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CPB seeks to make public broadcasting more accessible to the public it serves. To do so CPB maintains a toll-free, 24-hour telephone line (1-800-272-2190), an online contact form, and accepts letters sent directly to CPB.

All comments are available on this website to be viewed by the general public. Each year, by statute, CPB transmits this public link to the White House for its report to Congress. Additionally, comments pertaining to programming are shared with the CPB Board of Directors and relevant public media staff.


Family Sitcom in the comfort of my house on PBS KIDS

North Carolina

I am going to work on creating a family friendly sitcom about myself, my mother, stepmom, grandmother, father and other family members, BUT we will use our own names. Teddy bears included and cats included. I am going to be the main character who loves every day filled with adventures. It is going to take place in either my father's house, my mother's house or both. I will take my teddy bear Pat out wherever I go and whatever I do, but he has a napping and feeding schedule since he is a baby. I will have to make time for all of that. In this sitcom I am going to take my bear Pat wherever I go but the problem is it is not appropriate for my age. We all know that but since it is geared to kids we should include him outside the house. I liked doing things with Pat in and out of the house even when I was little. I am looking for someone to videotape all episodes and find songs to use in all episodes.

Note from CPB: Thank you for contacting the Corporation for Public Broadcasting (CPB). CPB is a grant making organization and is prohibited from producing or broadcasting programming. Please contact PBS with your suggestion at

Stop censoring language

New Mexico

I never noticed this before, but it seems as if PBS is now censoring all curse words, no matter how common and mild. Why are you doing this? The shows I watch are not for children and I think the rest of us can handle a few s***s d**s and f***s. I would really appreciate it if you would stop treating us like children and let the writers words be spoken out loud for us the viewers.

Note from CPB: Thank you for contacting the Corporation for Public Broadcasting (CPB). By federal law, indecent and profane content are prohibited on broadcast TV and radio between 6 a.m. and 10 p.m., when there is a reasonable risk that children may be in the audience. To learn more about obscene, indecent and profane broadcasting laws, please review the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) website:

It is a sin to be Jewish in President Biden and the Democrat’s America.


To:,, NYT Letters ,,, Audience Npr Subject: The sin of Jewishness in Biden’s America  It is a sin to be Jewish in President Biden and the Democrat’s America. My first vote was for William Jefferson Clinton, I rarely miss an election and I have never voted for a Republican, bit my party is no longer the Democratic Party for a host of reasons and how can I vote for my party, which is openly courting antisemitic voters? I choose to face the fear of a second Trump administration over my defunct, antidemocratic and antisemitic party. President Trump has corrupted the Democratic Party far more than the Republican Party. Far more. Or, better to say that candidate Trump has allowed the Democratic Party to corrupt itself and is we can’t survive a second Trump presidency then we aren’t meant to and won’t survive the next iteration. This dynamic of fear and desperation is augmenting polarity and hastening the end of democracy. President Biden’s lowers the flag to half staff in remembrance and to mark any sized mass shooting to bring awareness to gun violence, but also to serve and profit from a wedge issue, but if you are one of the 33 Jewish Americans killed in Israel by terrorists, who are held in good regard by his the demographic electorate he is courting, well then you come to your own conclusions about this official non-act.  I can't get my head around the implications of the White House's silent "proclamation" that Jewish Americans are "less than,” “other” and sub-citizens, tainted by their communal sins including connectedness to Israel and all undeserving of the dignity of the most salient and dignified tradition of lowering the county’s flag and remembering and mourning as a whole nation. By not proclaiming the flags be lowered for Americans killed by terrorists in a massive terror attack in Israel on 10/7, President Biden proclaimed something else far more sinister, insidious and threatening to “the American experiment” than the program of the Trump cabal. My fellow Democrats are spending down our democratic endowment as fast, or faster than former President Trump is. The Democratic Party has lost the thread on equality, justice and the values that promote liberty. The Democratic Party has lost its moral core and seceded to the socialists. In President Biden’s America inequality is promoted and there are full and worthy citizens and lesser, shameful citizens. Sincerely, Fred H*****n-S***h 231 Belmont, Ma 02478 (339)-XXX-XXXX *****This message was sent from my mobile device.*****

