!

Note from CPB: Thank you for contacting the Corporation for Public Broadcasting. We welcome all comments about public media’s content and services. CPB is prohibited by law from controlling or influencing the editorial or other content of PBS NewsHour. Your comments will have more weight if you contact PBS NewsHour directly:

Constant audio drop-out


What is the issue behind episodic loss of audio during your programming. For example PBS NewsHour tonight, Jan 20, 2023 was full of loss of audio for 10 to 30 seconds over and over again during the program. The same issue is plaguing my car PBS radio station, 89.7 FM today. It is frustrating. There appears to be no recognition by your station at any time during the programming. Is this situation going to be the new normal? My cable provider is Spectrum. Thanks, Richard R. H**m, XXX B******g Avenue, Akron, OH 44310.


To Seung Min Kim, FYI, There was a time in the early and middle 20th century, when white Eugenicists (Racists) determined Asians were " dense" and " feeble-minded," and good for nothing but menial labor or servanthood. It's not progress when you act "white" and denigrate other individuals intelligence. After all you're not GOD, and you can't definitely say how intelligent someone is.Remember you're not PERFECT, and have faults.

Captions need improvement

First, let me say I’m in enthusiastic supporter of PBS and NPR and listen to their shows regularly. However, I’m also hearing impaired and when I watch a show like Washington week, I really expect the captioning to keep up and deliver the comments completely in writing. I watched this evening and feel that I lost perhaps half of the content because the captions didn’t capture it. Please help those of us that are hearing impaired, but interested in news and politics to stay abreast of what’s happening.

The pro basketball player being released

Judith was questioning why they let her out and she got real upset and offensive asking the other person questions, I'm a African American I did not like her response when she was asking questions

Judy interviewing mike pence

The interview of Mike Pence broadcast on 12/1/2022 News Hour was a classic example of journalistic excellence - just what we expect from PBS and Judy. This should be included in training programs for aspiring journalists. Judy we thank you and wish you the best.