Grants Archive List

The Corporation for Public Broadcasting (CPB) seeks a highly respected, independent children's media scholar to write a policy brief that objectively analyzes and summarizes the overall results, findings, and collective lessons learned from the three U.S. Department of Education 2010 - 2015 Ready To Learn awards.
Deadline: Oct 08, 2015
Eligibility: Any qualified person or entity may apply.
CPB seeks the services of a creative producer to provide audio video content to advance CPB's priorities in education and journalism, as well as to support public media stations' work. The producer must be available upon short notice and will often be expected to provide the final product within a few days of receiving the assignment.
Deadline: Sep 25, 2015
Eligibility: Any qualified person or entity may apply.
The Corporation for Public Broadcasting (CPB) seeks to contract with a travel management company (TMC) that can provide a complete range of travel management services to meet the needs of CPB's travelers. The contract will extend for a period of three years, with the option, at CPB's sole discretion, to extend the term for two additional one-year terms.
Deadline: Sep 21, 2015
Eligibility: Any qualified person or entity may apply.
The Corporation for Public Broadcasting ("CPB") seeks a consultant ("Consultant") to facilitate a first-ever meeting of local/regional editorial leaders ("Editorial Leadership Meeting") to drive the momentum of collaboration to the next level: building a neural network of public media journalism. The Consultant must be a facilitator with significant experience facilitating large groups of 30 or more managerial-level participants with a wide range of differing views.
Deadline: Aug 14, 2015
Eligibility: Any qualified person or entity may apply.
The Corporation for Public Broadcasting (CPB) requests proposals from qualified and licensed construction general contractors to manage and complete the building of a new corporate meeting room for CPB.
Deadline: Aug 18, 2015
Eligibility: Any qualified entity may apply.
The Radio Station Collaboration Program ("SCP") is designed to support Community Service Grant ("CSG") recipients that have entered into collaborative or consolidation agreements with other CSG recipients to significantly increase the recipient's public service.
Deadline: Jul 21, 2015
Eligibility: Radio CSG Recipients who meet the qualifications detailed in the Grant Guidelines.
Successful applicants will be noncommercial public radio stations that provide significant public service programming to their communities. Stations selected to enter the Community Service Grant (CSG) program during CPB's FY2016 will need to meet all of the criteria outlined in the FY2015 Radio General Provisions and Eligibility Criteria (General Provisions).
Deadline: May 27, 2015
Eligibility: Stations who meet both the appropriate qualifications detailed in the Radio Community Service Grant General Provisions and Eligibility Criteria AND CPB's Audience Service Criteria.
The Corporation for Public Broadcasting's ("CPB") System Development and Media Strategy (SDMS) seeks a financial analyst ("Consultant") to review public television and radio station Annual Financial Reports (AFRs), Financial Summary Reports (FSRs), and Audited Financial Statements (AFS).
Deadline: May 07, 2015
Eligibility: Any qualified entity may apply.
The Corporation for Public Broadcasting ("CPB") will make matching grants of up to $50,000 to eligible public television licensees to help station management obtain the professional expertise and analyses needed to make informed decisions about participation in the planned FCC spectrum auction, and to engage boards and community members in strategic discussions about their options. This grant program is part of a multi-pronged effort by CPB -- the Supporting Healthy Stations' Spectrum Auction Planning Initiative -- that includes a series of informational webinars, spectrum auction decision-making tools and access to national spectrum experts.
Deadline: Mar 24, 2015
Eligibility: CPB Television Community Service Grant recipients in good standing
The Corporation for Public Broadcasting (CPB) seeks the services of a consultant(s) ("Consultant") who possesses expertise in evaluating satellite and fiber interconnection services for television and/or radio networks and the ability to provide a financial, business and engineering analysis of a proposed plan for future delivery of interconnection services to the public broadcasting system. Knowledge of the public broadcasting system is preferred.
Deadline: Feb 27, 2015
Eligibility: Any qualified person or entity may apply.