“Veterans Coming Home” Content and Engagement Grants

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CPB-qualified public television and radio stations.


January 6, 2016

Request for Grant Proposals

The Corporation for Public Broadcasting (CPB) is seeking proposals from public media stations to participate in a digital-first content and engagement effort that helps bridge America's military-civilian divide (the "Project"). CPB expects to fund up to 10 Projects at $35,000 per grant for a station to co-produce local stories and participate in community engagement and promotion efforts in support of a digital docuseries. Through this Project, stations will help bridge the divide by working with community partners to illuminate the nuanced, compelling and authentic lives of post-9/11 veterans, enrich the public's understanding of the role of veterans as assets in the community, and engage the public in a new conversation about supporting returning veterans through opportunity.

Selected station grantees ("Grantees") will work under the guidance of Wisconsin Public Television ("Lead Station") and in collaboration with the Kindling Group ("Producer"). The Lead Station will coordinate and support the Grantees with relevant training, tools, templates, coaching, and technical support. Grantees will work with the Lead Station to engage local partners, convene local events that engage the veteran community, contribute content that includes diverse perspectives, and actively market the project. Grantees will work with the Lead Station to participate in an evaluation process towards the goal of understanding and documenting success.

The Project is expected to begin on February 1, 2016 and be completed by July 31, 2016, with the expectation that Grantees will fundraise to expand their work beyond the grant period or beyond the scope of the grant requirements.

Please download the Request for Grant Proposals below for detailed information, including application requirements.
PDF icon Request for Grant Proposals359.45 KB

Questions from Potential Respondents, with CPB Answers:

FAQ Topic: 

Should we receive the grant will this team come to our area?

Yes, the national producers will come to your city to co-produce segments. Grantee Stations and their partners will help identify appropriate story leads for the national team and an event for when the team visits.

And if so, will our documenting their visit be part of the project?

Yes, the national producers will come to your city to co-produce segments. Grantee Stations and their partners will help identify appropriate story leads for the national team and an event for when the team visits.

Under “Project Expectations” Item 2 “Convene”: Are we expected to tape the series of meetings that we convene? Is that another production requirement?

Yes the station has that option to film as part of behind the scenes or other pieces. The Producer and the Lead Station will coordinate with stations to finalize plans for the team's visit.

Under Item 3 “Contribute”: Do the production guidelines include content? That is, are there certain topics that we’re expected to cover or can we determine our own content? For example, if we did a piece on art therapy for veterans, would that be acceptable?

Recording/taping meetings is not a requirement, however recording portions of some events as part of a station's storytelling may be a great contribution to the overall project goals.

“Brief media pieces”: Our segments for the last VCH project ranged from four to six minutes. Is this “brief” enough?

The proposal should include proposed topics and themes that the station is interested in covering based on their local work and/or that can evolve in collaboration with the national producers based on what stations have learned from their community conversations and partnerships to achieve the goal of sharing stories of veterans in their transition to civilian life. Production Guidelines will be primarily stylistic in nature to ensure consistency within the national series and will include items such as branding, shooting style, framing, segment length, story arc, narration style, etc.

Is it acceptable to do a mix of field and studio pieces?

Segments will likely range from four to eight minutes for the series itself, and promotional elements are likely to be shorter. Stations can also use all of the footage for longer pieces for their local work.

How would you like to see the media pieces created for the collaborative, national digital-first docuseries presented? Would you like all 5 or more parts at once, a weekly series, a monthly series?


What is the earliest time you would need to see pieces created for the project if the latest is July 31, 2016?

Early and on-going delivery of content will be a great asset to the project. The proposal should reflect the station's ability to film, edit and submit short-form video or b-roll as part of a 5 month build.

If the digital-first docuseries goes online first, would you encourage stations to also find a way to put on a broadcast?

We anticipate that field production and the digital impact campaign will begin in March 2016. Starting then, a steady stream of station media pieces will be valuable contributions all the way through the completed release of the web series.

In terms of the expectation that grantees will fundraise to expand the work after the grant, how often would you want to see work produced beyond the grant period?

Broadcast is not a requirement of the grant, but stations should maximize the footage and final series across their local platforms as part of their on-going veterans-related work.

In the description for the budget, the RFP says “Indirect costs may not exceed 20% of the proposed use of CPB funds.” Can you please define the term “indirect costs”?

