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Amna Nawaz


Please, please remove her from the nightly broadcast. I am hanging in there, but I am close to no longer watching. She reads her cue cards like a freshman in High School. And the constant earnest sadness in her eyes is so glaringly inappropriate! Judy Woodruff was the best. Note: All the other present-day announcers are fantastic! Please, please move her off the top slot, otherwise you risk losing more and more watchers. A*****y S******l

Note from CPB: Thank you for contacting the Corporation for Public Broadcasting. CPB does not produce programming or employ journalists. CPB is prohibited by law from controlling or influencing the editorial or other content of PBS NewsHour. Your comments will have more weight if you contact PBS NewsHour directly:

Ayesha Roscoe


Horrible grating voice. Can't stand it.

Washington Week, Host-Jeffery Goldberg

New Jersey

Please, enough of Jeffery Goldberg of The Host of Washington Week. This fellow comes across completely unprepared each week to function as the host. When I watch Washington Week each week I want to hear in depth analysis of the goings on in our national’s Capitol, not friendly chit chat in any way with the guests each week. Also, toward the end of the show of October 27, Mr. Goldberg made a big production of the last question he was going to ask his guests, only in the end to ask his guests if they thought it was a sure thing that Mr. Trump would be The GOP candidate for President in 2024? Excuse me, but where has been Mr. Goldberg been? Presently, is there another Presidential Republican candidate anywhere close to Mr. Trump in the polls? NO! Please PBS, show your viewers some respect by replacing Mr. Goldberg as the host of Washington Week, with someone who can do that function with the proper preparedness, pose, and intelligence that should be a prerequisite to have, to be The Host of Washington Week. Thank you. E**a B******d

Note from CPB: Thank you for contacting the Corporation for Public Broadcasting. CPB does not produce programming or employ journalists. CPB is prohibited by law from controlling or influencing the editorial or other content of Washington Week with The Atlantic. Your comments will have more weight if you contact Washington Week with The Atlantic directly:

Why I will never support PBS

This company is anti-Trump I refuse to let anyone in my family support or watch your programs because you have to much of a libral bias. I don't think anything will ever change with this channel. You are seting a precedence that is one sided.

Ayesha Rascoe

I like Ayesha a lot but please ask her to not raise her voice to such a high scratchy pitch. I find it highly annoying!

Please promote a NEW fresh voice on Weekend Edition Sunday

NPR is wonderful and Ayesha Rascoe it was terrific as part of the NPR politics podcast, and shes a great writer. Im sure and very insightful, but she is also pretty Junior compared to her. NPR host peers, and often seems somewhat unprepared with asides and anecdotes that interrupt the flow of her stories when she’s doing interviews, I want to hear more from the guests and less about her and her kids — I say this as a mom and a woman of color. After several months, it hasn’t gotten better. There are MANY wonderful, talented women of color on NPR who can pronounce Latino and Asian names correctly, which Ayesha Rascoe often does not seem to put the time in to doing, and that can fully prepare for a polished flow of conversation, with a smooth line of questioning excellent interviews without needless interruptions. I miss having stories in the latter 20 minutes that are inclusive of an array of voices, and an array of minoritized populations and identities. I’ve been waiting for her to grow into the position, but she hasn’t yet.

Sunday weekend edition

Ayesha Roeasco her voice is so irritating. I am considering to not renew my support for the station. I’m sure she is an excellent reporter… but her voice is annoying.


You are truly propaganda peddlers just like CNN.If you have an ounce of common sense you would stop helping with the destruction of our country

David Brooks

On the PBS NewsHour roundtable, David Brooks said that he knew of no example of influence peddling on Joe Biden’s part. Apparently David Brooks never saw the video at the CFR in 2018 where Biden confessed to Richard Haas that he threatened to withhold one billion dollars in aid to Ukraine unless Viktor Shokin were fired. Shokin was investigating Burisma which paid off Hunter Biden. He then bragged to audience laughter that he got Shokin fired. Neither anchor Geoff Bennett nor panelist Jonathan Capehart pointed this out to David. That’s why it’s important for PBS to replace fake-conservative Capehart with a real conservative. The viewers would benefit from having more complete information.

Washington week 09/08/2023 San Diego CA

Dear Sir, We have enjoyed tonight ‘s episode listening to inputs from a 3 members panel yet everyone contributed thus making the discussion much more varied , educational & interesting . It was a balanced talk, , not like previous ones dominated by the host , please keep up the momentum. Thank you ,

Washington Week - KPBS

My husband and I enjoy watching Washington Week to listen to different views , opinions from a well selected panel of Press Corps , but since Jeff Goldberg chaired the talk we find it very irritating because we think Mr Goldberg loves to hear his own voice . He makes a sentence into a story , repeating the same question phrased differently ,consequently members of the panel couldn’t get a word in sideways as time ran out . We really liked the lady who sat in for Goldberg when he was away , unfortunately we couldn’t recall her name . She was precise , eloquent , to the point , very professional. Please bring her back .

