Your Feedback

CPB seeks to make public broadcasting more accessible to the public it serves. To do so CPB maintains a toll-free, 24-hour telephone line (1-800-272-2190), an online contact form, and accepts letters sent directly to CPB.

All comments are available on this website to be viewed by the general public. Each year, by statute, CPB transmits this public link to the White House for its report to Congress. Additionally, comments pertaining to programming are shared with the CPB Board of Directors and relevant public media staff.


Mary Moore Cow show


Hello I think that there should be a Mary Moo Cow show on PBS Kids just like the one on Arthur.

Note from CPB: Thank you for contacting the Corporation for Public Broadcasting (CPB). By law CPB is prohibited from producing or broadcasting programming. Please contact PBS with your suggestion at

Judy Woodruff is not appropriate any more.


I just received one of the many PBS entity donation requests and have decided to respond to all of them that I will not donate until Judy Woodriff is replaced. How about Jericka Duncan from Sunday evening news? Per presentations are very straight forward and to the point.

Note from CPB: Thank you for contacting the Corporation for Public Broadcasting. We welcome all comments about public media’s content and services. However, does not produce, broadcast, or distribute programming, including NewsHour and CPB does not employ journalists. Your comments will have more weight if you contact NewsHour directly:

March 4 PBS News hour Judy Woodruff interview with Senator JohnThune South Dakota


opposing the Covid legislation as too generous to states Here is what Wikipedia has to say about South Dakota's economy North Dakota oil boom has given those who own mineral rights large incomes from lease bonuses and royalties. The boom has reduced unemployment and given the state of North Dakota a billion-dollar budget surplus. North Dakota, which ranked 38th in per capita gross domestic product (GDP) in 2001, rose steadily with the Bakken boom, and now has per capita GDP 29% above the national average. PBS has to do better interviewing ;that interview was a disgrace .Aside: You -PBS- are spending to much on "Black Lives Matter' It could enrage MAGA supporters -although I bet less than10% watch PBS As a retired physicist - I would like to see less air time spent on cultural issues and more time devoted to complexity of life due to exploding technologies while IQ's remain stagnant Frank Lipsky 928 328 2192

Note from CPB: Thank you for contacting the Corporation for Public Broadcasting. We welcome all comments about public media and its services. However, CPB does not produce, distribute or broadcast programming, and CPB is prohibited from interfering with programming decisions related to content on public television and radio stations. Your comments will have more weight if you contact PBS or your local station directly.

White House Press Conference

March 26, 2021

I have been a financial supporter of PBS and that will stop. I really think you are a propaganda machine for liberal causes. There was nothing reasonable about Alcindor's question to Biden about being to nice. We've got an economic issue. We have an energy issue. We've got problems at the border. These questions were just absurd and they weren't even based up what the American people want to know about. I'm stopping my contributions as are so many people. Get some facts. Deal with reality and what America really wants to know about important issues. How nice Joe Biden is totally irrelevant to what struggles people are facing inside and outside the border.



Note from CPB: Thank you for contacting the Corporation for Public Broadcasting. We welcome all comments about public media and its services. However, CPB does not produce, broadcast, or distribute programming, including NewsHour. Further, CPB is prohibited from interfering with editorial decisions related to programming on public television and radio stations. Your comments will have more weight if you contact NewsHour or your local station directly:

What happened to “Washington Week” on WCPB, Salisbury?


Wondering about the subject line. We are located in Dagsboro, DE but the only PBS station we receive on Direct TV is the Salisbury one. We at one time received the Wilmington PBS but it was dropped from our lineup. We have contributed to WHYY for a number of years but have never received such requests from the Salisbury station. Are the State boundaries porous or do we have to emigrate?

Note from CPB: Thank you for contacting the Corporation for Public Broadcasting (CPB). CPB does not broadcast programming. Please contact your local station with your concerns:

PBS NewsHour

March 27, 2021

Last night Judy Woodruff and Brooks and Capeheart, failed to report the most important part of the suppression of the vote in Georgia with the Governor signing of these new voter suppression laws. The most important part is that they take the nonpartisan control of elections away from the Secretary of State and give it to the partisan GOP in the legislature. This means that they can take over any election. They can overturn the results to anyone they want to. They can throw away anyones vote if they want to. This is the heart of the voter suppression and yet it wasn't reported on. I found this extremely disturbing. I want to know why this news is being suppressed. It makes no sense to me. If you could please explain it, I'd really appreciate it.

