Your Feedback

CPB seeks to make public broadcasting more accessible to the public it serves. To do so CPB maintains a toll-free, 24-hour telephone line (1-800-272-2190), an online contact form, and accepts letters sent directly to CPB.

All comments are available on this website to be viewed by the general public. Each year, by statute, CPB transmits this public link to the White House for its report to Congress. Additionally, comments pertaining to programming are shared with the CPB Board of Directors and relevant public media staff.


PBS News Hour

I love Judy Woodruff, David Brooks and Jonathan Capehart. I think they make up the best substantive intelligent available news reports. I have friends who say the same about the PBS News Hour. Judy Woodruff, David Brooks and Jonathan Capehart are intelligent and honest and open in their opinions. They are willing to listen to different point of view respectfully and ask hard questions of both parties. I am relieved that David Brooks, remaining a Republican, is able to see and be honest about the Republican problems that appear to bring about division in our country in a nasty way. These issues are preventing the work needed in our country. We need - truth - not political bias. Our country is hurting. We are beginning to see healthy conversations and a move to better health with President Biden. However, if the Republicans can only think about winning by putting down Biden or the Democrats and hampering good change, we will find our country back on the road to further decay - dividing instead of unifying. There is no question we have huge problems with racial equity, homeless, gun control, increased violence and crime, poverty, hunger, etc. This is occurring in what we have considered the greatest country. We are all going to have to take action and make sacrifices to get to a better place. If we do not pay attention to these serious problems, they will get worse and it will be the undoing of our country. I have to say I admire and know that it is very brave and ethical of David Brooks to be honest, because Republicans are so cruel if someone does not walk the Republican line - that line is pretty harsh these days. I so appreciate the the PBS News Hour with this great trio. Thank you.

1A with Jenn White

New York
I absolutely love this program, its presentation and hostess. Today I listened to Jenn's interview about the documentary "Women with Transitors" and want to mention to Jenn a book about a remarkable woman that I just finished: "The Woman who Smashed Codes" by Jason Fagone. Combination of brainy woman, sensitive woman, the world, wars and code breaking -- timely beyond time. Thank You for all your great great work, Jildy Gross PS I also studied at Uof M.

Love ❤️ the News Hour

New York
Read some crazy comments here from people who think PBS is biased. All those comments seem like they have come from Fox news trolls. PBS IS THE ONLY UNBIASED NEWS reporting available. And all those folks calling for Judy Woodruff’s retirement are nuts.

General views

Iam satifyed by your services aid and Information l get from your side,,,lam very interested to join with you let me knoknow

The Blinding of Isaac Woodard

I'm disappointed that I cannot find the real, detailed information about the Shull trial, including the names of the federal prosecutors. Would it be possible you could direct me towards a directory or resource that I might locate such information.

Lack of consistant closed captioning by PBS


PBS CAN NOT seem to deliver consistent closed captioning. The one entity, you would think they care because they (PBS) seem to do an inordinate amount of "virtue signaling". I complained to Masterpiece a couple of weeks ago and learned PBS was the cause and they were having trouble with a"machine". Now STILL Brand new Masterpiece show...LARGE gaps, a disgrace.I have noticed the advertisers had good captioning.Doesnt the public pay enough ?

Note from CPB: Thank you for contacting the Corporation for Public Broadcasting. Although CPB does not produce, broadcast or distribute programming, we welcome all comments about public media’s content and services. Part of the mission of public television is to reach unserved and underserved audiences, and this includes individuals with disabilities. We have shared your concerns with PBS.

PBS Newshour


We love this news how and watch every Friday night. We especially enjoy listening to David Brooks and Jonathan Cappart.

Can you please tell David Brook that his rocking in his chair while talking distracts from his articulate and enlightening comments. I’m sure it’s a difficult habit to break but worth trying.

