
Facilitator for Radio Community Service Grants Systems Consultations

The Corporation for Public Broadcasting (“CPB”) is requesting proposals from a firm or individual to facilitate a minimum of three and a maximum of five two-day in-person meetings in Washington, D.C. and a kick-off webinar. The goal of the meetings is to solicit input and recommendations from approximately 20 representatives of public radio stations and national organizations on possible changes to CPB’s Radio Community Service Grant (“CSG”) program.

Data and Policy Analyst for Radio and Television Community Service Grants System Consultation

The Corporation for Public Broadcasting (CPB) seeks to engage an Analyst to assist and advise CPB with a review of its Community Service Grant (CSG) programs for public television and radio stations.

Moderated Online Focus Group Project for Radio Community Service Grants System Consultations

The Corporation for Public Broadcasting (“CPB”) seeks to engage an organization (“Consultant”) to conduct moderated online focus groups (“Focus Groups”) of public radio station leaders. The Focus Groups will address questions concerning CPB’s Radio Community Service Grant (“CSG”) program.

Design and Production of CPB Annual Reports for FY 2016, FY 2017 and FY 2018

Graphic design and production of CPB FY Annual Reports for FY 2016, FY 2017 and FY 2018 as PDFs.

Corporate Space Planning and Architectural Consultation Services

To plan for the expiration of the office space lease in 2020, CPB wishes to consult with a licensed architectural firm to determine the amount, type, and location of office space appropriate for the organization.

Strategic Communications Advisor

The Corporation for Public Broadcasting (“CPB”) seeks to engage an organization(“Consultant”) to provide strategic communications advice to CPB regarding the structure and focus of its corporate mission and advancement of current initiatives.

Broadcast Engineering Services: Television and Radio Station Coverage Area Analysis

CPB is seeking proposals from broadcast engineering consulting firms (Consultant) with public television and radio expertise to provide coverage area analyses, contour overlap data, and demographic population analyses for public broadcasting stations receiving or applying for Community Service Grant (CSG) funding from CPB.

Strengthening and Systematizing CPB’s Information Processes

The Corporation for Public Broadcasting (“CPB”) seeks to engage an organization (“Consultant”) to help CPB staff improve its data collection and analysis.

Public Television Business Strategy Program Facilitation

The Corporation for Public Broadcasting (“CPB”) seeks the services of a consultant or firm (“Consultant”) to plan and facilitate a training program for public media leaders over a period of up to nine months.

Business and Media Strategy Consultant

The Corporation for Public Broadcasting (“CPB”), System Development and Media Strategy (MSTRA) is seeking a consultant to provide counsel and assistance on the issues facing the public television system, including the impact of the spectrum auction on system composition and public policy, changes in consumer behavior and content delivery technology, and evolving business strategies in a digital environment.