Your Feedback

CPB seeks to make public broadcasting more accessible to the public it serves. To do so CPB maintains a toll-free, 24-hour telephone line (1-800-272-2190), an online contact form, and accepts letters sent directly to CPB.

All comments are available on this website to be viewed by the general public. Each year, by statute, CPB transmits this public link to the White House for its report to Congress. Additionally, comments pertaining to programming are shared with the CPB Board of Directors and relevant public media staff.


non-believers forced to support religious broadcasting

West Virginia

I am an agnostic, but I am forced to support religious broadcasting in my cable TV package. This is flat-out unconstitutional!

Note from CPB: Thank you for contacting the Corporation for Public Broadcasting (CPB). Although CPB does not produce or distribute programming, we welcome all comments about public media’s content and services. Each local public broadcasting station makes its own programming choices, as CPB is prohibited from interfering with editorial decisions related to programming on local public television and radio stations. Your comments will have more weight if you contact PBS or your local public media station.



I hope you will give this comment to Judy ,she will retire in the End of 2022. I wish you make public this fair Question.Abortion is in most cases more than survival for Woman. Rape ,Incest ,young woman not knowing the Consequences......If there mostly man I believe take the Right away from all this woman and believe abortion should not take place to help this Woman ....I respect their OPINION. BUT.....Then all this Man or Persons should pay for the cost raising this not yet born (unwanted Children, life tread to this mothers.) Furthermore help with this Children as soon as they are born. I know this Man or Priest are all TALK, but non of this people feel responsible. A shame that this people create so much Misery for mostly helpless Woman...and force to became Criminals by some states LAW. All Person make this Laws and and preachers should protect this woman but none will ever help, except they have a Family Member get Mention Problems. I wonder If PBS will ask people to see how wrong this Pros are.I hope you are for PEOPLE as you claim.

Note from CPB: Thank you for contacting the Corporation for Public Broadcasting. We welcome all comments about public media’s content and services. However, CPB does not produce, broadcast, or distribute programming and is prohibited from interfering with editorial or management decisions related to programming on PBS or local public television and radio stations. Your comments will have more weight if you contact PBS NewsHour directly:

Amna Nawaz


I am a 30 plus year supporter of PBS and I must say I have become extremely frustrated with Amna Nawaz in specific and the News Hour in general. Ms Nawaz frequently presents extremely liberal biased, moralizing and accusatory pieces with only one interviewee that supports her narrative. PBS now often fails to analyze issues anymore by discussing both sides of a complex and difficult issues like illegal immigration or crime control and instead presents a one sided diatribe against "conservative" actors on the other side of an issue. The news hour has shifted away from the unique and balanced reporting that investigates both sides of an issue and is increasingly coming across as an advocate for specific courses of political action or political solutions. Whereas CPB was always my go to news source to understand what was driving different groups to do what they do, now I view it as an increasingly liberal mouthpiece primarily promoting a liberal agenda. I am fairly liberal but I am more interested in hearing what goes on in the heads of people on the other side of the fence. I have cut back my donations to PBS as I no longer feel like it is an impartial news reporting agency.

Note from CPB: Thank you for contacting the Corporation for Public Broadcasting. CPB welcomes all comments about public media and its services. However, CPB and PBS are separate organizations. CPB does not produce programming or employ journalists. Your comments about PBS NewsHour will have more weight if you contact NewsHour directly:

Retirement for Judy Woodward

Please retire Judy Woodward and allow the other very competent women reporters to advance in their careers; Ama Navaz and others