Note from CPB: Thank you for contacting the Corporation for Public Broadcasting. We welcome all comments about public media’s content and services. However, CPB does not produce, broadcast, or distribute programming, including NewsHour, and is prohibited from interfering with programming on PBS or local public television stations. Your comments will have more weight if you contact NewsHour directly.



Hello, Where can I watch the episodes of Soul!? This was a very important program that should be available to us, especially given the fact that CPB cancelled it far too soon. Thank you, Jessica Young

Note from CPB: Thank you for contacting the Corporation for Public Broadcasting. CPB does not produce, broadcast or distribute programming. Further CPB does not own or operate local stations. Each local public broadcasting station makes their own decisions related to programming. Please contact your local station with your concerns.



Hello Pbs,

I hope you well. My name is Emmanuel Ofosuhene. I am 14 years old and a new Voice Actor. I was emailing you today. To ask for a potential opportunity to get a voice acting role at Pbs Kids or relating to education. Also, because I am a new professional voice actor. I kindly ask you to view my Voice Acting Profile (to see if I am the right fit) and then hire me from the website. I want to assure you that I am ready and decided to use my talent to help people and mainly kids.

Emmanuel Ofosuhene | Professional Voice Actor | Voices(

Thank You, Emmanuel O.

Note from CPB: Thank you for contacting the Corporation for Public Broadcasting (CPB). CPB and PBS are different organizations and CPB does not make shows. PBS Kids shows are made by individual producers. A major producer of kids shows for public television is WGBH Boston and you can reach them here:



As a great admirer of CPB and PBS, I have really enjoyed the Ken Burns series on Hemingway, but as a retired professor and author of a biography of the Mexican artist Siqueiros, I would like to encourage you to increase the diversity of subjects as well as film makers. Since the American Masters series includes films on Diego Rivera and Jose Clemente Orozco, two of the great three Mexican muralists, why not an American Masters production on Siqueiros, who painted three murals in Los Angeles and who has had a great impact on contemporary American artists, including Pollock, but also many contemporary American muralists of all colors? There is plenty of archival footage, the Getty Institute and the city of Los Angeles have spent millions on restoring Siqueiros's murals in LA and Lorena Manriquez produced Siqueiros, Walls of Passion recently shown on public TV. The life and work of David Alfaro Siqueiros is a great story and his ideas and innovations in art deserve recognition. Thank you. D. Anthony White, Ph.D.

Note from CPB: CPB serves as the steward of the federal appropriation for public media and does not produce, broadcast or distribute programming. CPB is also prohibited from interfering with editorial or programming decisions. You may wish to provide feedback to American Masters directly: As you noted, in September 2020, Siqueiros: Walls of Passion premiered on WORLD Channel, a public television broadcast channel that is also available to stream online. The film is a co-production of the Independent Television Service (ITVS) and Latino Public Broadcasting (LPB). The WORLD Channel, ITVS and LPB all receive direct funding support from the Corporation for Public Broadcasting. These and other CPB-funded initiatives help the public media system reflect the diversity of our nation and stations' local communities through the content they develop and the voices and stories they feature. For more information about CPB’s commitment to diversity, equity and inclusion, please visit our website:

Last night's program on the insurrection


Years ago I used to support my public broadcasting channel I knew it was fair and nonbias. Now since Trump came into his presidency, the news and discussions are as bias and filled with lies as the main stream media. There is no regard for the conservatives and their opinions left. All is geared toward the liberals and their goals. America and most people are concerned about truth but they have been fed so many lies and so much misinformation that NO news station is concerned with truth except Fox News has some truth in it mostly in the late evening. Science has become a god and lies and immorality are accepted as part of this way of life. Actually science has NOT been followed directly but is influenced by the left who want to please those who hate our conservative values. There is NO more truth nor justice in any of you everything is tainted with hatred for God and hatred for the values we share. May the light shine again and may truth be valued not perverted by you.

