Your Feedback

CPB seeks to make public broadcasting more accessible to the public it serves. To do so CPB maintains a toll-free, 24-hour telephone line (1-800-272-2190), an online contact form, and accepts letters sent directly to CPB.

All comments are available on this website to be viewed by the general public. Each year, by statute, CPB transmits this public link to the White House for its report to Congress. Additionally, comments pertaining to programming are shared with the CPB Board of Directors and relevant public media staff.


Why are you still funding NPR?

Uri Berliner's recent article about NPR is a true insider whistleblower piece exposing the strong bias and slant in NPR's reporting and governance. In fact, this bias even colored over them reporting accurately about things like Covid. After doing so, he actually was punished by NPR and denounced by the staff there. This is Pravda-like behavior. The strong Left-wing bias and politically-driven agenda there is now out in the open, it is no longer hidden behind any pretense of unbiased good journalism and content. As CPB is publicly funded, why are you still using taxpayer funds to contribute to basically a Democrat party organ? This should be reconsidered immediately. Thanks, M Waller

Ayesha Rascoe

Please look at the multitude of complaints online, on other sites, about this NPR weekend announcer. She is not only an assault to the eardrums, but an assault to all senses. Radio is an audio medium. We don't get to see the broadcaster, so voice, grammar and presentation are very important. I have tried to listen to Ayesha but everything about her is grating. Sunday mornings should be a relaxing, laid back time. I've given up on Sunday mornings and cannot listen. This is not racist at all. I've loved Jenn White for years. Audie Cornish was so professional. I had fellow students on my college radio station in the late 70's that sounded more professional than Ms. Rascoe. Listen to the way she introduces the Sunday puzzle. She is literally screeching! I worked on-air in big market radio for 40 years, plus a national music network. I also worked at an NPR affiliate. Ayesha's experience would be better used for NPR off-mic. I cannot believe Sunday morning ratings have not suffered since she took over. Thank you for your consideration.



About Your Shows

Dear The Corporation For The Public Broadcasting, I like your shows and your web sites. Hope you're doing well. Sincerely, Harrison

Any truth to this?

Congressman Scott Perry Introduces the No Propaganda Act Washington, D.C. - Today, U.S. Representatives Scott Perry (PA-10), Thomas Massie (KY-04), Mary Miller (IL-15), and Andy Ogles (TN-05) introduced the No Propaganda Act to defund the biased Corporation for Public Broadcasting (CPB). The organization and its subsidiaries are staffed by extreme liberals, including the newly appointed divisive CEO of the National Public Radio (NPR) who has openly campaigned for Joe Biden. “The American Taxpayer is footing the bill for a woke media corporation that pretends to be impartial while pushing Chinese propaganda,” said Rep. Perry. “CPB cannot be allowed to keep using your hard-earned tax dollars to push a biased and political agenda that goes against what’s best for Americans.” Claiming to be unbiased and serving in the best interest of the public, the CPB funds content that incorporates woke and divisive messaging. A whistleblower, and 25-year veteran of NPR, recently called out NPR for allowing its “pro-Democrat political leanings to seep into editorial judgments, including its decision to turn a blind eye to the Hunter Biden laptop story.” In addition to influencing public opinion about U.S. politics, CPB has worked with a Chinese Communist Party-controlled media outlet registered as a foreign agent to air a documentary promoting Chinese propaganda. These efforts are funded in part by CPB grants paid for by American Citizens. “Congress must exercise oversight of the CPB and stop corruption in its tracks,” said Rep. Andy Ogles. “Taxpayers fund the CPB and it should be a source that provides a truly neutral and balanced perspective. That can only be achieved through the diversity of political ideology. Recent reports from a whistleblower indicate the CPB is nothing more than a propaganda machine for the Democrat party. I thank Congressman Perry for leading this bill to defund it and I’m proud to cosponsor.” Founded in 1967, the CPB is a publicly funded non-profit corporation that promotes and advances public broadcasting. Throughout the years, Congress has appropriated nearly $15 billion to the CPB, which distributes the funds to publicly owned television and radio stations like the Public Broadcasting Service.

Defund Trash NPR

I didn't need an article by one of your own editors to tell me you are communist propaganda. I noticed it going that way years ago and stopped listening to you and affiliates, as did my friends and family. I DO NOT want ANY more of my tax money to go to your treasonous cause, and am telling Congress so as well. You are destroying America and really ought to be ashamed. Just remember, one day you will have to answer to God. Turn it around now, people.