Public Media Leadership | Lack of Diversity | KLVX


To CPB: It has recently been brought to my attention the lack of diversity among the leadership of my local PBS station, KLVX Vegas PBS. It’s disappointing to me that my PBS station leadership does not reflect the diversity of the community they serve. The highest qualified individuals from diverse backgrounds should be leading public media stations. I hope the CPB takes notice of this clear lack of diversity at KLVX leadership and can take steps to increase the number of highly qualified, diverse professionals in Public Media to take PBS, NPR and other public media well in to the future. Respectfully, Richard T Reyes Las Vegas, Nevada Founder The Committee to Increase Minority Representation in Public Media Leadership

Fire Katherine Maher, biased communist who hates the 1A

Fire Katherine Maher. She can't handle fair criticism. NPR should not receive a penny of public funding. It works exclusively for the DNC. Maher is also an anti 1A communist who hates the Constitution.

Sunday weekend edition

I love listening to Ayesha Roscoe! She is a real asset to NPR. I just disagree about one thing. I think it is just as important to know if Bill Clinton paid women for non-disclosure agreements as it is to know about Trump doing this. It is sickening that MONEY is offered to people to keep them from talking. MONEY! It cheapens everything. It is integrity that matters in these cases. NOT money! It is just as repugnant for Clinton to have payed off women as it is for Trump to do it. DID Clinton give women money in non-disclosure agreements?! DID he?! If so, it is just as shameful in his case as in Trump’s. And I wish women had the courage to refuse to agree to these degrading, demeaning agreements! Whistleblow! Just tell the truth. It DOES matter just as much if Clinton did this as much as it matters that Trump has done it. It is disgusting! It shouldn’t be swept under the rug, dismissed, and ignored. It makes it sound like some kind of a double standard! It’s not! It MATTERS! It should mean the same, as much for one party as the other. If Clinton did this it is just as bad as Trump doing it, and it should be acknowledged and recognized. There is so much that feels toxic in politics anymore! On both sides integrity, and ethics should be naturally expected. Without question. Standards should not be compromised on either side for anyone. It is unfair to our country.

Sunday Morning NPR News

While it may be a journalist’s job to deal with tough questions, Ayisha Rascoe should not have to tolerate the sort of rude behavior exhibited by the Republican politician today, Sunday morning, the 28th. While that politician might have acted the same way even if Ms. Rascoe had been a white, male with obvious conservative sympathies, it’s frustrating that we now have to accept Republican behavior as routinely unpleasant. Ms. Rascoe has my sympathy and my appreciation for her ability to maintain her calm, respectful behavior.

Weekend edition ayesha rascoe

Ayesha did a phenomenal job interviewing Nancy Mace. Also great follow up. Handled her beautifully, and kept your cool and professionalism.


New York
Defund at once.


While Katherine Maher is a bonafide Marxist/Communist/Socialist-Democrat Party who has turned NPR into a cesspool of progressive, liberal activism, your are forgetting that her predecessor John Lansing was the CEO of NPR for many years prior to her March 2024 start date. Lansing is toxic. He has been a cancer everywhere that he was employed. From his tenure at Scripps to the US Agency for Global Media, he has backstabbed his way through many corporations. He was fired from Scripps for his toxicity. He spread LIES about Russiagate and UNTRUTHS about the Trump Administration around the world during his time at USAGM. Now he has poisoned NPR and left if to rot with his Marxist/Communist/Socialist-Democrat Party colleague Katherine Maher. And let's not forget Jarl Mohn -- the jackass behind the curtain who has been the catalyst of this NPR movement to the far left. All three traitors who have skirted the edges of decency for the almighty dollar that the Marxist/Socialist/Communist-Democrat Party is willing to pay.