Local stations can leverage the project goals, convenings and content as part of their on-going work to serve their veterans and community and support local fundraising goals. It is not expected to continue to contribute specifically to this national series.

Under Project Expectations: Convene local partners and local communities in a series of events. Is the expectation 2-5 or one per month or is it our own interpretation?

Please review CPB's indirect cost policy, which defines indirect costs and can be found here: http://www.cpb.org/grants/indirectcosts/

Are grantees allowed to put a funder credit on the videos?

Just as early and on-going delivery of content will be a great asset to the project, convening events which lend themselves to capturing or producing that content as early and often as necessary to discover and create strong pieces is beneficial for the project. Station Grantees will be expected to convene at least three (3) local eventsthat engage the veterans community, with at least one event suited for collaborating with the Producer and national production team to co-produce content and to be planned in collaboration with the Lead Station and local partners.

Please clarify further what is meant by the phrase “national partners to be identified early in the project.”

Production guidelines will be provided by the Producer and Lead Station to ensure consistency of format and filming across all local content. Stations may credit local funders of the project as appropriate and in-line with production guidelines.

Please clarify further what is meant by “series of events."

In an effort to better understand veterans' issues, discover content opportunities, and identify potential themes for storytelling that reflect issues in the local community, Station Grantees should partner with local Veterans Service Organizations or local chapters of national VSOs. Veterans Coming Home works closely with national partners who share public media's public service mission and high standards for quality and integrity. In addition to offering advice and guidance that shapes VCH work, partner organizations share their respective organizational expertise, tools and strengths and support our efforts to reach veterans with resources and information to help them transition to civilian life. National VSOs currently partnered with Veterans Coming Home can be found at the VCH website. Partnerships should be formed at the outset of the project in order to discover the best content opportunities and meet production schedules.

Can some of the required five media pieces be audio/radio that can then be placed on the national project website along with the videos?

Similar to partnerships, in an effort to better understand veterans' issues, discover content opportunities, and identify potential themes for storytelling that reflect issues in the local community, Station Grantees should convene events or create opportunities in their communities that lend themselves to capturing diverse perspectives and content from veterans and civilians, to co-producing content as part of the national series and engagement, and to furthering community civilian-veteran dialogue. Station Grantees will be expected to convene at least three (3) local eventsthat engage the veterans community, with at least one event suited for collaborating with the Producer and national production team to co-produce content and to be planned in collaboration with the Lead Station and local partners.

Please give us more information on when the production team visit occurs. Are they coming to give guidance at the beginning of the project, to guide during production, or to evaluate the project towards the end?

Yes, submissions that propose audio/radio content that aligns with project goals will be considered. This project will feature many different kinds of media and stations are encouraged to be creative in their approach to storytelling and media creation.

We noticed the videos on the national website are 4-5 minutes total with the head and tail taking up about 30 seconds total. If we produce videos that are approximately 2 to 3 minutes, is that an appropriate length?

The national production team will come to Station Grantee markets to co-produce segments for inclusion in the national docuseries. This production tour is slated to begin in March and continue through May. Grantee Stations and their partners will help identify appropriate story leads for the national team and an event for when the team visits. The Producer and the Lead Station will coordinate with stations to align schedules and finalize plans for the team's visit prior to kicking off production.

Does CPB intend to fund grants that primarily focus on the production of content?

Segments will likely range from four to eight minutes for the series itself, and promotional elements are likely to be shorter. Station Grantees can also use all of the footage for longer pieces for their local work.

Should any content that is produced as a result of this funding be designed to be shared nationally?

Yes, Station Grantees will be expected to produce and contribute content for the national docuseries. Content should reflect relevant issues in the local community suited for storytelling as well as a diversity of veterans' contributions and perspectives, as developed through station partnerships and convenings that engage the community as contributors of stories and to increase dialogue.

What are the anticipated reporting requirements for this funding?

Yes, any content produced during this grant period may be included in the digital docuseries for national distribution and audience.

Is there an existing outline or plan for the VCH series that has been developed either by CPB and/or the Lead Station?

Reporting requirements will be established and agreed upon during contract drafting after Station Grantees have been selected. CPB anticipates these primarily consisting of narrative and financial report deliverables scheduled 2-3 times across the grant period. As outlined in Section IV – Project Expectations, Station Grantees will also participate in monthly surveys and other informal reporting mechanisms to share information on a regular basis.

