The Corporation for Public Broadcasting (CPB) regularly uses public television and radio station coverage area population data, density, demographics, and maps to inform grant making and public media policy decisions. Accordingly, CPB is seeking proposals from broadcast engineering consulting firms (Consultant) with public television and radio expertise to provide coverage area analyses, contour overlap data, and demographic population analyses for public broadcasting stations receiving or applying for Community Service Grant (CSG) funding from CPB. Consultant must provide most of the required analysis within three days of CPB’s request.
The Overview section of the RFP states, “Consultant must provide most of the required analysis within three days of CPB’s request.” And the Annual Coverage Area Population Analysis section states, “The Consultant must be able to provide this analysis within 10 business days of request.” Can you please clarify the parts of the analysis required in 3 days and the parts required in 10 business days?
The work in the section titled “Other Studies” must be completed within 3 days and the Annual Coverage Area Population Analysis described within the Scope of Work within 10 days. For the National Coverage Maps, the turnaround will be expected in a reasonable amount of time from when they are requested.
Approximately how much time would the selected consulting firm have from signing the contract to when the first study is requested?
Currently, CPB does not have any “Other Studies” scheduled. Usually, we request the Annual Coverage Area Population Analysis be completed in the spring of each year.
As you are likely aware, there are now both pre- and post-repack TV facilities in the FCC database. For the Annual Coverage Area Population Analysis and the National Coverage Map, would CPB be interested in the pre-repack facilities, or the post-repack facilities, or both?
The Annual CAP Analysis is at a set time each year and will reflect the coverage status at the time of the request. The National Coverage Map will have to be completed post-repack and is likely to take place during the renewal term instead of the initial contract term.