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CPB seeks to make public broadcasting more accessible to the public it serves. To do so CPB maintains a toll-free, 24-hour telephone line (1-800-272-2190), an online contact form, and accepts letters sent directly to CPB.

All comments are available on this website to be viewed by the general public. Each year, by statute, CPB transmits this public link to the White House for its report to Congress. Additionally, comments pertaining to programming are shared with the CPB Board of Directors and relevant public media staff.


Washington Week


We are Regular viewers of the program. Very intelligent - often fairly “left leaning” - guest commentators - yet those guest experts responding to a question from start their response. “Yeah, well I mean” or something just as juvenile. Bright people should be able to develop a vocabulary to match their intellect. Can you work with your guests on their vocabulary to reflect the deep topics that they discussing?

Note from CPB: Thank you for contacting the Corporation for Public Broadcasting (CPB). CPB does not broadcast programming. Your comments about Washington Week will have more weight if you contact Washington Week directly:

WHAT IS THE REAL HUMAN POPULATION on EARTH? WHEN WILL PBS EVER DO A DOCUMENTARY on this guy. You could put it on late at night.



The whole nature of the planet is being destroyed by the machinations of overpopulation, which is growing ever larger – it is mendaciously claimed scientifically that there are currently around 8 billion, whereas there are already more than 9.2 billion.

This, while the Earth at its peak was designed to support a total population of no more than 2 billion. But the human beings of the Earth have proliferated in terms of their billionfold offspring and have multiplied to such an extent that they have become a threat to the continued existence of the whole planet as well as to the whole of nature and its fauna and flora.

As a result, the extinction of many life-forms has increased in number, so that now every year more than 1,000 genera and species of plants, animals, creatures, snakes, amphibians, fish, birds, bees, butterflies, beetles, ants, termites, wasps, hornets and all kinds of other thousand-fold life-forms disappear from the entire surface of the earth, from the waters and mountains, from the skies and from the soil, and are thus eradicated. In principle, demonstrations against environmental pollution and against environmental destruction as well as against climate change and global warming etc. are of no use, because in reality and unstoppably the huge mass of humanity resp. overpopulation continues to grow uncontrolled, whereby the pollution and destruction of the planet, of nature as well as its fauna and flora is rampant and can --PTAAH

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Today about IRAN



Note from CPB: Thank you for contacting the Corporation for Public Broadcasting (CPB). By law, CPB is prohibited from producing or broadcasting programming. Local public broadcasting stations are independent of CPB. CPB is prohibited by law from controlling or influencing the editorial or other content of local public television and radio programs.

Public Radio Listeners & Staff Creating New Sports For Uninterrupted Play During Pandemics Like Covid-19

New Hampshire

With one report of the average weekly listeners being over 19 million, why not create a program for listeners to solve the global challenge of playing sports uninterrupted during pandemics like Covid-19 to help the world with emotional, physical, and economic wellbeing? It can be done. Do an internet search for: "New Gender-Neutral Sports That Keep Players Separate." These New sports should 1. Keep players separate at least 6 feet. 2. Have no head or hand contact with shared equipment. 3. Be adaptable for those with a disability. Consider that two schools in Massachusetts had a recent teachers' strike keeping home over 13,000 students. If each student worked just one hour on creating a new sport, that would have been over 1 year project time in just one day. If only 100,000 Public Radio Listeners and Staff out of the more than 19 million worked on creating new sports, that would be over 11 years of project time in just one day. Society missed the opportunity to create these new sports during the 1918 Spanish Flu and the 2005 Bird Flu. Then in 2020, Covid-19 showed the world why these new sports are needed to allow society to be together in physical activity while maintaining social distance. It can be done. The hope is that society will create these new sports and or modify current sports before the next pandemics like Covid-19.