General complaint

There was a time, years ago, when I supported PBS/NPR. I was a generous contributor, and was invited down to the PBS station headquarters in Phoenix, AZ. Then, and I can't give an exact date, NPR/PBS took a wide swing to what I'll call the "political right". My main sources of news are a digital subscription to the New York Times, ABC, NBC, and CBS affiliates. I never watch Fox news, but am aware of it's political slant, and its content. I would put PBS/NPR at the same level as Fox news. There was a time when the Republicans in the Senate and House, would launch attacks against the Corporation for Public Broadcasting, on a continuing basis. Not any more. They love the Pro-Trump content of PBS/NPR. Now, for the record, I would normally not care what you folks broadcast. I just don't want to pay for it with my taxes. I've considered sending 535 postcards to our elected representatives (100 senators / 435 House members) requesting action to de-fund your organization. You can make up the difference with additional fund raisers. Just don't pass the hat to me.

What is playing right now?


I am listening to a piece right now your radio and I have gone to your station on the internet to find the name of the piece. IT IS IMPOSSIBLE! You do not show this information anywhere. You should always have a link to the piece "currently being played."

Note from CPB: Thank you for contacting the Corporation for Public Broadcasting. We welcome all comments about public media’s content and services. CPB supports 391 radio grantees, representing 1,207 public radio stations across the country. Please contact your local radio station.

Washington week


I just watched Washington week tonight, and Laura Lopez was terrible. She did not call on half the panel and favored only two individuals to comment. She interrupted people and spoke more than any of the panelists. That’s not a good interview it’s ego. As a donor to PBS, I’ll ask that you please have someone else lead the program. Thank you.

Note from CPB: Thank you for contacting the Corporation for Public Broadcasting. CPB does not produce programming or employ journalists. CPB is prohibited by law from controlling or influencing the editorial or other content of Washington Week with The Atlantic. Your comments will have more weight if you contact Washington Week with The Atlantic directly:

Financial Statements posting


The link for the FY 22 Financial Statements on your website is broken and they cannot be accessed.

Note from CPB: Thank you for contacting the Corporation for Public Broadcasting. The link has been fixed. Thank you for bringing this to our attention.

