Your Feedback

CPB seeks to make public broadcasting more accessible to the public it serves. To do so CPB maintains a toll-free, 24-hour telephone line (1-800-272-2190), an online contact form, and accepts letters sent directly to CPB.

All comments are available on this website to be viewed by the general public. Each year, by statute, CPB transmits this public link to the White House for its report to Congress. Additionally, comments pertaining to programming are shared with the CPB Board of Directors and relevant public media staff.




I watch Pinkalicious with my biracial granddaughter. One particular episode featured the little girl going to the hair dresser. After getting her hair done, Pinkalicious thanks the hairdresser by her first name. It may be coincidental that Pinkalicious is white and the hair dresser is black, but it made me very uncomfortable that this little girl would refer to the adult by her first name, without a title. Does Pinkalicious call all adults by their first name? I don't know but it seemed odd that she would refer to her African American elder by her first name. Perhaps I'm being overly sensitive, but I would hate to think that either Pinkalicious is allowed to call all adults by their first name, or perhaps just the black ones. This is Just a word of concern from the grandmother of a little biracial child who will have a whole world of prejudice to learn about. Hopefully she won't learn about it from PBS.

Note from CPB: Thank you for contacting the Corporation for Public Broadcasting (CPB). We welcome all comments about public media's content and services. However, CPB does not produce Pinkalicious or any other programming. If you have questions or comments about the show, please contact PBS at We have shared your concerns with WGBH and someone from the station will follow up with you.

Broadcast the Impeachment Hearing


As a “viewer like you” and a contributor not only to our local PBS station but to three public radio stations, I encourage PBS to broadcast gavel-to-gavel coverage of the upcoming impeachment hearing for the reasons as cogently expressed in the full-page ad published in today’s New York Times (and I presume in other newspapers as well). Regardless of one’s position on the matter, access to the information to be developed serves the very purpose for which public broadcasting was established and which is presented absent bias and spin.

Note from CPB: Thank you for contacting the Corporation for Public Broadcasting (CPB). Although CPB does not produce or distribute programming, we welcome all comments about public media’s content and services. Each local public broadcasting station makes its own programming choices, as CPB is prohibited from interfering with editorial decisions related to programming on local public television and radio stations.

Impeachment hearings


I agree with the call for pbs to broadcast these hearings in the evening, just like you did the Nixon hearings. Serve the public by allowing the majority of working Americans to watch these hearings for themselves! Please! Regular programming won’t forward democracy; these hearings will. Judy Johnson

Note from CPB: Thank you for contacting the Corporation for Public Broadcasting (CPB). Although CPB does not produce or distribute programming, we welcome all comments about public media’s content and services. Each local public broadcasting station makes its own programming choices, as CPB is prohibited from interfering with editorial decisions related to programming on local public television and radio stations.

Reception in my area


As of Friday, I have been unable to pick up your stations. Wonder if it's just me or problem in my area. Thank you!

Note from CPB: Thank you for contacting the Corporation for Public Broadcasting (CPB). CPB does not broadcast programming. Please contact your local station.

Upcoming Hearings on Impeachment


PBS rebroadcasting the hearings in prime time evening hours would allow working persons unable to see the morning broadcasts ( keeping commentary to a minimum) would be a service to our nation. Just do it!

Note from CPB: Thank you for contacting the Corporation for Public Broadcasting (CPB). Although CPB does not produce or distribute programming, we welcome all comments about public media’s content and services. Each local public broadcasting station makes its own programming choices, as CPB is prohibited from interfering with editorial decisions related to programming on local public television and radio stations.

The criminal Jamie Diamond


Gee seeing on your program allowing g him to speak about his helping Detroit is such bullshit. Why didn’t you ask him about his Rico charges or his gold fixing schemes. When did pbs become a PR puppet for Jamie Diamond?

Note from CPB: Thank you for contacting the Corporation for Public Broadcasting. We welcome all comments about public media’s content and services. However, CPB is prohibited from interfering with editorial decisions related to programming on PBS or local public television and radio stations. Your comments will have more weight if you contact PBS directly:

Impeachment Hearings

South Carolina

Thank you so very much for providing live coverage of the hearing today. It's vital that Americans get to see such events in real time without the filter of reporters / pundits, and only CPB was willing to do this on air and not just streaming. We live in rural SC without cable and with only limited bandwidth. Without your service, this important event would have been unavailable to us.

We are grateful for CPB, PBS, and WETV-Greenville, SC.

Note from CPB: Thank you for contacting the Corporation for Public Broadcasting (CPB). Although CPB does not produce or distribute programming, we welcome all comments about public media’s content and services. Each local public broadcasting station makes its own programming choices, as CPB is prohibited from interfering with editorial decisions related to programming on local public television and radio stations.

PBS News Hour Judy Woodruff

Over the years, I have been proud to support PBS. Public has always remained the important element. However, and especially during the PBS News Hour with Judy Woodruff, public has transcended into partiality. What happened to the second voice? With almost every airing, Ms Woodruff's reporting appears one-voiced. We miss Gwen Eifel, and would like to see and hear another opinion. Please give us balance once again. We don't all hate nor disrespect our President. Most all her stories suggest all Americans hate it's President.

