
Ayesha Rascoe

I read so many negative comments about Ayesha and I agree. Her voice and “accent” are so annoying. Please get rid of her. Weekend edition is horrible with her as host.

The Offensive Pledge Weeks

One doesn't expect to see this kind of programming on a network otherwise known for high quality. Most of those who love regular PBS programming are appalled by these programs and their deviation from the norm. As a result, loyal fans are lost, at least temporarily.

Trump Conviction

I watched Washington Week in Review. I found it very revealing that no one on the panel seemed to understand why Trump has such a dedicated following. Let me explain it to you. Any fair-minded person would realize there are two sets of rules for conservative politicians vs. so called "Progressives". Hillary suffered no material penalties for destroying evidence, keeping a server in her home, generating an election interfering dossier or generally using her political influence to garner enormous wealth. The Clinton Foundation has never been audited.

It is a sin to be Jewish in President Biden and the Democrat’s America.

To:,, NYT Letters ,,, Audience Npr Subject: The sin of Jewishness in Biden’s America  It is a sin to be Jewish in President Biden and the Democrat’s America. My first vote was for William Jefferson Clinton, I rarely miss an election and I have never voted for a Republican, bit my party is no longer the Democratic Party for a host of reasons and how can I vote for my party, which is openly courting antisemitic voters?

Amna Nawaz

Another excellent job by Amna Nawaz on the Newshour. I believe she is THE Best anchor on television today. She is ALWAYS prepared for any interview and asks very thoughtful and pointed follow up questions. She keeps her interviews on task and does not let them stray off topic to what the interviewee wants to talk about. You are very fortunate to have such a talent on the Newshour and I feel very fortunate that I can rely on her reporting each evening Thank you. Michael Paddock, Long time PBS supporter and looking forward to many more years to come.

Ayesha Rascoe

Ayesha Rascoe Should not be a host on NPR. She uses double negatives and improper grammar. She is an embarrassment. I will no longer donate the substantial amount I used to as long as she is on the air.

Stop censoring language

I never noticed this before, but it seems as if PBS is now censoring all curse words, no matter how common and mild. Why are you doing this? The shows I watch are not for children and I think the rest of us can handle a few s***s d**s and f***s. I would really appreciate it if you would stop treating us like children and let the writers words be spoken out loud for us the viewers.

Family Sitcom in the comfort of my house on PBS KIDS

I am going to work on creating a family friendly sitcom about myself, my mother, stepmom, grandmother, father and other family members, BUT we will use our own names. Teddy bears included and cats included. I am going to be the main character who loves every day filled with adventures. It is going to take place in either my father's house, my mother's house or both. I will take my teddy bear Pat out wherever I go and whatever I do, but he has a napping and feeding schedule since he is a baby. I will have to make time for all of that.

Ayesha Roscoe voice

Her voice is so harsh compared to what I love about listening to NPR. It's not smooth and reassuring how other npr reports are. I have to change the channel when she is hosting.

Ayesha Rascoe

I'm sure that Ayesha Rascoe is a wonderful person but she should not be allowed anywhere near a microphone!