Is there more information available about the specific activities that funded stations will be expected to participate in?

Through a local-national content partnership with the Producer, stations will help bridge America's military-civilian divide by engaging their communities and partners to discover and share the nuanced, compelling and authentic lives of post-9/11 veterans in their transition back to civilian life. The series will incorporate themes and content developed by Station Grantees in their local markets and in collaboration with the Producer and Lead Station.

Are there any specific anticipated outcomes or deliverables for funded stations?

Grantee stations will be expected to conduct all activities specified in Section IV - Project Expectations of the RFGP. Grantee stations will make their own editorial decisions in consultation with the Producer and the Lead Station based on the Grantee Station's proposed area of focus and overall project themes and goals. As outlined in Section IV – Project Expectations, Station Grantees will also participate in monthly surveys and other informal reporting mechanisms to share information on a regular basis.

Can [the] five media story productions be audio or video? ([Our station] is a joint licensee so we produce in both radio, TV and online platforms.)

Funded stations will have narrative and financial reporting deliverables due to CPB per the contracted agreement and local content will be produced in consultation with the Lead Station and Producer, as well as made available to them for potential inclusion in the digital series. Target outcomes of the project are increased reach and awareness of Veterans Coming Home, increased public exposure to authentic stories of the veteran transition back to civilian life, and visible national dialogue about supporting post-9/11 veterans in their transition and about bridging the military-civilian divide.

Can stories/media be part of TV & Radio news production segments to share personal stories through existing broadcast and online platforms as part of promotion and reach of the project? We could easily format these as necessary for national online sharing.

Yes, Radio, TV and Online platforms will be considered if proposed content and associated activities align with project goals.

Can any events be online and on-air to reach a larger population of veterans and general audience using resources such as daily news live talk show (radio and online to 25,000 listeners/callers/online engagement) Or should we plan that events should only be in-person.

Station grantees should use all appropriate station platforms and assets to promote the content and partnerships and integrate the project into other relevant station activities. Grantee Stations will make their own editorial decisions in consultation with the Producer and the Lead Station based on the Grantee Station's proposed area of focus and overall project themes and goals. Station media pieces created with the grant must be new and original.

Is there any national TV or radio programming in the pipeline recommended to use to draw out issues discussions and build events around? (i.e. Have a program screening/talkback with local panels, or town hall/forum.)

Yes, Station Grantees are encouraged to propose a model that meets local needs while making a valuable contribution to overall project goals. Proposed activities should be geared towards the most conducive opportunities for discovering authentic, compelling and diverse stories in applicants' local communities, for which content can be created around and shared.

Can events be a build out of existing veteran events held by partners where stories could be produced as an addition to the event.

Examples of veterans-related programing in the national pipeline can found at the Veterans Coming Home website and at PBS Stories of Service site. In addition, stations are encouraged to take advantage of relevant new or emerging national TV or radio programming as it becomes available and as appropriate to their local efforts.

When national producers visit, is it for the purpose of training, co-production of some of the 5 stories, or producing national content separate from the 5 story deliverable, or other?


Are there recommended percentages for budget expenses? i.e. 2/3 production, 1/3 event costs, etc?

The Lead Station and Producer will coordinate and support Grantee Stations with relevant training, tools, templates, coaching, and technical support across the duration of the grant period. Proposed convenings or story development with the national production team when they visit should be structured around co-production of a content piece, which can ultimately counts towards the minimum of five media pieces.

Is the deadline of Jan 6, 2016 a hard deadline or will it be extended into February?

Budgets should be presented in light of Station Grantee's goals, capabilities and connection to veteran organizations and stories, as well as in a model that meets local needs while making a valuable contribution to overall project goals through the production of compelling local content.

If no extension is offered, will there be a follow up round to this project?

The closing deadline listed in the RFGP is final. Barring any unforeseen circumstances, there will be no extension.

Are there any restrictions on which organizations we can approach for funding?

CPB evaluates all components and outcomes of a grant round to inform strategy moving forward, but cannot commit at this point to any subsequent grant round after the digital series.

Are there any preferred organizations we should approach for funding?

There are no restrictions on which organizations stations may approach for local funding. As always, stations are encouraged to follow their funding and editorial integrity guidelines and to ensure potential funders are appropriate for the goals and intentions of the project.