The Corporation for Public Broadcasting (CPB) seeks an entity to design and implement a professional development fellowship initiative for current and emerging editorial leaders in public media (the “Initiative”). The Initiative will engage 50 fellows in small cohorts, over a timeframe of 2 years, with a customized curriculum of onsite and virtual training and activities, supported by ongoing mentoring and coaching, to improve the knowledge and expertise of public media editors.
What is the expectation between virtual and in-person training? (Webinar 4.19.2022)
CPB requires that one in-person training session be held, provided it can be conducted safely and consistent with applicable health guidelines. Additional in-person sessions are at the Applicant’s discretion.
Do we need to identify coaches/mentors by name in the proposal? (Webinar 4.19.2022)
The coaches, mentors and advisory panel members should be named in the proposal. This should provide CPB with a better understanding of the type of program proposed.
The RFP references the Fellows will have access to ongoing resources. Does this mean within the 2-year program or is there an expectation that access extends beyond the two years? (Webinar 4.19.2022)
Yes, Fellows must have access to the resources within the 2-year program and if available beyond the project term. Applicants should provide that information in their proposals.
Are past Fellows able to be coaches and/or mentors? (Webinar 4.19.2022)
For those of us who may not have been involved with cohort one, how do we get access to the names of those people? (Webinar 4.19.2022)
Is there a page or word limit for the proposal narrative? (Webinar 4.19.2022)
There is no limit, but we anticipate 8-12 pages would be sufficient. Applicants should use the RFP as an outline for their proposal.
Travel costs have risen dramatically. Will CPB take that into account when reviewing the cost proposals/budgets? (Webinar 4.19.2022)
Yes. The cost proposals should include a detailed breakdown of travel costs.
How long after submitting the application should we expect to receive a confirmation email? (Webinar 4.19.2022)
Applicants should expect an emailed confirmation by Monday, May 2, 2022.
Will CPB treat the application as the intellectual property of applicants? (recvd. 4.4.2022)
CPB is not responsible for loss or damage to material that Applicant provides to CPB in conjunction with this RFP. Upon submission, said information shall become CPB’s property (not including any intellectual property rights contained in such submission), and CPB is not required to return the same. Applicant is responsible for any violation of copyright, trademark, patent, trade secret, or other rights related to such material. Please refer to other CPB Terms on p. 7 of the RFP.
Does the assessment survey need to be developed prior to the proposal submission? (recvd. 4.4. 2022)
No; however, CPB will provide feedback on the proposed design and questions.
Can we add the costs of our time to on-board the evaluator as a project cost? (Sharing lists for interviews, facilitating buy-in for interviews, etc.) (recvd. 4.4.2022)
Yes; nonetheless, costs must be reasonable and will be considered when evaluating the proposals.
Do we need to have chosen an independent evaluator and received a firm bid for services before submitting the RFP and reflect the pass-through of costs in our proposal budget? Or can we bid that out as an add-on to the contract? (recvd. 4.4.2022)
While applicants do not need to have retained an independent evaluator at the time of submitting their proposals, the proposed candidates should be identified in applicants’ proposal narratives and the associated expenses in their cost proposals.
Could we consider joining forces/partnering with another institution? Our strengths are much more in building the overall organizational and business capacity vs. the editorial aspects also part of the RFP. (recvd. 3.29.2022)
CPB encourages applicants to include elements that will strengthen their proposals, including partnerships, to ensure the Initiative’s success.
Is the training intended for Fellows in both public radio and public television newsrooms? Will you assist in identifying newsrooms you want to participate? (recvd. 4.4.2022)
The training is intended for editorial leaders and talent in public radio and television stations, and the Initiative is an open application process for prospective Fellows, subject to CPB’s approval.
Is there a preference for training existing editorial leadership -- or a preference for training and developing new talent and emerging leaders? (recvd. 4.4.2022)
See the response above.
Can the cohorts include a mix of public media staffers (and coaches/mentors) along with those in the nonprofit news field outside of traditional public media? If so, what would be an acceptable portion of each? For example, would the majority of the cohort have to be public media? (recvd. 3.29.2022)
CPB expects that applicants for the training will come from both public media and journalism organizations outside of public media. CPB envisions the Initiative will attract applicants who want to work in public media journalism. The Initiative intends to build the leadership skills of accomplished journalists and to attract and develop new talent. However, CPB’s preference will be for existing and new talent whose work is centered in public media.
How are the goals of this Fellowship similar or different from the 2019 ASU Editorial Integrity and Leadership Initiative? (recvd. 4.4.2022)
Since the 2019 Initiative, newsrooms have been transformed by new collaboration opportunities, pandemic workplace adjustments, DEI commitments, changing audience behaviors, and other factors that impact their approach to maintaining the editorial integrity of the journalism they produce. This Initiative seeks to help the Fellows respond to the current environment and adapt to emerging challenges in the media landscape.