Assist CPB and Nine Network of Public Media in the design and implementation of the outcomes measurement component of phase three of public media’s the American Graduate initiative. Contractor will review and refine national and local outcomes; develop outcomes measurement resources for stations and provide training; create metrics for national producers and provide training; conduct a mid-point review; and produce a final report.
Who are the targeted stakeholders for this evaluation?
The targeted stakeholders are the public media system and local and national policy makers and partner organizations.
Have the new 15-20 stations been selected? a. If so, can you share this information at this point? b. If not, do you know what criteria will be used in selecting the participating stations?
Yes. a. CPB will be announcing the selected stations at the end of January 2018. b. As stated in the RFP:
How will this evaluation build on or differ from the previous efforts in Phase One and Two?
In Phase I, the evaluation focused on the progress the American Graduate initiative made toward its short-term goals with emphasis on the role that public media stations played in increasing community capacity to address the dropout crisis. In Phase II, the Lead Station developed the outcomes measures and metrics, and collected, analyzed and reported on that data. In the Phase 3 evaluation, an independent external evaluator will support the Lead Station in developing and enhancing national and local logic models, outcome measures and associated metrics, and take the lead in analyzing and reporting on the data.
Is there anything you can provide on the Phase II evaluation?
Information about the Phase II evaluation is included in the Background Section of the RFP, along with a link to a commissioned report. The results of the evaluation conducted by Nine Network will be made available to the selected contractor.
After reading more about the American Graduate program, we would like you to describe how the American Graduate Phase III work is linking its work focused on workforce development to increasing the graduation rate to 90% by 2020.
In phase 1 and 2 of American Graduate, public media focused on building awareness of the graduation rate and the community champions needed to help youth succeed. In consultation with public media system leadership, stations and national producers, CPB is launching phase three of American Graduate - bringing attention to pathways beyond the high school diploma.
Since site visits to the 15-20 stations is a substantial financial piece, we would like to know if there are any required site visitations for this project. Or if proposals should take into account potential site visits to each of the stations at least once?
Site visits are not required. The expectation is that Contractor will work with the public media stations participating in American Graduate Phase 3 on their logic models and local outcomes and metrics by telephone and email, and deliver training to the stations via webinars. This work will be conducted in collaboration with Nine Network of Public Media, the Lead Station for American Graduate Phase 3.
What was the total evaluation budget for phase 1 and/or phase 2?
The work involved in the phase 1 and phase 2 evaluations of American was different in nature and scope from the work required by this solicitation. Consequently, the costs are not comparable.