Bias Programming at NPR

I have been an advid listener and supporter of NPR since 1987. Over the years it has been disheartening to see the downfall of such a substantive and meaningful programming outlet, watching NPR become a far-left leaning liberal propaganda machine, now that you have appointed Katherine Maher as your leader/director, I cannot listen to my once most valued source of news. Over the last few years, I have found myself walking over to the radio to turn off your station, just because the outrageous portrayal of various issues has been over the top. Now with the further movement to the left under Ms Maher's control, I see the end must come to my decades long allegiance to NPR. Perhaps someone at CPB will step back and realize that you are hemorrhaging moderate listeners. Please consider terminating Katherine Maher and her most radical ideas. PS, I will continue to support PBS and their TV programming.

Apparent NPR Bias

To me this is the most critical point made by Uri Berliner: "The laptop was newsworthy. But the timeless journalistic instinct of following a hot story lead was being squelched. During a meeting with colleagues, I listened as one of NPR’s best and most fair-minded journalists said it was good we weren’t following the laptop story because it could help Trump. " And note: NPR has not addressed this point. Why? It is likely true, isn't it?

Amna Nawaz

Amna is a sorry replacement for Judy Woodruff. I’m liberal and she is very far left of me. Her bias in reporting is shocking. Please sideline her and give the seat to Stephanie or William.

Ayesha Rascoe Voice

I enjoy waking up to NPR every morning as I catch up with the news and begin my day. However Although I have tried for several months to listen to Sunday morning I cannot do it any longer. I find Ayesha Rascoe’s voice so grating and shrill that I turn it off before I get a headache. When she first came on the air I thought she was a sub filling in for someone. I find her diction and pronunciation far below the standards that a premier news outlet should allow. Please assign Ayesha to a position that will allow her to use her gifts without annoying loyal listeners.


Yesterday, a NPR reporter said that Israel "claims" 1100 killed by Hamas. Claims??? Could they be more dismissive of the slaughter of innocent people? Why are our tax dollars paying for this?

Ayesha Roscoe

Please, for the love of all that is articulate, please remove Ayesha Roscoe from your lineup. It pains me, as Black woman, to have to post this but ghetto fabulous is NOT aspirational. Her voice is freaking awful. I even turn away when she is on CNN because the other analysts make her look so lacking that I get second hand embarrassment. The roundtable has host, analyst, journalist and then her: welfare recipient. Just embarrassing. Does she not know Audie? Laura Coates? Abby Phillips?

NPR Weekend Edition

I have been listening to NPR for more than 30 years. I am sad to see the imbroglio NPR has gotten itself into regarding the politics of its newsroom. I hope that NPR weathers that storm. Please--in the name of God, PLEASE--get Ayesha Rascoe off of the radio. I am sure she is a competent, professional, and nice person, but her voice is like fingernails on a chalkboard. I just cannot listen to her speak, and I cannot listen to NPR's weekend news shows anymore. It is painful.


No longer for the public. Pro communist Should no longer be funded


Recently NPR has been scrutinized and found out only Democratic people work for it,it is funded by the feds that operate the education department of commerce and also CPB. So do you feel that you're not biased in your contributions towards an only Democrat news provider? Isn't this slanted ? I'm fine with the elections coming up and it's such a struggle for all parties in election that you're just contributing to the party of your choice which is Democrat do you have anything to say about this


New Hampshire
It is very disappointing that America is no longer objective, and no one seems to care. Why do you only support Democrats? Why are we going backwards? Is this Nazi Germany? Why are you guys supporting silencing of opposing views? Shouldn't diversity of opinions matter? You should not be giving any money to NPR as its a mouthpiece for a political party. I try to listen to NPR to support them, but I do not want to support someone who cannot give me the truth even if it goes against what I believe. How do you change peoples minds? And the Leader of NPR thinks its a good thing. I don't care who you vote for, our news organization should be honest. I'm tired of all the lying. Especially by politicians. Can we stop lying on the radio on programs that are supposed to be objective? Shouldn't you be writing off your grants as political donations?