Note from CPB: Thank you for contacting the Corporation for Public Broadcasting. We welcome all comments about public media’s content and services. However, CPB does not produce content, including Frontline, and CPB is prohibited from interfering with editorial decisions related to programming on PBS or local public television and radio stations. Your comments will have more weight if you contact PBS directly:

Complaint to AzPBS


The following was emailed to Az PBS as a complaint to their programming and political position on April 20, 2021, the subject was TWO LIES!

I am outraged as a taxpayer helping to support this corrupt enterprise called "public" TV!

LIE ONE: How dare you discuss and support the concept of "systemic racism" as if it exists and is true. IT IS A LIE!! It is a provable lie because we had systemic racism in this country when I was a child in the 40's and 50's so I know what it is and what it looks like. IT IS GONE!!! None of the purveyors of this lie can produce any evidence of what systems are in place that are racist. Saying outcomes aren't equal is no proof at all, intellectually lazy and frankly stupid! The ONLY area where there may be a system that is racist is in college and university admissions whereby Asian and white students are routinely discriminated against.

LIE TWO: Climate change is not primarily man-made. Only a very small part (less than 5%) of any small amount of warming that has occurred in the last century is due to man-made CO2 emissions. Thousands of scientists and many books are available to PBS to cover why and how we have been lied to now for decades. EDUCATE YOURSELF....before you spend 3 hours of taxpayer time and money promoting that brain-washed child from Sweden's irrational hasn't caused climate change and CAN'T FIX IT!!

The unbridled irresponsibility of promoting these two positions borders on the criminal. Not only that, it is partisan as it is obvious that the country is split down the middle on these two issues politically and therefore to take a position supporting the leftist agenda on these two issues means you are stealing money from half the country...that also borders on the criminal.

I will be sending a copy of this email to the board of the CPB!

Larry Weaver, Show Low, Az

NPR no longer airs unbias programming


I have been an NPR/PBS listener since 1987. Over the last few years the content and tone of your programming and reporting has become increasingly bias. NPR often leaves their listeners trying to sift out what is fact and what is overwhelmingly becoming opinionated, virtue signaling. While I still have great respect for journalist, it appears as though most reporters now must be argumentative debaters, certain to get THEIR righteous point of view across. Perhaps it is best to leave arguing and personal bias reporting to the cable "news" networks? I do expect more from our NPR/PBS stations. Consider making some course adjustments to try to salvage your long standing credibility.

Note from CPB: Thank you for contacting the Corporation for Public Broadcasting. We welcome all comments about public media’s content and services. However, CPB, NPR, and PBS are separate and independent organizations. CPB does not produce or distribute content and is prohibited from interfering with editorial decisions related to programming on NPR or local public television and radio stations. Your comments will have more weight if you contact NPR directly.

Yamiche Alcindor


In an attempt to escape biased journalism, I turned to PBS. After many instances of blatant bias from Yamiche Alcindor, I am turning to BBC. How a publicly funded network can justify this reporter’s clear agenda is beyond comprehension. My taxes should be put to better use.

Note from CPB: Thank you for contacting the Corporation for Public Broadcasting. We welcome all comments about public media’s content and services. However, CPB does not produce, broadcast, or distribute programming, including NewsHour, and is prohibited from interfering with programming on PBS or local public television stations. Your comments will have more weight if you contact NewsHour directly.

Politics in kids programming PBSKIDS (BLM, Racism, and Skin Color....) WHY??


I am not asking for a correction. I am asking that social justice and race-based "propaganda" be left OUT of kids programming. I am not talking about black history, I am not talking about accepting each other as unique, I am not talking about any of those healthy and wholesome topics. I am referring specifically to BLM and race-based political ideologies (which are tools of division) that are designed to amplify our kids differences rather than their commonalities. This type of programming is not going to bring us together, it will do quite the opposite. These segments are teaching racism, disunity, and skin color awareness. They are putting skin color front and center to children who would otherwise never even care. I found it particularly appalling that certain cartoons are specifically including segments on current news and political affairs, These are not topics that belong in the classroom or on PBSKIDS. Just because the current corp news zeitgeist paints America as racist, does not make it so. Just STOP.