Your fundraising style is really poor. All year long on the create channel, you are featuring what I call "the fat bitches cooking club" where they cook the most fattening foods and some of the worst quality nutrition. Then you put on another show which does the same thing and it goes on ad infinitum (forever and ever and ever). Then, during your fundraisers, you put some idiot (who looks like a retarded psycho with eyes that look like they are about to bug out of his head) who tells us all of the things that we should be eating instead. Your record is stuck. It's playing the same crap over and over again. Then you put on somebody like Deep Hack Ch-Oprah as if this bumbling idiot is supposed to know something about living. I could care less for him. I can barely understand a word he says because of his poor diction and extremely heavy accent. But he's just boring and a bit of a twit because he thinks too much of himself. He likes to pontificate and it's not needed or wanted. In the years before these foolish speakers, they wouldn't have had these people speaking. They would have picked somebody who was a translator with clear diction and an ample vocabulary. But that's another thing, isn't it? You will have a translator and yet you will still have the volume turned up too high on the person speaking a foreign language with a heavy accent. And you can't tell what they're saying because the volume is too high. How stupid is stupid when stupid is more stupid than you could ever imagine? That's PBS. You guys lack the knowledge to analyze what is wrong and so you make the same mistakes over and over and over again. And lately, everybody is going on the cheap in the newscasts, especially with somebody like Judy Woodruff rough rough rough barking bitch dog, who needs to be put out to pasture because her newscasting style is always the same story: "ain't it awful???!?!??!!?" I am so sick of her. She thinks she's far more intelligent than she is and she's just a redneck from Oklahoma with a twangy accent. She doesn't speak from her vocal cords and her diaphragm. The sound comes out of her nose, the same as Lisa desJardins. That woman is the most homely bitch on the planet. She has a tiny mouth and she has terrible diction. She speaks too quickly. I actually have to turn the channel when she comes on because I cannot listen to her. When they are interviewing people, frequently because they are doing it via Skype or some other chat box on the computer, You have not coached them in the art of speaking slowly and clearly with good diction. And frequently you don't even test to see what the acoustics are in the room Where they are located. You can have a room that has so much echo that you cannot make out anything. How stupid is stupid when stupid is so stupid you can't even see it coming because you don't believe this stupid could be that stupid. Then you have the female black porky pig, Alcindor, who speaks so quickly that she ends up stuttering. She literally sounds like a female porky pig. And she's supposed to be replacing Gwen Ifill ? You are giving Judy Woodruff far too much power in making the decisions about the people with whom she works. She is picking these idiots because they make her look good. These little brats don't have any idea about how to formulate an idea from their sentences. With Gwen, she would interview people very carefully, watching her semantics as to not tip them off, and she would gain their trust: and then she would ask a question (which by that time, they were so comfortable that they would answer it). She would give them the rope so that they could hang themselves. Then she would look into the camera when she was finished and give her sly smile which let you know that she had done something quite ingenious. Judy is an asshole by comparison. She's totally incompetent. It's time for everybody to stop licking that old bitches pussy and replace her. I don't know why everybody bows before her because she is just the worst. She's not a national treasure. She's a giant cockroach. I'm not kidding you. Your fundraising shows are bullshit. Here's the better way to handle it. Turn off all of the programming until everybody pays up I just have a sign on the screen showing how much you have raised and how much you need. Stop bothering us with the guy who looks like he is totally insane trying to tell us how to heal our brains and heal our minds. I'd like to heel him like a dog, but he's too butt ugly to watch. Get rid of these dweebs. I can go on about all of it, and I think one of the worst news programs you have is Chicago tonight. Brandis has a really snotty look on her face all the time. She doesn't smile, she thinks she's being very professional, but she just looks like an angry bitch every time she comes on the TV. And then you have all of these other shows with Jeffrey Bear And I'm not going to correct the spelling on this because my phone doesn't know any of these things and I'm using the phone recognition for typing. But Jeffrey Bear sucks. I hate a person who acts like a goody two-shoes. His shows are excessively boring and once you've seen them, it's enough. Take those reels and throw them in the trash and if he wants to make a new show, have him make a new show, but don't bother us with the reruns. But to say he's boring is an understatement. And I'm sorry but I can't remember the name of the guy who looks like a lemur on the news hour. His eyes are so big they're almost comical. He is the one who always does the "feel good" story. It's always completely insipid. It's time to retire him and put him out to pasture. I would say that your best person there is Amy Walter. Your second best is a toss-up between the other dark haired girl who appears at the same time with Amy, and the guy whose arm was blown off in some accident somehow. He's a very good reporter. You need people like this. You need smarter people all the way around. Not somebody who is going to say ain't it awful All the time. I can't stand that fucking Judy Woodruff ruff ruff ruff ruff barking bitch dog. That is one self-serving cunt. Brooks and Capehart are also excellent, but they should be doing more of the reporting than commenting. Their comments are excellent, but I think that they would bring particular insight if they were doing the news stories. You really need to turn over and get rid of a whole bunch of people there. The problem is, as long as you have Judy there And you give approbation to her and her tribe and her method, PBS will never change for the better. And it's time for a new theme song for the news channel. That old recording sounds like it was made years ago with members of the New York Philharmonic tend to play on the sharp side in the violin section. The brass are extremely harsh. It's totally out of tune all the way around. Get a new theme song, it's way past due. In fact, just get a new show and put the competent ones in front and get rid of little lacky boys and girls and especially porky pigette...

The new and un-improved NPR.

North Carolina
At one time NPR was a part of my morning routine. The sole content of today's NPR stations consists of nothing but flack Democratic propaganda. What a shame that tax dollars are providing such one-sided information to the American public.

Judy Woodruff leaving

If she leaves hopefully her replacement is as trustworthy and respected. I have read some ugly comments here and am seeing that behind the scenes PBS is cut-throat. Lost some respect for the organization.

PBS news with Judy Woodruff

Why do you have Greg Abernathy on the program as a commentator? I don’t care about his political party. He is a very ignorant man and a terrible waste of important news time.

Morning Edition


Pls take Leila Fadell off the air at times when she has a sizable audience. I dunno if you listen to her speak: she doesn’t speak SAE; she speaks “babytalk”. She goes on air, I turn off npr. A**y N****n

Weekend edition Sunday


Big fan of NPR. Longtime listener. But can no longer listen to Sunday morning show. Ayesha Rascoe's voice is hard to listen to. Annoying. Thanks.

