The Corporation for Public Broadcasting (CPB) seeks an individual or firm to provide strategic advice and information to CPB to advance its efforts to support diversity in producers of children’s content. The successful applicant (hereinafter “advisor”) will provide guidance and information to CPB that will inform future grant programs to support diversity in producers of children’s content. The advisor will also provide strategic counsel to help CPB plan a system meeting focused on increasing diversity in children’s public media – specifically encouraging the development and production of content that reflects the diversity of the American public, particularly minorities and underserved audiences.
The advisor will provide strategic advice to CPB for a term of six months (the consultation period), which CPB expects to begin in July 2016. It is anticipated that the project will require up to twenty (20) hours of work per month, with some months requiring more effort and some less. The advisor will invoice CPB on a monthly basis for hours worked up to a cap of 120 total hours on project. The agreement will be renewable for two consecutive six month terms at CPB’s sole discretion.