Note from CPB: Thank you for contacting the Corporation for Public Broadcasting (CPB). We welcome all comments on public media and its services. However, the Corporation does not produce or distribute programming and is prohibited by law from interfering with editorial decisions related to programming on local stations. Your comments will have more weight if you contact PBS or your local station.



What happened to the best actor....? I think thats newsworthy!! All you reported on was minority's receiving an oscar.....

Note from CPB: Thank you for contacting the Corporation for Public Broadcasting. We welcome all comments about public media’s content and services. However, CPB is prohibited from interfering with editorial or management decisions related to programming on PBS or local public television and radio stations. CPB also does not employ any journalists, editors, or reporters. Your comments will have more weight if you contact PBS NewsHour directly:

False Programming


All citizens pay for your shoddy coverage of conservatives. You are the right arm of the driving move toward socialism in our country You seem to forget Half this country does not agree with you. I will be working diligently to have public dollars taken from you. Linda

Note from CPB: Thank you for contacting the Corporation for Public Broadcasting. We welcome all comments about public media’s content and services. However, CPB does not produce, broadcast or distribute programming and is prohibited from interfering with editorial or management decisions related to programming on PBS or local public television and radio stations. Your comments will have more weight if you contact your local station directly.

PBS News hour


I just watched a wonderful segment on cicadas. It was very well done and should really help city people better appreciate nature. But I was appalled by Judy woodwards comment at the end about the repulsiveness of insects. Insects are important to nature and to our existence on this planet. We need to encourage people to understand that. Her comment is likely to turn off many. Pls don't that happen again. Joan Mukherjee

Note from CPB: Thank you for contacting the Corporation for Public Broadcasting. We welcome all comments about public media’s content and services. However, CPB does not produce, broadcast, or distribute programming, including NewsHour, and is prohibited from interfering with programming on PBS or local public television stations. Your comments will have more weight if you contact NewsHour directly.

Judy Woodruff’s Program


I would really like to see David Brooks removed from her Friday night show. He really isn’t a conservative anymore,if he ever was. He pretty much agrees with everything Jonathan Capeheart says. The show is so one sided.

Note from CPB: Thank you for contacting the Corporation for Public Broadcasting. We welcome all comments about public media’s content and services. However, CPB is prohibited from interfering with editorial or management decisions related to programming on PBS or local public television and radio stations. CPB also does not employ any journalists, editors, or reporters. Your comments will have more weight if you contact PBS NewsHour directly:

Pacifica Foundation Fails to Conduct the Requisite OPEN Meetings of Its Board and Committees


Wednesday, April 28, 2021, 3:45 pm Pacific: I take no pleasure in writing this; however, as a financial supporter of the Pacifica Foundation's Station KPFK, and a US and California taxpayer, I believe I that I should. During 2020 and 2021 (to date), I have taken great pains to learn about the governance and financial status of the Pacifica Foundation. I have attempted to do so, in part, by listening to meetings of the Pacifica's National Board of Directors, to meetings of that Board's committees, and to meetings of the Listener Station Board of KPFK. I do so by relying upon the information published on . Alas that information is misleading. On several occasions, including this afternoon's scheduled Pacifica National Board Coordinating Committee, when a public stream of the meeting(s) was to be available, NO SUCH STREAM(S) HAVE BEEN PROVIDED. The CPB should be mindful of these transgressions. You may "track" such failures by searching the "archives." You will note that often when such audio streams were to be available to the the public, no such streams were available.

Thank you for your attention to this matter.

--Raymond Goldstone 10535 Missouri Ave., Los Angeles, CA 90025 Email:

Note from CPB: Thank you for contacting the Corporation for Public Broadcasting. KPFK-FM does not participate in CPB’s radio Community Service Grant program and receives no funding from CPB.