Note from CPB: Thank you for contacting the Corporation for Public Broadcasting (CPB). By law, CPB is prohibited from producing or broadcasting programming. CPB and NPR are two separate organizations. Local public broadcasting stations are independent of CPB. They are responsible for their own programming choices, and CPB is prohibited by law from controlling or influencing the editorial or other content of local public television and radio programs. To contact NPR, please visit

Morning Edition


You know, some of my friends get angry at NPR’s quotidian promotion of left-wing narratives without pushback or skepticism, such as this morning’s piece on crime by far-left activist Sandhya Dirks. But I, on the contrary, believe that NPR helps the Right. NPR is almost a caricature of a certain type of urban leftist with a big megaphone. Voters and consumers may be as dumb as Dirks and the like implicitly believe, but they know when they are being condescended to, so keep up the segments telling them that issues of violent crime, inflation, illegal immigration, a general public anomie, etc., are the result of their gullibility and imagination, and ‘racist’ as well. In large parts of this country, now, such products of the legacy media help turn swing voters, such as those fabled ‘suburban wimen’, toward pulling the lever for the GOP.

Note from CPB: Thank you for contacting the Corporation for Public Broadcasting (CPB). By law, CPB is prohibited from producing or broadcasting programming. CPB and NPR are two separate organizations. Local public broadcasting stations are independent of CPB. They are responsible for their own programming choices, and CPB is prohibited by law from controlling or influencing the editorial or other content of local public television and radio programs. To contact NPR, please visit

macneil-lehere news hour with judy woodruff


I think Don Henley can be the next vice president of the United States of America. Don has experience as an elected official and is a veteran of the army special services in the Americas. He can write the lyrics to his speeches and he can write the theme songs to his traveling election campaign. He has recent and relevant experience.

Note from CPB: Thank you for contacting the Corporation for Public Broadcasting (CPB). CPB does not broadcast programming. Your comments to PBS NewsHour will have more weight if you contact NewsHour directly:

political bias


Date: 11/3/22

From: Ed D****r PO Box **** Kalispell MT 59903 (406) ***-**68 ***@

To: Patricia de Stacy Harrison Board Officers CPB

Enough! NPR’s political bias is so skewed, it has become intolerable.

There is a well known ‘game’ in politics called, “Lets play Democrats and Republican.”

My older brother just died at 83. At no time in his entire, adult life did he ever vote for a candidate, although he dutifully voted in every election. He signed over, carte-blanche, his entire voting rights to the Republican Party at twenty one and never looked back.

If the powers that be can get everyone playing the ‘game’, they can hide a tone of unqualified, corrupt, and special-interest candidates from prying eyes.

And your stations are right in there with the best of them playing the ‘game’.

Enough already! You are suppose to be autonomous and free to point out the corrupt practices of the political parties, not digging-in to help them.

Note from CPB: Thank you for contacting the Corporation for Public Broadcasting (CPB). CPB and NPR are two separate organizations. By law, CPB is prohibited from producing or broadcasting programming. To contact NPR, please visit

Are they ready for impeachment and lawsuits bye innocent me

Federated States Of Micronesia
I will prove they are all guilties and they are all facing theirs actions and crimes on the innocent American me making all them very guilties and if you don't believe me then come see for yourself I'll showed the world my evidence against them all

Gershwin Prize

I would love you to consider Neil Diamond for the Gershwin Prize before he leaves us

Your say new Government funding for you and say you will have more independence we all know Our Government is a total corrupt en

The Us Government with one exemption The mighty US Military Hasn't been constitutional legitimate in about a hundred years all need to be removed peacefully House of Representatives by order of the constitution must have a balanced budget on the president's desk by Sept 30th not negotiable president Biden shut down working US infrastructure with no authority to do so it hurt the poor and working family man the Senate wow start at the beginning of the constitution every school student at a public school must get a full year learning the constitution and when completed each student is to sign that they reserved it then to be put in the national archives or no Federal money the stealing appropriate term of the ssi system is federal fraud until it's repaid not one federal employee should get a pension and why is it ssi is gonna run out of money in 8 yrs but medicaid has unlimited resources nobody put a dime in that account unless we the people the true holders of American might remembering government has no power not given to them by a magarity vote people hold the power there just filling and open position for the people fraud up some 500% call the federal agencies in charge and they care less call your state attorney general I'm in pa so Shapiro they have the answering service in a loop nobody home s sorry Shapiro no governor's job for a bum get a real job slacker and self servant we the people can replace you easy. T Nt