Note from CPB: Thank you for contacting the Corporation for Public Broadcasting (CPB). CPB and NPR are two separate organizations. CPB does not produce programming or employ journalists. To contact NPR, please visit

Biased Programming


I read your "CANNED RESPONSE" to anyone commenting on your "progressive/ultra liberal" programming bias. Your programming goes out nation wide, trying to lay this bias at the feet of "local stations" is BS. You receive hundreds of millions in taxpayer funds. We deserve balance reporting and programming (opinion shows, like PBS News Hour.) Seems to me you've sidestepped the 1967 Federal Law requiring your annual report verifying the balanced presentations funded by those taxpayer funds.

Note from CPB: Thank you for contacting the Corporation for Public Broadcasting (CPB). By law, CPB is prohibited from producing or broadcasting programming. CPB is also prohibited by law from controlling or influencing the editorial or other content of local public television and radio programs.

About Your Shows

Dear The Corporation For The Public Broadcasting, I like your shows and your web sites. Hope you're doing well. Sincerely, Harrison

Bias propaganda

Why are all your show left leaning and bias against conservatives? Your complete liberal narrative even in nature shows make most people I know want to vomit. The funny part us we are not burying it.

So called news broadcast

New Hampshire

Do not donate to you will never again until you change back to a non biased program I believe your total funding should be pulled all you do is repeat lies spread by the legacy media why should you get public funding for one sided lies that are getting exposed daily time for you to go what a shame in the seventies and early eighties you did fairly good go woke go away you are twice as bigoted as the normal people you lie about

Note from CPB: Thank you for contacting the Corporation for Public Broadcasting (CPB). We welcome all comments about public media and its services. However, CPB does not produce, broadcast or distribute programming and is prohibited from interfering with editorial and programming decisions related to public television and radio stations. Your comments will have more weight if you contact your local station or the producer of the program of your concern.

Benjamin Franklin


It was quite a shock to tune into Ken Burn’s production and not find Closed Captioning. Please tell me why?

Note from CPB: Thank you for contacting the Corporation for Public Broadcasting. Although CPB does not produce, broadcast or distribute programming, we welcome all comments about public media’s content and services. Part of the mission of public television is to reach unserved and underserved audiences, and this includes individuals with disabilities. We have shared your concerns with PBS.

Call letter changes, poor reception...., feeling disrespected as a long time supporter of public radio in Cleveland


I am extremely disappointed with the recent shuffle of the three stations in north east Ohio (WCPN, WKSU, WCLV). While I understand there might be an expanded listenership outside of Cleveland, public radio reception in Cleveland is substandard at best. Adding insult to injury, the WKSU call letters are a constant reminder of a college owned small city (pop 30,000) station with poor reception and the abandonment of the urban identity of WCPN.

Note from CPB: Thank you for contacting the Corporation for Public Broadcasting (CPB). CPB, PBS, and NPR are independent of each other and of the local public television and radio stations across the country. Each local public broadcasting stations makes their own decisions in regards to programming and CPB is prohibited from interfering in programming decisions. Your comments will have more weight if you contact your local station directly.

Upstart crow


There are 3 seasons of this spectacularly witty show (Upstart Crow); I believe PBS in Maine has only run one. When can we expect to see the other seasons on channel 10? They're Wittier than any of your other shows..

Note from CPB: Thank you for contacting the Corporation for Public Broadcasting (CPB). CPB does not produce, broadcast, or distribute programming and is prohibited from interfering with editorial decisions related to programming on public television and radio stations. Please contact Maine Public with your programming question.

Your Programing


I am so disappointed at the Bias against Conservatives on your outlets now. I have stopped being a donating members due to your biased programming that is obviously being controlled by Liberals and Democrats. Heart Broken! We have been staunch supporters for many years.

Note from CPB: Thank you for contacting the Corporation for Public Broadcasting (CPB). We welcome all comments about public media and its services. CPB does not produce, broadcast, or distribute programming and is prohibited from interfering with editorial and programming decisions related to public television and radio stations. Your comments will have more weight if you contact your local station or the producer of the program of your concern.

Suggestions for restructuring PBS

North Carolina

Can more be done to encourage state affiliates of PBS (in my case, PBS North Carolina) to set up news programs that cover state and international news, to make up for shortcomings in the current national news landscape?

Also, can PBS consider the possibility of restructuring to a model similar to that of German public broadcasting association ARD, with regional broadcasters cooperating to form national programming?

Note from CPB: Thank you for contacting the Corporation for Public Broadcasting (CPB). CPB, PBS, and NPR are independent of each other and of the local public television and radio stations across the country. CPB neither owns, operates, nor controls broadcast stations. To learn more about the Corporation for Public Broadcasting please visit:

Changing Planet program and numerous similar programs


On so many of your PBS programs, the background music drowns out the speaking. I know there's pride in the background music that is provided, but too often it simply is a little too loud. Many of us older viewers get disgusted when we can hear what's being said and can't keep up with the closed captions. I would rather hear the speaker, and it would be a problem if you music was toned down some. Darrell Berkheimer, Grass Valley, Calif.

Note from CPB: Thank you for contacting the Corporation for Public Broadcasting (CPB). CPB does not broadcast programming. Please contact your local station or PBS with your concerns at