Nature Kat


You have a wonderful opportunity to educate people on a very important issue related to cats and the environment, but one thing that needs to be done requires a big PBS expense....changing the Nature Kat show name and mascot/host to correct a huge mistake regarding environmental issues. I realize this is a long letter/comment/post, but if you grab a glass of wine and kick off your shoes, and read it all the way to the end, I think you will feel it was worth your time. If you approve of the content, feel free to share it with any organization, expert, activist or individual you feel is appropriate. I love all of nature and hate to see any living creature suffer. When looking at the bigger picture of the entire environment or ecosystem, however, sometimes hard decisions have to be made to protect all of the animals, rather than one species. Feral cats are an invasive species in many countries, including the U.S., and they are decimating the native songbird populations, sometimes to the brink of extinction. According to Wikipedia: "Feral cats are one of the major invasive species in Australia and have been linked to the decline and extinction of various native animals. … Cats are believed to have been a major factor in the extinction of the only mainland bird species to be lost since European settlement, the paradise parrot." Nature did not intend for an invasive species to be part of the delicate balance of predator and prey, and feral/outdoor cats are extremely destructive to the ecosystem. Biologists and other experts agree that the feral/outdoor cat is one of the most destructive invasive species, and in my state of Florida, the wildlife experts state that the feral cat is THE NUMBER ONE most destructive species "by far." The Americana Bird Conservancy reports that "outdoor cats are the single greatest direct source of human caused mortality to birds in the United States and Canada." That means, cats kill more birds than climate change, pollution, habitat destruction, windmills, planes, glass windows, etc. By saying "human-caused," the blame is placed on humans, not the cats who follow their instincts. It also means humans are responsible for fixing the problem. As we fight over solutions, we are losing native species forever. Here are excerpts from a 2013 National Geographic article (the crisis is much worse 8 years later): "A 2013 study estimated free-ranging domestic cats kill between 1.3 and 4 billion birds – on top of between 6.2 and 22.3 billion mammals – every year in the United States alone, the majority by feral or unowned cats. Figures released by the Mammal Society show the UK's estimates for domestic cat kills to be more sober, but still shocking: around 100 million prey items between Spring and Summer, of which 27 million were birds – and not counting the creatures the cats didn't bring home. According to the RSPB, there is no scientific evidence to link cats to bird population decline in the UK. Cats have contributed to the extinction of 63 species of vertebrates, most of them birds, says Peter Marra, director of the Georgetown Environment Initiative. “The fact that they’ve caused these extinctions is bad enough…. [Additionally] we know that they have a significant impact on populations globally, whether they’re threatened or not,” he says." Nature did not intend for an invasive species to be part of the delicate balance of predator and prey, and feral cats are extremely destructive to the ecosystem. Biologists and other experts agree that the feral cat is one of the most destructive invasive species, and in our state of Florida, the wildlife experts state that the feral cat is THE NUMBER ONE most destructive species "by far." Eradication is the only solution. Sadly, many cat lovers are irrational and selfish, and refuse to consider destroying feral cats, no matter how necessary...and many refuse to keep their pet cats indoors. The trap/neuter/release efforts are well-intentioned, but they don't begin to put a dent in the exploding populations of feral cats. NO invasive species should ever be released back in to the wild, spayed or not. In Florida, it is illegal to release a non-native species (invasive) into the wild, yet the law is not enforced regarding feral cats or irresponsible cat owners who allow their pets to roam free outside. Hypocritical cat owners in Deltona Fla. screamed bloody murder when wild dogs killed their outside pet cats, but the dogs were just doing what is "natural" (a claim made by cat lovers when the cats kill birds). When traps set to catch the wild dogs caught their cats, they screamed again, rather than keep them inside. Cat owners cry when a driver or native predator (coyote) kills their pet, yet their pet's blood is on their hands for letting their cat loose on the neighborhood streets. Pet cat owners must keep their cats indoors where such a destructive invasive species belongs. Cat organizations are well-funded and organized, and their members are loud and passionate...but unfortunately often unreasonable and irrational. The well-funded cat groups could build sanctuaries and enclosures for ferals (that often do not make good pets), if they cared about all of nature and the entire ecosystem. By the way, cat feces can carry a dangerous disease that can damage human eyes (toxoplasmosis?), so ferals are a health hazard to humans, as well. Right now, feral cats are using a sandy area on the children's playground of a middle school in Winter Park as a litter box. It is not just nasty, but dangerous to the health of the children. Yet, the "cat women" seem only to care about feeding those feral cats. An Audubon Society director told me years ago that cat groups constantly sabotage any efforts toward a real solution. He told me of a colony of endangered water bird in New England that was being attacked by a colony of feral cats. Experts agreed that destroying the cats was the only viable solution. Do you know what the cat wackos suggested? The cat nuts suggested putting the ENDANGERED NATIVE species of bird into a ZOO, where it would likely die out, and leaving the NON-native, INVASIVE species of cats alone. Insanity. Unfortunately, that is the mentality of many cat warriors. The problem is global. In Australia, some native bird species have gone extinct because of feral cats. On the beautiful island of Maui, the once-great biodiversity is gone and the island is overrun by feral cats. Sure, over-development was another cause, but the cats were the main cause and the nail in the coffin for many island species. The beautiful Nicobar Pigeon (the background on my FB page) is the closest living relative to the extinct Dodo Bird. It lives in Southeast Asia and the Pacific, on islands where it did not have natural predators, so it thrived and developed the beautiful plumage. The Nicobar is now in decline because of deforestation and the release of non-native predators like rats and cats to these islands. The Nicobar pigeon is now considered "near threatened." Back in my Florida neighborhood, a kind-hearted elderly woman told neighbors that her walled-in garden was once full of birds. Now, all she sees are "feathers and cats." This is happening in neighborhoods all over the country and world. It seems that many cat lovers would rather see an entire species of native bird go extinct than agree to the killing of one feral kitty. This makes working together with them nearly impossible. I tried discussing this with a woman feeding feral cats and her reaction made me feel that she would rather see me dead than one of her cats. Many articles on invasive species often tip-toe around the issue of cats, and some don't mention them at all. As I said, wildlife and animal control agencies often don't enforce laws regarding invasive species and free-roaming pets when it comes to cats and cat owners. Our local Orange County animal control agency will not trap and remove feral cats, unless you prove they are a nuisance, and the County actually encourages nurturing of feral cat colonies, in violation of Florida law on invasives. It seems many are intimidated by cat lovers and their passionate feelings regarding this species. I imagine that will change as the situation becomes more dire, or when some child contracts a disease from feral cat poop. Research shows that cats are one of the few species that kill for pleasure and not just for food. I find that creepy, but the point is that feeding feral cats doesn't stop them from killing birds. Yes, they kill rats, too. However, that just takes more food away from native predators, like owls and hawks, which in turn kill more birds to make up for the loss of the food source. Birds are the loser, AGAIN. I admittedly love birds, but I am objective. There is a non-native species of green parrot in South Florida that is wreaking havoc on the ecosystem. I fully support destroying the invasive parrots, because it is the right thing to do. The issue of invasive species is about SCIENCE, not some personal attachment or emotional feelings toward one particular species. Pet cats must be kept indoors, regardless of the inconvenience to pet or owner. Feral cats have to be destroyed. Period. Many will think of me as a cruel monster for saying this. That is why we have such a long way to go toward effective solutions, and I fear we will lose more bird species to extinction in the process. Whomever chose the name and mascot for Nature Kat knew nothing about the environment and invasives, or didn't care and was only concerned with marketing. The name and mascot/host for the show needs to be changed. Please pass this on to the show's producer, Spotify. I could not get to their site because of virus warnings. I urge you to consider adding more aggressive education and vocal advocacy regarding invasives, feral cats, and keeping pet cats indoors the work you are doing. It would be a wonderful chance to help cat lovers become partners with scientists and environmentalists, rather than enemies. Don't you think? Peace, Glenn M******l

