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All comments are available on this website to be viewed by the general public. Each year, by statute, CPB transmits this public link to the White House for its report to Congress. Additionally, comments pertaining to programming are shared with the CPB Board of Directors and relevant public media staff.


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New York
PBS News Hour sound problems. I have Dish TV service. Picture is good but sound chops on and off. No problems with any other programs or any other chanels at any time. Happens a lot only with PBS NEWS Hour.

SC D-primary - All Things Considered on NPR Friday - today - the SC D-Primary


Gee - more reporting, please: Both Dean Phillips, a sitting US Congressman and Ms Williamson are on the SC primary ballot for President. Yet, ATC does not mention this. Why is ATC/NPR but not least mentioning this in their news coverage? Their poll numbers (and votes(?) in the South Carolina primary will suffer from the lack of coverage. Below is a cut'n'paste from the AP Challenging Biden on the South Carolina ballot are U.S. Rep. Dean Phillips of Minnesota and author Marianne Williamson. Phillips received about 20% of the vote in New Hampshire, while Williamson received about 4%. S***e M*****n

Note from CPB: Thank you for contacting the Corporation for Public Broadcasting (CPB). By law CPB is prohibited from producing or broadcasting programming. Please contact NPR with your suggestion at

PBS Disappearing Volume


Why does PBS have this problem continuously? I have watched via Xfinity and Roku and had problems over the last year regardless of the carrier and location - Chicago and Sarasota

Note from CPB: Thank you for contacting the Corporation for Public Broadcasting (CPB). CPB and PBS are separate organizations. Please contact PBS directly at

CPB Board Term Expired?

New York

Please explain to the American public why Bruce Ramer remains on the CPB board of directors as of Feb. 1, 2024 when it seems clear his total years of service exceed the maximum allowed for this role.

Note from CPB: Thank you for contacting the Corporation for Public Broadcasting (CPB). Bruce Ramer's term expires at the end of 2024.

PBS News hour!

My Wife and I was considering joining PBS, until we've been watching PBS News Hour and all they do is talk bad about President Trump, never do they say anything bad about Joe Biden!! Joe Biden has done a lot of things that people don't talk about, do what ever reason. When the talk about President Trump and have guests on the show it two Democrats cutting President Trump down. My feelings are you talk bad about President Trump, you better talk about Joe Biden and the things he done. Look at the Southern Border, higher Prices one everything, but no one mentions that. I think what you're doing on PBS is Awful!!!

washington week in review with the atlantic

I have always appreciated Washington Week, but it's new iteration in combination with the Atlantic headed by Jeffery Goldberg is GREAT!!! Jeffery Goldberg is an astute ( and funny ) moderator. I appreciate his ability to move the conversation along, to ask scintillating questions, to dot the fast -paced discussion with humor, and to value the responses from his guest panel. Thank you for the continuation of this important broadcast.

closed captions

Your closed captions are unreadable. You need to put a black background behind them. I am hearing impaired and can no longer watch your channel.

Washington week in review

To: PBS From: Pam Hammond Re: WA Week in Review I am so disappointed the the “new” programming. To my mind, Jeffrey Goldberg sets the wrong tone in the role he has taken on as moderator. He dominates the conversation. He interjects his opinions, often in a jokey manner. He clearly takes positions on topics that are being discussed. I am wondering if partnering with the Atlantic for economic reasons was dependent on his assuming this position. In the past, I have enjoyed and benefited from crisp, sound analysis of current and pertinent political and social events. The role of the moderator is a critical component in providing a low key direction of the discussion. Many have excelled in this position in the past. The whole program has changed….and not for the better.