Ken Burns Country Music series

We watched it every night and enjoyed it very much. Really in depth and compresensive. We learned many interesting tidbits and facts about many of the early countyry/ hillbilly/blue grass stars we'd heard of but didn't know much about. Thank you and Ken Burns for producing such wonderful mini-series.

Ken Burns 8 part 2 hour series - country music

Really enjoyed the Burns series. It was great. Did not miss any of the series. We were glued to our seats for each evening. Thank you for such a quality presentation. We love public tv.

Mark Shields


Lately, some news people have admitted that they spent too much time and placed too much significance on Hillary Clinton's email. Near the election, Mark Shields was very, very, very critical of her. He was not that extreme to Trump. It was infuriating and sexist. I wrote several emails at the time. He really needs to apologize. He said after the election, that he was just so surprised not taking any responsibility for the terrible things he said.

Note from CPB: Thank you for contacting the Corporation for Public Broadcasting. We welcome all comments about public media’s content and services. However, CPB is prohibited from interfering with editorial decisions related to programming on PBS or local public television and radio stations. Your comments will have more weight if you contact PBS directly:



have fun covering this impeachment because its boring already

Note from CPB: Thank you for contacting the Corporation for Public Broadcasting. We welcome all comments about public media’s content and services. However, CPB is prohibited from interfering with editorial decisions related to programming on PBS or local public television and radio stations. Your comments will have more weight if you contact PBS directly:

House of Rep

South Carolina

will CPB report that Adam Schiff is a witness in his own hearing?

Note from CPB: Thank you for contacting the Corporation for Public Broadcasting. We welcome all comments about public media’s content and services. However, CPB is prohibited from interfering with editorial decisions related to programming on PBS, NPR, or local public television and radio stations. Your comments will have more weight if you contact your local station directly.

election medling


The Newshour and Democrats are complicit in trying to slander President Trump and change the outcome of the upcoming election

Note from CPB: Thank you for contacting the Corporation for Public Broadcasting. We welcome all comments about public media’s content and services. However, CPB is prohibited from interfering with editorial decisions related to programming on PBS or local public television and radio stations. Your comments will have more weight if you contact PBS directly:

WNYC Morning Brief

New York

WNYC refuses to email me their Morning Brief after doing so for quite a while. I don't think a public entity should be doing this. Do you?

Note from CPB: CPB promotes the growth and development of public media in communities throughout the country by providing funding to NPR, PBS, local public broadcasting stations (both TV and radio). CPB, PBS, and NPR are independent of each other and of the local public television and radio stations across the country. CPB neither owns, operates, nor controls broadcast stations. To learn more about the Corporation for Public Broadcasting please visit: . You may visit for WNYC's Morning Brief.

PBS News Hour - 10/3/19


Very disappointed with comment from the US Attorney General (under Bush). I watch (carefully) news for content, not insult. Too much `noise' and very little `signal.' He insulted the co-commentator at the end of the interviews with " ... a lotta syllables in there but ... not a lotta substance." Please select commentators for interview who are mature enough to match the viewership.

Note from CPB: Thank you for contacting the Corporation for Public Broadcasting. We welcome all comments about public media’s content and services. However, CPB is prohibited from interfering with editorial decisions related to programming on PBS or local public television and radio stations. Your comments will have more weight if you contact PBS directly:

Judy Woodruff's Interview With Vice President Pence


Dear Ms Woodruff~ Thank you for such a truth searching interview with Vice President Pence. Your in depth probing of the truth was excellent. You effectively revealed that we have a President who is untruthful and a Vice President who echoes the same defect. What a sad state of affairs when lying to the American people has become so commonplace. It was obvious from your questioning the Vice President was untruthful. Pence's question avoidance as well as his spinning and tap dancing around your probing and revealing questions exposed his character for what it is....deceptive and intellectually insufficient!! Once again, thank you for exposing such an untruthful person. C. William Howe, Bath, Michigan

General programing


I do not listen much to NPR, but when I do, I always wonder why you as a corporation, lean so far left! Most legitimate news organizations give both sides of any given subject, and let the listeners choose how They feel and who/what they support! Federal money (my tax dollars) should not fund a fully left leaning organization!

Note from CPB: Thank you for contacting the Corporation for Public Broadcasting. We welcome all comments about public media’s content and services. However, CPB is prohibited from interfering with editorial decisions related to programming on NPR or local public radio stations. Your comments will have more weight if you contact NPR directly:


South Carolina

Its obvious that mainstream media including NEWSHOUR is attempting to drive down President Trump's approval rating with bias reporting. President Trump has not been found guilty of any crime. WE THE PEOPLE stand by our president, unlike NEWSHOUR, and will win the election.

Note from CPB: Thank you for contacting the Corporation for Public Broadcasting (CPB). Although CPB does not produce or distribute programming, we welcome all comments about public media’s content and services. Each local public broadcasting station makes its own programming choices, as CPB is prohibited from interfering with editorial decisions related to programming on local public television and radio stations. Your comments will have more weight if you contact your local public television station.

PBS news hour 4 oct 2019


Hi I would like to know the name of the artist and song you played on the section on Uighurs in China. It is very beautiful and I want to buy it. Could you please send me the information? Thanks in advance.

Note from CPB: Thank you for contacting the Corporation for Public Broadcasting (CPB). Although CPB does not produce or distribute programming, we welcome all comments about public media’s content and services. CPB does not produce Frontline. Please contact WGBH at