Note from CPB: Thank you for contacting the Corporation for Public Broadcasting. We welcome all comments about public media. However, CPB does not produce, distribute, or broadcast any programming, including NewsHour. Further, CPB is prohibited from interfering with editorial decision related to programming on local public television and radio stations. Your comments will have more weight if you contact NewsHour directly:

Claims about Fact-Based News & No Transparency about Why Fictional Scenarios Or Accusations of Conspiracy Are THEORIES?


Dear Representatives:

Transparency about who makes the decisions to frame fictional scenarios and unsubstantiated claims of conspiracy as THEORIES, as in fiction novels, is missing with regard to news media, including NPR. Why am I so suspicious about corruption without transparency about decision-makers in our news? We have the tools of modern science to help test, verify and substantiate claims of conspiracy as theory, except in "fact-based" news, or that is the claim. If a journalist cannot verify a claim, then report it as a suspicion, or unsubstantiated claim. However, journalists seem to ignore the validation of their claims about "conspiracy theories." Journalists chew on these "conspiracy theories" as if they are real enough to sink one's teeth into them! How do serious journalists verify the claim that a conspiracy is tied to a pizza parlor basement in Washington, D.C., in which the basement does NOT exist? A high school science student should be able to nullify such hypothetical statements right off without much testing to keep such hypothetical statements from EVER becoming a THEORY in the real world. Theory comes with rigorous testing, validation, peer review, etc. Please, have some quantum physicists come tell us how this "conspiracy theory" nonsense might parallel the paradox as we have seen in the thought experiment involving Schrödinger's cat in the quantum Universe. Why try to make all this more complicated than ordinary theory concepts in science seem to be? Otherwise, stick with the facts, what is verifiable, testable, and so forth, when speaking of theory in headline news.

Applying basic science literacy as published through the National Academies of Sciences, which is one our best institutions in pursuit of 21st century knowledge. Functional citizens and even dysfunctional ones should be learning basic science and good journalism should help pervade good science methods for discerning the truth from fiction. However, NPR keeps on talking about "conspiracy theories." I keep asking who validates and substantiates these unsubstantiated claims of conspiracy, or false narratives, or plain lies, scams, and hoaxes, as theory? Who helps journalists establish that garbage is theory according to the science model for establishing theory from hypothetical concepts through rigorous methods for testing and validation of data and evidence? This element is NOT TRANSPARENT. Talk of hoaxes, scams, lies as theory is misinforming the public, and talk in interviews in which your hosts equate "ideas of the people with theory" with scientific theory is absurd. The misleading concept is that theory = theory, and given a myriad of other synonyms to explain suspicions, that bandwagon is absurd and cannot work. Language is important. Good journalism, which is what we expect from public media, should follow the science model for the use of theory about phenomena, when reporting news to the public. Suspicions and speculation are not theory either until tested and validated, etc.

It is important for citizens to know how to quickly dismiss nonsense before it can become any theory. There are synonyms for the fiction version of theory, such as suspicion, conjecture, speculation, hunches, guesses, wild guesses, myth, lies, hoax, false narratives, etc. Imagine some member of the U.S. Congress learning how to dismiss a hypothetical narrative, and making it a nullified hypothesis, and never posting it anywhere as THEORY. Public Media are a joke, and are helping with pervading ignorant beliefs that help sustain political positions. We heard President Trump claim that climate change theory was a hoax. Journalist help substantiate that theory is a hoax with claims about conspiracy being framed as theory, and not framing it as a hoax; thus, theory = theory and hoax = hoax. Leave "theory" out of these false claims. Please, apply the following.

"Scientific literacy implies that a person can identify scientific issues underlying national and local decisions and express positions that are scientifically and technologically informed." Source:

We should demand and expect Public Media to help citizens understand how to apply science in daily life, and not more myths, hoaxes, and lies as theory. Theory should be reserved in fact-based news for hypotheses that have been rigorously tested and validated. This is an excerpt from a National Standard for Science Education:

"Scientific literacy means that a person can ask, find, or determine answers to questions derived from curiosity about everyday experiences. *******It means that a person has the ability to describe, explain, and predict natural phenomena. Scientific literacy entails being able to read with understanding articles about science in the popular press and to engage in social conversation about the validity of the conclusions.******** Scientific literacy implies that a person can identify scientific issues underlying national and local decisions and express positions that are scientifically and technologically informed. A literate citizen [journalist] should be able to evaluate the quality of scientific information on the basis of its source and the methods used to generate it. Scientific literacy also implies the capacity to pose and evaluate arguments based on evidence and to apply conclusions from such arguments appropriately." Source -

NPR does not follow this model, but it's not alone, and why? Asterisks added above to highlight how I say, Public Media fails to help people see that a hoax, or scam or false narrative, lies and fabricated nonsense are just that and NOT THEORY, as in fiction novels. It seems that much of what is framed in journalism as theory and theorists (more likely conspiracy creationists) really comes from the fiction model and not one from science literacy. Please, work to change that each and every day, such that we have normal citizens, voters, and members of Congress who are literate regarding the tools of modern science.