Frontline Oct 18 2022

I am a subscriber to pbs and wanted to watch frontline tonight. I clicked play and the message was it is temporarily unavailable. I went to you tube where i also subscribe and it was also not available there. I calked your 1 800 number and the message was ttold the number is not available in our atea at this time. This process has taken up at least an hour of my evening. What is the point of being a subscriber if I can't access the programming? Thank you for your attention to this email. D Le Moyne

Impeachedment and lawsuits bye innocent me

I am coming too prove you all are guilties of yours actions and crimes on innocent me let's get this over with this year come faced your son on the innocent me yes I am calling you all out and I am accusing you all come faced me so we can get America back on tracks were you all messed up big time I will prove you all are 100 percent guilties

Family Members of America and friends worldwide business worldwide

I love you guys Worldwide and kids.

What happened to the integrity of the US

New York
I am in UTTER disgust to see us selling off hundreds of acres of farmland NEAR A US BASE!!! THEN NOW chinese police noe have units here??? It's the end of America a as we new it. Thanks democrats

One sided "Face The Nation"

The host of this show is terrible. Completely against Republicans! She often speaks about people coming together but only promotes division.

Corporation for Propaganda Broadcasting is more accurate


You should call yourselves the Corporation for Propaganda Broadcasting. Could your programming get any more unscrientic misleading and leftist?

You are a national disgrace. De-fund the police? De-fund fake organizations like you. Wouldn't be surprised if the whole board of directors is taking payola directly from the CPP on top of the federal government to spread state sponsored narratives and propaganda. You are traitors to the United States of America and the US Constitution.

Note from CPB: Thank you for contacting the Corporation for Public Broadcasting (CPB). Although CPB does not produce or distribute programming, we welcome all comments about public media’s content and services. Public media is a public-private partnership in the best tradition of America’s free enterprise system. By law, the majority of the federal funds goes through CPB, a private, nonprofit corporation, to more than 1,500 locally owned and operated public television and radio stations across the country. Each local public broadcasting station makes its own programming choices, as CPB is prohibited by law from interfering with editorial decisions related to programming on local public television and radio stations.

Taxtation unlawful collection's & foreclosures


I hope you post this it's about taxs, red flags and incent people Losing everything rode them to death I the one to make it right I promised my mother on her death bed one 1⃣ should haft to indure the abuse and aemuleation that she went thought I would like to talk to someone as iong as they say they are who they are the document are safe and I have enough to prove my case I couldn't get an attorney I have no money they took my mother and father life insurance plus there social security mine to work all my life and end up disabled and then no work record so I get ssi well it's taken me a long time to get it together but I need alittle help the problem I see most is the innocent get treated like there the bad person this is going to be one for the people to decide I not said anything that not true please I will call you or email me at d******* or c********* but I need someone to listen. No better way then though you. Thank you and God bless. Dale.

Daniel Tiger’s Neighborhood


My toddler loves DTN and I just wanted to let you know that the Captioning is incorrect many times on the episode with Jodi having asthma.

Note from CPB: Thank you for contacting the Corporation for Public Broadcasting (CPB). Although CPB does not produce or distribute programming, we welcome all comments about public media’s content and services. CPB does not produce Daniel Tiger's Neighborhood. Please contact the Fred Rogers Productions directly:

All radio, online, and television communications produced by NPR


I wish more Fox, Newsmax, and other media outlets’ viewers would watch truthful and useful news as presented by your well-balanced and professional staff. But it will take Trump’s jailing along with his henchmen, and their acolytes dismissed from power, to truly open their minds. Too much to hope for?

Note from CPB: Thank you for contacting the Corporation for Public Broadcasting (CPB). CPB and NPR are two separate organizations. To contact NPR, please visit

All radio, online, and television communications produced by NPR


I wish more Fox, Newsmax, and other media outlets’ viewers would watch truthful and useful news as presented by your well-balanced and professional staff. But it will take Trump’s jailing along with his henchmen, and their acolytes dismissed from power, to truly open their minds. Too much to hope for?

Note from CPB: Thank you for contacting the Corporation for Public Broadcasting (CPB). CPB and NPR are two separate organizations. To contact NPR, please visit .