I used to listen all the time, now impossible as it has turned into a propaganda machine for progressives. What ever happened to presenting both sides of a discussion for the listener to decide. No more public funds fo deliberate bias.

funding for NPR

I believe CPB has failed in it's financial obligations by providing funding for NPR, since you do not meet your obligation to serve THE PUBLIC. In this way CPB is misusing public funds. I would like to see this change, since I believe NPR has a legacy of support for democracy, which has now eroded. I do not want to see funding for CPB /NPR be reduced by Congress, but I think this will be a required step unless things dramatically change. CPB objectives include: "Foster a PUBLIC media workforce that includes the DIVERSE backgrounds, talents, and experiences of the American people" ( Data show that there are NO Republican's working for NPR. It's not politically diverse. And NPR recently changed it's policies to allow political activism. This is a violation of public trust and federal guidelines for political neutrality) "Support initiatives and projects that extend the reach of public media to new and DIVERSE users and creators of content" ( NPR is only supporting Democratic and progressive initiatives and projects) " Work with public media address important local, regional, and national issues contributing to the national DIALOGUE." ( CPB supports NPR, where the term DIALOGUE is being used fraudulently. Dialogue requires two perspectives. NPR is now entirely one sided politically) "Support efforts to strengthen community engagement with DIVERSE organizations and institutions." ( The CPB must divest from supporting NPR, which is no longer National PUBLIC Radio. It should now be called National PROGRESSIVE Radio. This claim is based on my own personal observations over the last 20 years, but the best evidence for the claim I am making of fraud comes from Uri Berliner : Since I have written and called NPR numerous times about this over the last 5 years, and nothing has happened, I will now escalate this however I can. I would not be doing this to private media companies like CNN or MSNB ( or Fox, but obviously they are right wing nuts, not progressives). But CPB and NPR are violating the Public Trust !

Defunding NPR

After the story regarding NPR covering up the truth concerning stories related to the covering up the Hunter Biden laptop as well as pushing the Trump collusion fake news via Adam Shiff myself and many people like myself, I shall be pushing to stop all funding for NPR. NPR is a communist shill. Only 30 percent of current and former listeners have any faith in your reporting.


Wondering why any of my hard earned tax dollars would go to NPR when it has now been shown to be a fraud.


You need to cut off the funding for NPR! If they are going to be so one sided and believe Adam Schiff, they don't deserve any public funding!

DW news

New York
Brent Goff is cool. He is the only reason I watch DW news. The prior calumny about Mr. Goff's ability from some viewer who is obviously struggling to achieve his G.E.D. requirement is understandable, due to his insatiable penchant for whining. DW is a class act

Ayesha Rascoe need a speech therapist

North Carolina
We no longer listen on Sundays and decided to stop support for NPR. Would NPR hire an on-air personality whose presentation is 'white trash'?

Weekend Edition

I no longer can listen to Weekend Edition because of Ayesha Rascoe's voice. I think she has the worst sounding voice on radio and she should be moved to a research position. Get her off the air!

Lack of Coverage of 3rd Party Candidate Robert Kennedy Jr.

As a public broadcasting network, you are compelled to maintain a strict nonpartisan and nonpolitical stance in all its activities. Fulfill your charter please.

Honest coverage of RFK Jr. Campaign

New York
As the 2024 election cycle ramps up it is important to have a well informed public and honest coverage of those running. RFK Jr. Is a serious candidate in this race, however, mainstream coverage by outlets such as NPR tend to hyper fixate on out of context clips or other dishonest takes. Journalists need to realize what he is taking on - corporate capture of our government and government agencies. Instead of writing about pharmaceutical industries corruption, the media calls him anti-vax. The argument he makes is much deeper than what’s covered. I can say much more but will keep this brief Please have him on NPR or ensure a wider spectrum of journalists covering this extremely important matter. Our democracy depends on it.


Stop ignoring Bobby Kennedy, you corrupt bastards

Lack of nonpartisan reporting- excluding RFK Jr

You are leaving out coverage of RFK Jr and you are supposed to be nonpartisan and getting funding to be so. Shame on you. I use to be an everyday listener but no more. By the way, he has many good and solid things to say about gov't, policy, the Constitution, as well as, health, chronic disease, food, and the environment. For supposedly being a more "intellectual" thought org, I would think you would intensely interested to hear what he has to say.

Please report fairly

I do not feel like when I listen to NPR I'm getting all the facts. The tone is so ridiculous these days. Also, who haven't we heard from RFK? Or Trump? I get it, you don't like them, so what! This is public funded. We All deserve to hear it all. When you were on the first cares bill I know you were going to go way way off the mark. Could you please come back to normal, you were the best of the best at once point. Thank you DLM

Robert F Kennedy jr

North Carolina
As an American citizen, I request equal and fair coverage of all presidential candidates- including Robert F Kennedy Jr. Covering his amazing wins for the environment