
Meet The Helpers

Wow what a wonderful opportunity for kids to know and learn about people who can help them in all different situations. My favorite Helper is the ALS Helper. That is extremely important for children who are deaf/hard of hearing. But all Helpers did a great job of explaining of how they can help.

Sunday Night Programing

I have been disappointed to hear the same old boring NPR talk radio on your station on weekdays and weeknights... So happy to hear what I would call the iconic WCMU music on Sunday Evening ... please expand that to all days and hours... E**c H*******z e********

Democratic National Convention

The PBS coverage of the Democratic National Convention was a disservice to American voters. Instead of broadcasting the entire convention live, PBS viewers were subjected to endless by the same old political analysts giving their personal views. Live coverage of the convention was dominated by these comments and the live coverage was only of the speakers, etc., that PBS decided was important for viewers. This coverage shows how completely out of touch PBS is with reality and a prime reason why PBS is ignored by the majority of Americans.

Judy Woodruff Resign

I used to respect her but she had just proven to be a total fraud, like all of the corporate media that parrots Democratic talking points.. Apologize and don't make excuses that others reported it. It did not happen that Trump tried to stop a cease fire and is an appalling failure.

Judy Woodruff

My tax dollars are paying the salary of one of your PBS correspondents, Judy Woodruff, who abused her platform by lying about former President Trump during a live on-air broadcast on Monday, August 19, 2024. Judy Woodruff has been quoted as saying, “our democracy is as strong as it is because we have a free press, because we have a press that is dedicated to getting answers and getting facts and ultimately the truth” and “When you use the word ‘lie’ you’re saying someone said whatever they said with intention to mislead, to misrepresent.”

Judy Woodruff

Liar! To say your egregious lie regarding communication between PM Netanyahu and Trump “was a mistake based on other wire services reporting” is a marvel of understatement. You abandoned journalistic standards and lied to smear a candidate and the PM. Then you lied again in trying to cover it up as a mistake. I used to be avid listener before all things “cpb” lurched to the far left. You should be defunded.

Judy Woodworth

Unbelievable statements about former President Trump and the Israeli Prime Minister...Trump wants War extended....Complete fabrications prior to the Presidential election seeks to create disinformation and lies, one can assume, to tarnish the former Presidents image. If you condone this type of Political bias and character assassination, I for one, will no longer monetarily support you. She should be dismissed !

Judy Woodruff

She should resign. Disgrace


you should be defunded you are a joke1

Prime Time Coverage of the DNC

Woeful wordy constant comments by obviously partisan talking heads that drown out any meaningful coverage of the proceedings. Less than 50of the broadcast lets voters see & decide for themselves what is being presented. I know Judy Woodruff, but only David Brooks brings a touch of balanced realism to his comments about the process or the whole electorate. Less commentary, more coverage is what is needed.