Ayesha Roscoe

I am another long-term public broadcasting listener and supporter who cannot stand Ayesha Roscoe’‘s voice. She sounds like she is yelling half of the time and much of the rest of the time she speaks with a high-pitched excessively “perky” voice. Unfortunately, her voice distracts from the content. I know I am not the only one who finds her voice so annoying. I think I’ve listened to my last Sunday morning broadcast thanks to Ayesha. Such a pity, considering current and previous African-American hosts and commentators on public broadcasting, who have voices that don’t distract the listener from the content

Lack of close captioning on StoryCorps Animated Shorts

New Hampshire
PBS claims to support diversity, yet airs animated shorts by StoryCorps which do not have any captioning. Are you only supportive of some types of diversity, but do not support persons with hearing disabilities? You should not show or support these shorts unless they have captioning. Period. I have long been a member of my local PBS station and am really disturbed every time you show these animated shorts - I cannot understand them without captioning.

PBS/Newshour audio levels

It appears that audio levels have been automated to a degree resulting in louder levels after even slight pauses. Very annoying. Give the ability to set levels back to humans.

CJ Taylor Charley Jessie Taylor luminati for us founding father

District Of Columbia
I need this to get to the corporation that runs all the news networks if you can I am in stating and that investigation into the news networks in the US for covering up terrorist activities done through the CIA and all of its entities they have been censoring it for Access terrorism done to the people and we need to fix this immediately the FCC needs to be called in along with the secret service presidential because we need to get the information to the people to say this country from your act of treason New Orleans was done through these entities and so a bunch of other things that is almost depressed our country now we need to put on the news what the president orders and not what the CIA wants if not I will do a total and complete corporate takeover of all your freaking corporations and everything that has to do with anything of the news I do not mess around with this you will not freaking scare me and I'm not joking you will need to get in contact with President pence and ask him what needs to be put on the news immediately throughout all your networks if this does not happen when I come up in the standing I will do total corporate takeover and all your 15 billionaires will lose a lot of their freaking money in their accounts will be frozen for terrorist activities and war crimes just try me

Amna Nawaz

I really like the new team of Amna Nawaz and Geoff Bennett. They are knowledgeable and adult and lead the broadcast in a very professional manner. Good transition!

Silence on Israel Supreme Court Decisions

On NPR recently we have learned of two important Israel Supreme Court decisions limiting the powers of Benjamin Netanyahu. Yet on PBS we have heard nothing. Why? Are Foundations censoring content?

PBS NewsHour

What I like best about the PBS NewsHour is that they begin each program describing how Israel is winning the war against Hamas. Naturally Amna Wanaz is disappointed since her sympathies lie with the Hamas terrorists, whom she describes as “militants”.

News hour

Amna Nawaz I commend her for her very sensitive and cogent interview tonight with the woman who was recently released from Hamas prison. And I commend that courageous woman for telling her story in such a straightforward and respectful way.

Washington Week

On Washington Week, some of the reporters refuse to refer to Trump by his name, instead using the euphemism, “the former president”. If I didn’t know any better, I might think that they were referring to Jimmy Carter.

PBS NewsHour and Washington Week


Years ago, the PBS NewsHour and later Washington Week would have comments sections where viewers could express their opinions. I was constantly shocked at how ill-informed the viewers were. I would write of events which I took for granted that everyone was familiar with. The commenters would think I was making things up and I would have to cite links from liberal sources such as the NYT and Washington Post. What is shocking is that PBS was content to have such uninformed viewers. Even today, on most issues, they present only one side. They do not trust the viewers’ intelligence to hear both sides and make up their own minds what to think. They’ve become an advocacy group.

Note from CPB: Thank you for contacting the Corporation for Public Broadcasting. We welcome all comments about public media’s content and services. However, CPB is prohibited from interfering with editorial decisions related to programming on PBS or local public television and radio stations. Your comments will have more weight if you contact NewsHour and Washington Week with The Atlantic: //

Maintaining Program Integrity at WCBU, Peoria


The Peoria, IL public television station, WCBU, has undergone dramatic changes in the past few months. A new board has emerged, with a very conservative board president. News reports indicate he has obtained large amounts of money from unnamed donors, with questionable intent. Speculation points to his wanting to change the format to a conservative offering, and this could impact programming and damage the way news and entertainment are produced. Please don't let this wonderful station become a FOX news, Evangelical option. Thank you. D***a W*****y, Galva, IL 61434