station finder


Useless. By call letters? How the hell am I supposed to know the call letters for the NPR stations on the Oregon coast.

Note from CPB: Thank you for contacting the Corporation for Public Broadcasting. We welcome all comments about public media’s content and services. As stated on the Station Finder page, you can find stations by searching by two-character state names (e.g. DC, MD, VA), by call letters (e.g. WAMU), by branding (e.g. Maine Network), or for 50-mile proximity, by zipcode (e.g. 19706) or city, state (e.g. Boston, MA). Based on your comment, by inputting “Oregon,” you will get these results along with a map of the stations:

Will smith


Please ask Will Smith to get off our a**

Washington Week with the Atlantic


To Sharon Rockefeller: could you please replace permanently Jefferey Goldberg from Washington Week. He is not appropriate fro this wonderful show that I have enjoyed for years. He is not a tv journalist. He seems self absorbed, and not able to let people speak long enough. The show seems like an infomercial for his friends and colleagues books. He holds up a book. Congratulates them, says strange things, like “and that’s all I will say about it”, then goes on to make reference to something in the book and make it a talking point. I believe on that show, at the end, he turned to the two women and said, I am paraphrasing, If you write a book, I will hold it up like this also. Apparently there are some very reputable writers who are women who have noted that he doesn’t really think women can write books or articles with many words. The last week with one panelist, Steve Inskeep, they seemed to have their own little time of laughter between them, like an old bos club, the new old boys club. He, I understand is very accomplished in many ways, including his editor in chief role at the Atlantic. I’ve enjoyed many articles there. Of course PBS is going through difficult times, but you don’t need him as editorial guidance or in this role on Washington Week. I have lost my Friday evening calm and sensible view and opinions show, with good panelists. I can’t imagine many people who have been in that role before wanting to be a part of this. Obviously finances were a concern, then talks with the Atlantic, then he is there clumsily and sometimes egotistically trying to be a moderator. Bring back Laura, or many other PBS suitable candidates. Let him keep his day job and talk with his Washington cronies about “existential ennui”. Please. Or I will and many others will have lost a little more of our no nonsense, well researched and down to earth news and opinion time at the end of the weeks which have been so difficult in recent times. I may not even be writing in the right place. I am one of the intelligent, but simple folks. Please see that someone who is in charge can help us and PBS. This is not the way to do it. I am sorry. I don’t like to be unkind. It is just such a bad fit. I know you must see it.

Note from CPB: Thank you for contacting the Corporation for Public Broadcasting (CPB). We welcome all comments about public media’s content and services. However, CPB and WETA are two separate organizations. To contact WETA, please visit

Washington Week - The Atlantic


An issue for PBS more than NPR. But I am sure that the concern is applicable to NPR and its coverage of the Democrats and the Presidential election - specifically reporting and presenting news about Robert F Kennedy. Re: Washington Week-Atlantic on PBS. (I am 'biased' in that I write as a person that anticipates voting for RFK in the MASS primary, especially if Kamala Harris remains on the ticket. And in the general - Cornell West, if it is Biden/Harris.) Sent to PBS: The September 1st show (Washington Week - Atlantic) had me ready to scream (yes, I was upset) when the discussion turned to the Presidential election and the Democrats. Biden is the front-runner. But Biden does have dismal approval ratings AND there are legitimate candidates running against him, especially Robert Kennedy. Depending on whether one notes national polls or NH-polls his numbers are 10 - 15%. Yet the panel ignored RFK. Not NARY a word, there was NO word. The show needs to get back to its wonderful roots. The current version is way way too partisan and not a show where there is reporting. Steve N*****y, MA