Aubrey Neas

Note from CPB: Thank you for contacting the Corporation for Public Broadcasting. We welcome all comments about public media and its services. While CPB does not produce journalism and is prohibited from interfering in editorial decisions, CPB does provide funding support to increase the reporting and fact-based journalism capacities of local public media stations. It further supports leadership and editorial integrity initiatives that reinforce public media's commitment to balance, objectivity, accuracy, fairness and transparency in journalism. You can find more information about this work on CPB’s website:

Stabilization Fund for new funding for Section 501(c) 3 Entity LifeVista Joy Community Aloha Hawaii for ethnic minority Chinese


Dear Sir/Mdm, I am the subscriber to your news letter & happy to know of Stabilization Fund for new funding for Section 501(c) 3 Entity LifeVista Joy Community Aloha Hawaii serving Seniors for ethnic minority Chinese ?

The funding to CPB will be directed to local public media entities that are continuously responding to the pandemic’s impact by providing essential educational, informational, and public safety services. Stations in all 50 states are informing their local communities about the latest coronavirus vaccine and economic developments, increasing access to distance learning with innovative educational resources, and helping protect communities by transmitting emergency alerts and sharing public health and safety information during natural disasters and throughout the pandemic.

As the nation continues to recover from the pandemic, the stabilization funding from Congress will support these valued public media services and sustain the broad reach and access that keeps public media resources available online, over-the-air and in communities across the country.”

Hope to hear from you soon.

Thank You Shalom Alice Lee

Note from CPB: Thank you for contacting the Corporation for Public Broadcasting. CPB distributed the stabilization funding in the American Rescue Plan Act to CSG-qualified public television and radio stations. For more information about CPB’s distribution of these funds you may visit our website:

Propaganda and MY TAX MONEY


If CPB is going to continue to get my tax money, they could at least put on something besides how to chop an onion, and all that PROPOGANDA for the leftist libs. This is an outrage, CPB is getting 495 million dollars for junk that over half the country knows better. But they just keep gobbling up tax money and spewing their propaganda all over the place. Their like listening to stupid Ole nancy pelosi over and over. They might occasionally put a decent non biased show on, but 9 times out of 10 its leftist garbage, or chopping onions. Makes me sick. If the govt is going to give them money, then they need to give to all TV stations, which cant happen. PBS/CPB shouldn't be getting funded either. This is just leftist malarkey.

Note from CPB: Thank you for contacting us with your concern about funding for CPB and the public media organizations it supports. Public media is a public-private partnership in the best tradition of America’s free enterprise system. By law, the majority of the federal funds goes through CPB, a private, nonprofit corporation, to more than 1,500 locally owned and operated public television and radio stations across the country. Each of these local public broadcasting station makes its own programming choices, as CPB is prohibited from interfering with editorial decisions related to programming on local public television and radio stations.

Program series


Can you show the series Pie in the Sky

Note from CPB: Thank you for contacting the Corporation for Public Broadcasting (CPB). By law CPB is prohibited from producing or broadcasting programming. Please contact your local station or PBS with your suggestion at

Technical Complaints

January 2020

Hi This is Claudia out in Palm Desert, California. We haven't had any signal for about three weeks now. Can you fix it?

Note from CPB: Thank you for contacting the Corporation for Public Broadcasting (CPB). CPB does not broadcast programming. Please contact your local station with your concerns.

Henry Louis gates jr


Why let such a racist propagate his propaganda on pbs? PBS is supposed to just be for good people. I’ve seen him on there many times but it really hurts my feelings, he says such inappropriate and racist and offensive things. For example he was interviewing Fred armisen and told him that he’s Korean not Japanese descendant and therefore should now like kimche. Please stop this it hurts.

Note from CPB: Thank you for contacting the Corporation for Public Broadcasting. We welcome all comments about public media and its services. However, CPB does not produce, distribute, or broadcast programming, including NewsHour and CPB is prohibited from interfering with editorial decisions related to programming on public television and radio stations.

Donald Trump Carnage


I am deeply offended of your characterization of the mob riot as an insurrection

Note from CPB: Thank you for contacting the Corporation for Public Broadcasting. We welcome all comments about public media and its services. However, CPB does not produce, distribute, or broadcast programming, including Frontline. Further CPB is prohibited from interfering with editorial decisions related to programming on public television and radio stations. Please contact Frontline with your concerns:

Your Programing is so Bias you should be taken off the air!


