The Corporation for Public Broadcasting (“CPB”) seeks the services of a consultant or firm (“Consultant”) to plan and facilitate a training program for public media leaders over a period of up to nine months. The program is based on the five critical strategic areas identified in a recently completed study by PwCStrategy& represented in Figure 1. It will consist of an initial two to three day in-person, onsite immersion event in September 2017, and will continue with up to seven 90-minute webinars every two to four weeks for the remainder of the period. The program is expected to have up to eighteen participants including public television station General Managers/Executives, public television station board leadership and national organization leadership. The Consultant will work with CPB Staff, its other consultants, and an advisory panel in developing the curriculum and materials for this program, and will facilitate its sessions. CPB will provide applicants that sign CPB’s non-disclosure agreement, the PwCStrategy&’s study.
In terms of curriculum development, do you know which stakeholder groups would be part of the advisory panel (ie, national organization leadership, public tv station business managers or programming leadership…)?
The advisory panel will include people from national organizations and general managers from public television stations.
Has a date been selected for the immersion workshop? If so, what is it?
We anticipate the workshop to occur mid-to-late September.
How do we obtain access to the PwC study?
Please sign and return the CPB’s Non-Disclosure Agreement. You may obtain a copy by contacting Ms. Djinni Field at:
In terms of the 18 participants, do you know if they will be selected individually from different stations or attending in pairs or groups? Do you anticipate a mix of stations represented (rural, urban, from reservations, across the US, etc.) or will these sessions be more targeted to one kind of station or region?
We do not expect to invite more than one person from each station selected. The participants will be representative of the public media system.
As we determine elements to include in the proposed workplan, it would help us to know if there is any information you can share about financial support of the project. Is there a range that you are considering for fees and expenses?
To ensure that the proposals are competitively priced, we will not disclose that information.
Has it been determined whether the onsite immersion event will be two days or three days?
The onsite event is currently expected to be two full days and one half day.
Is there a mix of consulting skills that you think would be most helpful to this work?
Please refer to the evaluation criteria on page 4 of the RFP.
Are there any topics that are likely to be included in the holistic curriculum (aside from those mentioned in the RFP)?
The requirements are described throughout the RFP.
What materials will CPB supply for the content vs. how much research/creation of content will fall exclusively on the consultant?
CPB will provide subject matter content and background information sufficient for the facilitator to understand the scope of the material the participants will be working through over the course of the program. Facilitator is expected to provide expertise in facilitating groups through strategic processes and building group cohesion over an extended period of time.
CPB expects to contract with a mixed media producer for some audio and visual content relevant to the curriculum. Facilitator is expected to collaborate with the CPB team on conceptualization and refinement of this content, and may be asked to identify other supplemental content.