Any claims that you are not responsible for the otter crap that is seen on your station, is as truthful as your stations claims of balanced news. It would be clear to Helen Keller (Yes, I know not PC) how far Left your over all programing and so called news have become. You no long have a honest service to the public and should not receive a penny of taxpayer money.

Note from CPB: Thank you for contacting the Corporation for Public Broadcasting. We welcome all comments about public media and its services. However, CPB does not own, operate or control local public media stations. CPB acts as the recipient of the federal appropriation for public media and distributes funding to nearly 1,500 local stations. CPB also does not broadcast, distribute, or produce any programming and we are prohibited from interfering with editorial decisions related to programming on local public media stations.

What are the collection of faded red books behind Amna Nawaz when she does her interviews and reports?


When Amna Nawaz reports from a room setting there is a collection of books over her right shoulder. I would like to know what the collection is.

Note from CPB: Thank you for contacting the Corporation for Public Broadcasting. We welcome all comments about public media and its services. However, CPB does not produce, distribute or broadcast programming, including NewsHour. Please contact NewsHour directly with your question:

Judy Woodruff


Judy appears to be a wonderful, compassionate person--a great individual and even newsreader. However, her skills as an interviewer are nonexistent. Any interview with Judy becomes an opportunity for the interviewee to control the conversation, present a unpaid political commercial and leave the viewer even more uninformed. We do not need to hear more talking points from entrenched politicians.

There are many good interviewers out there--including a few a PBS. It is time for a change at the News Hour. Perhaps it is also a problem with the producers of these shows if they do not see the problem.

Note from CPB: Thank you for contacting the Corporation for Public Broadcasting. CPB welcomes all comments about public media and its services. However, CPB does not produce programming or employ journalists. Your comments about PBS NewsHour will have more weight if you contact NewsHour directly:



Judy Woodruff needs to retire . She is unable to show dynamic affect and drones on in a ho hum dutiful way stumbling over questions ( rephrasing fragments of questions ) and is a chore to watch ( we do not any more ). Please bring vitality back . Yamiche Alcindor is not a talented presenter and has a forced reporting style that makes watching her unpleasant . Please PBS. Move On!

Note from CPB: Thank you for contacting the Corporation for Public Broadcasting. We welcome all comments about public media and its services. However, CPB does not produce, distribute or broadcast programming, including NewsHour, and CPB is prohibited from interfering with editorial concerns related to content on public television and radio stations. Your comments will have more weight if you contact NewsHour directly:

Too long


This spring's pledge has gone on far too long! Asking people to pledge should then give them the weekly and daily shows they are supporting.

Note from CPB: Thank you for contacting the Corporation for Public Broadcasting. CPB does not broadcast, produce or distribute programming, including any pledge drives. Futher CPB does not control or operate local stations. Your concerns will have more weight if you contact your local station.

Pbs newswatch

New Hampshire

Turn channel when Judy woodruff is on .get someone younger 800.000 a year you're kidding

Note from CPB: Thank you for contacting the Corporation for Public Broadcasting. We welcome all comments about public media and its services. However, CPB does not produce, distribute or broadcast programming, including NewsHour, and CPB is prohibited from interfering with editorial concerns related to content on public television and radio stations. Your comments will have more weight if you contact NewsHour directly:

PBS NewsHour

January 29, 2021

This has to do with the PBS NewsHour, that you fund with our tax dollars. They have not made one mention of an event that took place one week ago. A representative from Georgia, Marjorie Taylor Greene, submitted House Resolution 57, which calls for the impeachment of President Biden on the basis of his corruption. When you read through the document, there seems to be a lot more standing there than either of the two Trump impeachments. I'm wondering why the trusted PBS NewsHour, which is now showing its liberal bias beyond any stretch of the imagination, has failed to even mention that this event took place a week ago. I watch it every night and I have not heard one mention of this. The PBS NewsHour has shown its liberal bias, especially with Yamiche Alcindor, who is so unbelievably biased against anyone on the right. I'm a centrist and I'm disgusted by both sides, but I'm particularly disgusted by the left right now. They're covering up anything that doesn't go along with their narrative or their agenda. They are even using characters to get the agenda across - the critical race theory and the identity politics. I am now going to work with a group of friends to defund the Corporation for Public Broadcasting. Shame on you for your lack of balance or anything that shows any kind of fairness. You are adding to the divide in this country and my tax dollars are not going to fund it. 



Note from CPB: Thank you for contacting the Corporation for Public Broadcasting. We welcome all comments about public media. However, CPB is prohibited from interfering with editorial concerns related to PBS NewsHour or local public television and radio content. Your comments will have more weight if you contact PBS NewsHour directly: